In reference to a comment, I made earlier, I would really find it interesting to see the Top 5 stories read, of other people here on the BC page.
There Is one story here that I have to say is my ultimate favorite.
And that would be 'A Blank page' by Flummox
The use of art in this story drew me completely. Many a time when I have been totally under the weather I would return and read parts of this to cheer me up.
Here is the rest of the list. In no particular order because there is very little that I can say make them less or more a favorite of mine.
A Ghost Of A Chance Book 1 & 2 by SamanthaK
Book 01 of the Winnisimmet Tales: Someone Who Cares by efindumb ( well If I may cheat on my self here, the whole series really)
Amadeus Irina by Shauna
Who the hell am I? Book 1 & 2 Savannah Maun
And then there is two that has not been completed yet
Mother and Daughter by Debbie V
Better Than The Alternative? by Rebecca Jane
So share with me your ultimate favorites, it could sure help all of us find some amazing stories to read.
Speaking of Rebecca Jane...
She hasn't added to Better Than the Alternative in three months.
A problem?
Red MacDonald
The problem is my lack of time these days... I’ve been working 6 days a week since mid February and softball season started in full swing mid January. My daughter is a senior and was voted one of the team captians... Which ultimately led to me being pulled into a more active roll than I was last year...I’m usually running full speed from the moment I wake up around 5:30AM and rarely get to finally sit down any earlier than 9:30 at night :( and then all I want to do is fall into a coma till I have to do it all over again.
I deeply apologize for the delay, but I promise that I have NOT abandoned the story. Just no time to sit in front of a keyboard as of late.
Becca C.
I know I’m weird. The fact that I’m trans is probably one of the more normal things about me.
I smile whenever a blog similar to this comes up.
Since many of the wonderful stories here have gone to print, I can't put them in the category of 'stories on the BC page'. For the most part, I'd say you can't go wrong with reading any of the BC retro classics. There are a few that I always go back and read through.
1. Being Christina Chase - Admiral Krunch. This story is timeless.
2. Modern Bride - Czolgolz (Though Presto Chango is wonderful too)
3. The Might-Have-Been Girl - Bronwen Welsh (oh... just keep reading the rest of the trilogy...)
4. The Pawn - TGFictionStv - (The Black Ring series is good too)
5. The Scholarship - JulieO
The ones you mentioned are wonderful, but these I've read, reread and continue to enjoy...
Thank you for your list.
I have read 3 of those already.
Numbers 1, 3 and 5, will check out the other 2 asap.
Thx again.
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill
Mantori, I am deeply humbled... Thank you for that amazing comment. I hate that life is pulling me away from writing at the moment. I do promise to work on this in what little spare time I have.
Again thank you so much.
I will have to agree with you about A Blank Page... I’ve read that story around six to seven times so far, and it STILL gets to me each and every time...
Becca C.
I know I’m weird. The fact that I’m trans is probably one of the more normal things about me.
Yes, I am in tears...
... every time I reread it especially the moment Rayne's grandfather goes off on his religious rant.
I just hope that this amazing story gets a second book. I really would love to see where Rayne ends up, and of course how she actually gets there. I have been so tempted to write a second book myself, but I know I could never do the character or the story as a whole justice ...
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill
there are so many good stories here
I dont think I could pick just 5. there are 49 stories on my bookmark page, and that's with me only picking one per author.
I have to agree
I have to agree with Dorothy. Especially with all the sub-genres we have available here. There are just too many to choose from and my selection would change depending on what type of story I am into reading at that moment, Action, Romance, Comedy, Magic, Sci-fi, etc.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
True, it could be...
... difficult to pick out 5 in a sea of possibilities.
I have read close to 700 stories here on BC, and about another 400 on TG Story time, but there will always be those few that stand out, the same goes for favourite movies or songs or anime watched. With anime series and movies, I have watched close to a 1500, and can pick out without fail my top 5... but hey, may that is just me...
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill
Great stories
I've got several directories on my pc (and multiple backups as well). I put the stories into MS Word and correct typos/spellings/etc. For my own use though I'd be happy to send any copies to the authors. There are so many truly amazing stories here. Thank you all for writing them!
When they are "Kindle-ized" I always buy those books as well.
it sounds like you have plenty on your plate.
Congrats to your daughter. I loved softball - the hot corner.
I sure you look forward to the time when your schedule is less hectic. Whenever that occurs, we will all be pleased to read the next chapter.
Best wishes.
Red MacDonald
My Must Read Five BC Stories Every Year
First I have to say I have not included Maddy Bells Gaby stories as I came to them via Kindle or Frances Penwiddy's Footprints in the Sea series as they are again something I read via the Kindle store.
My BigCloset five that I read every year are:
A Love So Bold by Anon Allsop
Being Christina Chase by Admiral Krunch
Firefly: Connecting Flight (& the rest of the Firefly stories) by Randalynn
Sarah Carerra by Megan Cambell
Almost A Girl by Barbie Lee
I love each one of these stories, all are quite different from each other and if you have not read any of them they are well worth your time.
Hard time of it for the top 5
Two come to mind first, "The Station's Late Night Princess" by Alecia Snowfall and "The Seasons of Bailey" by Taylor Ryan
Both sagas with a slice of real life. Believable story lines, though not always pleasant in the telling, gripping in the way they unfold.
After that, comes two by the same author. "The White Chapel Horror" a great adaptation of Sherlock Holmes and sci-fi into a TG tale and "Kimberly's Summer Vacation" by Valenina Michelle Smith. Sadly, Kimberly's Summer Vacation is unfinished and Tina has been taken from us, so there will be no more.
As for the fifth??? "Kelly Girl" by Wanda Cunningham.
I'm a dine and dash reader. That is I rarely read on line. It's an old dial-up habit to cut and paste stories into my word processor. Done so as to free up the telephone line. Now that I have DSL it's not that big a deal, but I persist. Over the years, I've collected literally thousands of stories. So picking out five favorites is really impossible. What I've listed is really not a result of any kind of real consideration, but just what popped up in my mind and really are in no particular order of preference.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Some of my favorites.
I have read both The Station's Late Night Princess and Kelly Girl many times. Good choices.
I Don't Think...
...I've tried to do a Top Five or Ten list since 2012 or thereabouts. (There was discussion about a Best of BigCloset book about then, which never materialized.)
I'd still include Sarah Lynn Morgan's "Samantha" as my favorite in the medium length category, and Tiffany Shar's Dollar Runaways as my favorite long story. Karen J Taylor's "Happiness and a Warm Gun" was on my list; so was Valentina Michelle Smith's "Jury Duty". Angharad's Totally Insane is my favorite (basically) completed serial. I guess that makes five.
I've recommended Thliwent's Going There and Back Again, from a little later (2014), a couple of times here. It's a complete novella but since it was broken up into ten parts it can't come up in the Random Solos, and since it's the only thing ever posted under that byline, one can't get to it because they're reading something else by the author.
The Sleether/Draflow collaboration, She of the Jade Skirt (2013), was so gory that I haven't gone back to read it again except for the happy ending. But I'd definitely put it in my personal top ten.
A really off-the-wall choice, and one I probably shouldn't make: "Tortilla Flats Ghost Story" (2012), by Kaptin Nibbles, since he (aka Pablo Sands) doesn't seem to have left it or anything else posted after he changed screen names again. It's my impression that I was the only one here, the author included, who found the story exceptional.
One of my favs
continues to be Morpheus's "The Karma of Serenity"
I believe...
... I'll throw my hat into the ring and then see what happens;
1. Wolfjess' Justice series,
2. efindumb's Winnisimet series,
3. Snowfall's Lyssa Kordoney series,
4. SaraU.K. series You have it all wrong series,
Last and not least I will give a tribute to an AMAZING writer who has inspired many writers, Bob Arnold and his Zapped series!
I know you asked for a single story, BUT, to pick one out of the many series of stories the many stories written by the talented authors that contribute their hard work to BC is very hard. Thus the series I mentioned. I hope I have not insulted ALL of the TALENTED writers that I did not mention. In my mind you are all WINNERS!
Thank you all so much...
... for adding you favorites here.
Quite a lot of these that you have mentioned I have completed, but those that I have not, I am sure to check out.
I have to say that I personally do not read a lot of fantasy / body swap / magic stories, I mainly read real life stories that are possible and relatable. Maybe it is time I ventured into other genres to see what they have to offer.
Thx again.
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill
My top 5 is.....
rather unique. These are in no particular order as I like these all roughly the same.
1. Tiffany Shar’s Standing up to Life series- Sadly we never got anything past the 3rd book with this one and it doesn’t look like we ever will as Tiffany has been nowhere to be seen for quite some time now.
2. Tanya Allan’s Emma- This one makes me cry happy tears every time I read it because of how the main character develops during the story.
3. Shauna’s Christmas Twins- For those that haven’t read this story you need to give this one a look. It’s a very unique story in how it develops and is actually quite satisfying to read.
4. Zoe Taylor’s Magic of the Kingdom series - This one is just a fun one to read. A janitor tries on a costume and ends up becoming the actual fairy in the park? How cool is that!
5. Jennifer Sue’s A Summer’s Odyssey series - To any of you who may not have seen this absolute gem because of how old the first book actually is. I suggest you look it up and give all the books a read. They are wonderful to read and are an absolutely amazing story.
5 VERY LONG Stories
These stories/series are among my favorites. I'm excluding Being Christina Chase, since it has been mentioned.
1. Julie O. 7 stories in one series. Fresh Start 1 & 2, continuing to Coeds, 1-5. Anything by Julie O. is exceptional.
2. SaraUK - You Have it All Wrong. Over 4000 pages. A great story.
3. Crystal: 2 stories. Texas Gal (Incomplete), 1159 pages.
4. Crystal: I Can't Go Home Like This (Incomplete) 881 pages.
5. Penny Lane. Somewhere Else Entirely. 3001 pages, a great ending and is pure science fiction, with a tg element.
If I could add a 6th, Dancing on Daddy's Shoes by Mark McDonald, 421 pages.
nobody's mentioned
nobody has mentioned Cyclist, Drea DiMaggio, Bailey Summers, Shadowblade, or Tels yet, so let me do that. You could also check out my modest contributions too.