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Review: Dragon Princess by S. Andrew Swann

Dragon Princess by S. Andrew Swann (DAW, 2014) is a comedic fantasy novel with a transgender body-shuffle plot. Frank Blackthorne, a thief, is on the run from the government of one country, and flees to the neighboring country, where he’s recruited by a wizard to kill a dragon and save the princess he’s kidnapped. He objects that he’s a thief, not a hero, and the wizard responds by giving him an ancient sword with enchantments designed for killing dragons.

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These days, with all that's going on around us, I'm having a very hard time managing things, as I am sure some of you are also. Certain things are triggering me worse than I can ever remembering them doing. I promise, no drama, as much as I can manage it.

A close friend of mine sent me a short article that explains a bit, so perhaps it will help some of you also?

Much peace.



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Boy or Girl or Golden Retriever

I enjoy when authors share backstories of their work and creative process. I hope you enjoy my story of “How I Became Crossgender”, came about.

I started to try my hand at an ever popular, a nerdy boy discovers girl inside, conquers the world as a girl story.

I started what was tentatively called “Boy or Girl or Golden Retriever”. Mostly the backstory referred to, but with psychologist telling mom “The way you have raised them, they don’t know if they are boy or girl or golden retriever.” I got bogged down after killing off Jane (post-death discussions are not much fun).

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My muse is getting bad...

I'm just curious if any of you all deal with this kind of issue. I've been fighting off and on getting my muse to cooperate for awhile. I actually had a four day weekend thanks to work being slow and MLK day today. I thought oh my god I have four days to write, I can get a good portion of what's left to Alternative written out... One might think that, I mean I thought I could... When I first started posting stories I made myself a promise that I wouldn't actually start writing another story while I'm in the middle of writing another...

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Just posted the last part of Alone Togther

Just posted the last part. I hope everyone took the time to view the inserted videos. They truly were my inspiration for the story. They are very moving, the Sound of Silence pulled my heart as did We're not going to take it. Both are emotional and from the heart.

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I Dream of Jonni -9- Let's Make a Deal - Preview on Patreon

“Wish for some money,” I urged him.

The book told us a lot about what could and couldn’t be done with my magic but mainly it repeated in several ways that I was stuck. I was going to be female and under my master’s orders for as long as seventy years or more.

I didn’t feel nearly as bad about this as I thought I should. The idea of serving Travis by granting his wishes, magical and otherwise, appealed to me on some level I didn’t understand.

Maybe I really had become dumber. Sigh.

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about writing stories

I would like to talk about writing for a moment, if you guys dont mind.

See, I have a theory about my stories.

I dont think that writing is like a carpenter making a table, but rather like a woman giving birth.

For I believe my stories have a life of their own.

And my latest story is a good example of what I mean.

Because when I first conceived the idea, it was going to be a horror story.

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"Pleas" - I Want Some More

Over the last few days, there has been some discussion about Hits, Comments, and Kudos.

Years ago, a few authors did an extensive study on Fictionmania about what s seemed to make a story more popular.

They concluded that the single most important factor was story length.

It was suggested in a recent BS blog that there’s a formula of x% of hits for comments and x% of hits for kudos.

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Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

Sorry, that Tommy is a bit late. But, I've spent the past two days recovering from a computer problem. Luckily I caught, thanks to my computer guru, that my hard drive was about to die (things were running slower and slower) and I've been rebuilding my PC's applications on a new machine. Not a fun job, but that the Great Spirit for good backups.

The next chapter of Tommy should be out tomorrow.


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I am repeating the afterword to my story "How I Became Crossgender" because I feel this is a better location for discussing questions, I hope it raises. Is Charli(e) crossgender? What is the danger/advantage of a cis-gender person pretending to be crossgender? What should the role of mental health professionals be?


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Most Science Fiction is True. :(

I really like reading Science Fiction and T fiction as long as the story is well written and does not beat the T aspect to death.

Archeological and Anthropological research is very interesting, especially in respect to the artifacts of Iran, an Central and South America. Lately it has become abundantly clear that most Science Fiction written in reference to those areas is likely true. "Prometheus" the Movie is especially troubling.


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Update on Karen Lockhart - 1.16.2019

I received a report from Karen's cousin Sue today and I'm pleased to report that she is improving in health and has been moved to a rehab hospital. Sue will be taking in her laptop and cell phone on Thursday so she should soon be able to contact her friends again. We can hope that our thoughts and prayers have been answered

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Thank you all for the comments. Let me assure you that if I continue to get comments like this, there will be more.

I see many of the authors here begging for comments. I know it is very demoralizing not receiving comments. Many of us fledgling authors need encouragement, not demoralization, so please readers comment more, not just on mine, but on all the stories you like or feel you could help make better. And PM if you don't want it in public or it might embarrass the author. You might make a friend, and you can never have too many friends.

Hugs, Cheryl

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Cheerleader 7 College: Fresh Spring #1 New Release #1 Book on Amazon Teen&YA LGBT

Cheerleader 7 College: Fresh Spring

Almost 90,000 words

The seventh book in the Lee Corcoran series was released a few weeks ago.
I want to thank everyone who has read the book and pushed it to #1.
I have gotten a lot of good feedback on the book and the series as a whole.

This book follows Lee Corcoran, a freshman in college during his spring semester at the University of Michigan whose life is not going totally as planned.

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Burning Bright

Every time I post a new book on Kindle, I have a lot people asking me on site what happened to this story or that. I thought I'd get in front of this time and tell everyone that I unpublished Burning Bright from the site because I just put it up on Kindle. I'll try to have a link for it up as soon as its officially published.

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Welcome to Magee's

As I said in my last blog entry, I've been asked on occasion to post a story here on Big Closet that I'd posted elsewhere.

I recently was looking at a story that I wrote some years ago that was set in a neighborhood bar called "Magee's Irish Pub." The story included some fancy layout that gave the folks at FictionMania a bit of a problem.

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Another Nag

So where are the comments?

I posted my story "Choices" about a week ago. It's an old story, I admit, but I have been asked several times in the past, to post stories here that were already posted elsewhere.

Some years back, I was asked to write the 8,000th story for FictionMania. Instead of one long stories, I wrote right short one. "Choices" was one of those eight. It was an attempt to write a TG version of the classic tale "The Lady or the Tiger."

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Artificial Intelligence and Some Questions For Y'all

I’m working on NeverWorld, a sci-fi future story and I’m trying to design an Artificial Intelligence that would narrate part of my story and be the one who runs NeverWorld, an alternative interactive world.

I've written down some questions and hoping to start a discussion here, if anyone has the time. Here are my thoughts.

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The Cynthia Chronicles Time Line

I have received several suggestions lately to create an index or a list showing the proper order for the stories in “The Cynthia Chronicles.” Quite frankly, I don’t have the skill to put the stories in the proper order that might show in a side bar. I also create a problem by not necessarily writing the stories in chronological order. I did, however, create a time line in order to keep track of events in the series. Sometimes I catch temporal errors, sometimes I don’t.

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Further update on Karen/Kevin

Hi Everyone,

I'm sorry to report that the news on Karen Lockhart (Kevin) is not good. He is still in Intensive Care in hospital. After a brief time out in a general ward he had to go back to ICU. As before, your prayers and thoughts are appreciated. He knows that his friends in BC are thinking of him, and appreciates the good wishes you are sending.


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Chilling Experience

Balmoral is the last story I published.

I was re-reading it to provide a diversion, and had gotten to a place in the story where the Heroine of the story, a military combat Veteran, is sending a cryptic message to friends that she has served with in military actions in the Middle East. These friends had a very private secret code they used to get around red tape that prevented their smooth functioning of their duties. It was clear to our protagonist at the time that they were about to be attacked by the bad guys.

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What should I do?

I've been busy (slowly) writing a story and with real life but I promise that I will indeed write the next chapter in Neko Necro and the follow up sequel to Soap. But in the meantime I was wondering if I should separate the stories in my double short story collection. Since it would affect you readers, I thought the decision to should be left up to you. Would it be easier separating them into their own posts so you can read the story you want without having to scroll past the one you don't? Or is it fine as is and continue this with other short stories in the future.

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Virtually Twisted - The Stuff of Nightmares

Please click here to read this week's part. Click here to read both parts.

Jim's dreams take a rather disturbing twist as he grapples with the question, "Who is my father?"

Second part is up! This one's almost double length.

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the history of Solomon's Test

I hope you guys don't mind, but I'd like to give a little background on my story, Solomon's test.

See, the story is actually the 2nd oldest story I have published here.

(The first, if you're curious is called "Six Forty-Five")

See, way back in my teens, I started fiddling with the idea of becoming a writer, and wrote down some story titles I felt I could expand into full stories. And, as I had recently become a fan of super hero comics, one of those ideas involved creating a hero of my own.

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So many stories!

Holy cow!

Thank you SO much everyone who's already chipped into the new contest! Wow! I've already got a ton of stuff to read, and I still haven't finished all the entries from the LAST contest (sorry Angie!)

Y'all're all awesome :)

Melanie E.

PS: Call it a bit of ego, but I was thinking of running a Henry Harrelson's Custom Fit Boots contest for March if there was enough interest: otherwise I'd come up with something else. Opinions?

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Bob Arnold Zapped missing chapters (Found thanks)

I've just read and fallen in love with Bob Arnold's Zapped. Unfortunately the last few chapters seem to be missing.

There is a comment that the remaining chapters are on his stardust site, however the site is under construction. Is the site expected to come back up, or does anyone know where I can find the final chapters?

Any help is appreciated.

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