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Virtually Twisted - Secrets

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After his Twist, Jim and Megan are left alone in detention area. Megan's father arrives and a few secrets come to light.

Please follow this link to read this week's part or this one to read all parts.

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Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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If Not An Author, Then Perhaps An Activist?

I'm a mediocre writer at best, and that fact finally penetrated.

It does appear as if my passion is activism and I spend hours at it every day. Mostly, I blog under a number of different names, about Transgender and Intersex issues, but my real love is researching Belief and the Anthropology of its prehistory. Of course there is the inevitable interference with some Political or Environmental issue, but I won't even attempt to bring any of that in here.

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January 2019 Reader Retention Contest is Officially Over!

At least assuming we're not gonna see any entries from Japan/China.

As a reminder, everyone has until the end of February to do their reading and voting (these were a bit longer than your average contest entry story after all!) I'll announce contest winners at the end of the first week or so of March!

Thanks again to everyone who entered the contest. It's been really special to me seeing how enthusiastic everyone, both readers and authors, have been about this one, and I'm really glad we all did this together.

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Visiting old ghosts

Work has taken me to quite a few places over the last ten days, including Weymouth, Liverpool and York. I spent a little while in the last city looking at the spot where I sat Susie Lockwood, waiting to slide into the river, and where I once pulled an old man out in real life before writing him into my novel "A Longer War".

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Last Ep of Eureka Tonight!

Grace stepped into Café Diem, hoping for a quick bite with some friends for company. She searched out the little restaurant but no one was around, though she did see Vincent standing by a table with a girl sitting there glumly, her head resting on her arms, and her arms on the table.

It took a few moments for her to realize that the girl was Jack Carter, currently in his Melissa Benoit morph.

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Last two episodes of Eureka tonight and tomorrow night!

“Next on the news, we now turn to an unusual campaign going on in a small, sleepy Oregon town called Eureka,” Kris Haze said. “A small group of young women, who call themselves ‘Jack Watch,’ are waging a campaign to attract readers for a fan fiction story called ’Eureka: The Day’s Not Over, Yet.’

“To explain, we have on the line a young lady from the town, and her name is Dawn Cameron.

“Good morning, Dawn. Welcome to the show.”

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Virtually Twisted - The Naked March

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Jim awakens to find himself surrounded by onlookers, but as he becomes aware of his new, and very naked, female body he realized he has much bigger problems.

Please click here to read this week's part or here to read all parts.

This particular part of the story sparked the most debate of anything I've ever written. Looking back, I believe much of the criticism was warranted, but this time around I hope I've managed make this so called 'naked march' more plausible. Before leaping to conclusions please be assured there will be repercussions at the end of story that I hope will satisfy any of the remaining naysayers.

If you enjoy the story, please take the time to comment. You may also make use of the like buttons on my website.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:


Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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Cheerleader 8 : Summer Bridesmaid

What? Another book. My muse wouldn't let go. I hope everyone enjoys this new installment in the series.

Word count: Over 77,000 words

Summer Bridesmaid, the eighth book in the Lee Corcoran series, follows Lee Corcoran, who has just completed his freshman year in college at the University of Michigan. His life keeps taking unexpected turns.

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Reminder!!!! - 2019-01 Reader Retention Story Contest

Earlier today I read the latest part of "Flip" titled

Flip - Chapter 11 - Keen and a conclusion

Maeryn's entry to the 2019 January Reader Retention Story Contest.

When I went to hit the 'Thumbs Up\KUDO' button, I thought I'd check out if I had missed the KUDO on any of the parts of the story, and I DID.

So I reviewed all of the other stories I had read in the Contest and I found that I had indeed missed more than 15 over all of the parts of all of the stories I had read in the contest.

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TG Techie Blog: Blog 91

This site is such a pain to update on. And as a result I've got 7 chapters ahead on TGStorytime where I'm also posting it. Someone finally called me out on it.

So over the next week there's going to be a new chapter a day until we're all caught up. After that things go on a weekly schedule. There's a bunch of exciting things happening I won't spoil, and at some point soon the plot is going to make a brief appearance before it quickly goes away again.


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What to do with a Dead Story

I have a chapter and a bit of a story that I have probably abandoned for good. What I've got is edited, but my mojo for the story is dead (there wasn't much to begin with, just a cluster of "hah that'd be cool"s

Would it be worth posting what I've got to get people's feedback on the quality of the writing?

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BC Is a Silly Place

Big Closet is a silly place.

At times it seems to lack common sense.

In a world where its users are under harsh political attack Big Closet steadfastly refuses to engage. The logic behind that decision is anything but foolish.

Yet this is a silly place. Defying all economic logic – Big Closet continues to try to exist on donations, knowing full well that a large share of its users are indigent. Big Closet knows that BECAUSE a large share of its users are indigent it MUST exist on donations because a fee-based site would not be able to serve them.

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I have been silent for quite a while

Hi all,

I just realised that time is slipping ever faster past the normal 'ken'.

After my emergency surgery last September and the finalisation of my move from one country to another, I have been somewhat selfishly absorbed in many things.

New country, so new doctors. So new routines and new tests and checks.

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One last post for Morningstar

Okay with all the snow and such keeping me outdoors trying to keep a path open from the house to the car and the drive clear enough so the car can get in and out, I've been a bit busy. As the weatherman is predicting yet another storm to come through over night to dump more snow on top of the couple of feet we can't get rid of now, I had planned on posting the rest of Morningstar in one last single post.

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I have to drop out from the contest.

I've been pretty sick the last couple of weeks. Nothing serious but heavy dose of the flu then a cold right after and between that and Work being busy because literally everyone has this combo this year it's been all my spoons just to live through the basics let alone write stuff.

I will try to finish the story for the readers that liked it but it's unfortunately going on the pile of want to do stuff instead of the list of things I can do right now.

Sorry everyone.

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Jane -3- Brothers - Exclusive on Patreon

Jane is the story of a boy who discovers he is really a girl.

Exclusively for BigCloset Patrons on Patreon

Audie had always been a boy. But one day, doctors tell him, he's a girl. Can Audrey Jane and her family deal with this new life?

Time to break the news to her macho brothers.

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A quick question on deleting stories...

I'm having trouble finding out how to delete my stories from the site here. I've already figured out how to delete blog posts easily enough but deleting the story post eludes me. I'm trying to delete the double short-story collection entries so I can repost the stories individually but I can't find the option to. Would anyone be able to help me? Thanks in advance.

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The finale is coming!

”So,” Dr. Holly Marten said excitedly to everyone, “I was talking to Bobbi C just a few minutes ago…”

Douglas Fargo looked at her skeptically, one eyebrow raised. “Really,” he said dryly. “You just talked to Bobbi C.”

“Yes, I did, you doof,” she said, and elbowed him.

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A few months ago, a friend who has read several of my non-TG books asked me to write a screenplay for a seven-minute film.

It was quite an adventure culminating a few days ago when we shot the film.

The film was about a high school girl and her male coach. She had learned that he was considering a job opportunity. He had coached her for five years and would be leaving before her senior year. She was feeling sorry for herself and upset with him. They meet in a gym by themselves.

It was an amazing experience to see actors bring my words to life.

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One week left for contest entries!

Just a reminder to people that the last day to publish valid entries in the Reader Retention Contest is next Thursday at midnight (your local time.) If you have a story going you have one more week to finish it up: if you haven't started one yet, well, there's still time to pop out some 4-5k words and split 'em up and get 'em out there!

Just a reminder/update on how voting's gonna work this time around:

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Facebook Musings

A few days ago, I put a posting on Facebook somewhat in reaction to the latest SCOTUS decision. Transgender in the military is a major part of the story in “Soaring with Eagles”, the seventh novel in A California Saga, a series of nine novels that were originally posted on BCTS. I had to remove them when I published the books on Amazon KDP. I felt “Soaring with Eagles” was a good story. It required quite a bit of research.

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Virtually Twisted - It begins

Please follow this link to read this part
follow this one to read all four parts.

Eager to make full use of his incredible opportunity Jim begins playing with menu options despite Alex's protests. If he had known what was to follow, he wouldn't have been so enthusiastic.

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Your opinion, please

For those reading my current series, Just Friends?, I'd like some input about these specific topics: pacing, disclosure and interest. In the latest installment (part 5) I received some comments that gave me the impression that I was pacing this story a little slowly; that the continued non-disclosure of the problem Rick (one of the protagonists) is having is becoming maybe a little frustrating to the readers. So all of this has me wondering if the above might be causing some to lose interest in the story.

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I'm still around...

Sorry, but I haven't been around. I have a new notebook, after my old one crash, so I had to figure out what my password was. Anyway, I hope to have a few more of the stories up. I wrote one which had a few of effindumb's characters in it so I hope if he is around, he'll let me.If not, I'll have a change a few things before I post. Oh will...See you soon...

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