Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

Reality Can Be Disappointing at Times

Reality is a bitch. As many of you know, my Cynthia Chronicles series of stories take place in New England. Bridgeport, CT; Hartford, CT; Boston, MA are some of the main locations. Bridgeport is the home of Cynthia Lewis/Brewer, and it seems the town and area is frequently visited by the SRU Wizard. His Wisdom took a special liking to Cyndy, her friends and families.

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Virtually Twisted - Tribulations

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Things are tense for Calista as she makes another fuel stop. What will become of her when she is met with fear and suspicion?

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Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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writing prompt

here is a little writing prompt: Two police entered the bus station. One seemed too young, an impression mostly given by the fact his uniform is too large for him. The other had grey hair and wrinkles, but carried himself with confidence and strength. The younger officer opens a locker, and strains to pull out a duffel bag. The older officer unzips the bag, revealing it is stuffed with cash. The younger man swallows, and says, "We're gonna get killed for this, arent we?" The older man replies, "Probably."

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What Are Facts?

Have you ever heard the story about how AARP got started?

Here's a recap.

One night, about a decade ago, I was having an enjoyable dinner out with another insurance executive. He was the founder of several large insurance organizations including two large reinsurance companies. He was a serious-minded person who had a solid reputation.

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Virtually Twisted - The Road

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On the road, Calista makes her first stop for fuel. Will she find met with kindness or will she be driven off again?

Please click this link to read this week's part or this link will display all current and previous parts.

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Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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Bullies & Drugs [Drew Leighton #4] on Amazon

Released a few days ago. This is the fourth book in the Drew Leighton Series.

Drugs are being sold and used around small children or at schools across the US.

Reasonable people, adults or even youth feel betrayed when the business of drugs endangers children or safe places like schools.

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a big thank you

just wanted to give a big public "thank you" to everyone who sent me revisions/corrections o my story. I'm working my way through them now, and I believe the story will be better for it.

Again, thanks, and huggles to commentator, Eric, Xtrim, and Patricia Marie Allen for their assistance, and Qmodo who also volunteered.

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Spring - A love/hate relationship!

I've always loved spring, when I no longer have to don a coat, scarf and gloves to go outside. No more scraping thick layers of ice off the windshield, car doors frozen shut (or the latch frozen so it will not shut after opening). Sitting outside on the front porch plucking away at notes on my guitar or banjo while sipping on a cold adult beverage. Although this spring the little one is determined that I should only practice the violin so we can practice together, but hey it's music and fun.

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Time again to open wallets and purses.

Well, I guess it's time for me to get back on my soapbox and pontificate a bit.

Erin is worrying herself into sickness or worse andit's up to US to alieviate her worries a bit. For those who regularly contribute thank you SO much. You are the backbone of the financial help for Erin and Top Shelf. Again, thank you, from my heart.

Now... for the rest of us. Folks, I live on a VERY limited budget and I KNOW how hard it is to try to pry an extra buck or two loose from a wallet or purse that seems welded shut... but consider this.

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Cheerleader 9: Now College Sophomores

I know many of you already have read this one, but I wanted to make sure everyone was aware.
I have been in the middle of some personal issues for the last few weeks and I apologize for not posting something earlier.
This is the 9th book in the Lee Corcoran series. There will be more.
Thank you everyone for your support.
Remember to click on the referral links so Doppler Press gets credit.
Don't forget to leave reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.

Word Count: 102,500+

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House of Blue Light

Good golly Miss Molly -- depression seems to be quite common within our ranks.

Yesterday, I had to have an eye exam to please the State of Minnesota so that I can drive the two or three thousand miles a year I put on my relic VW. On a whim, I asked the optometrist if there was anything to the "myth" of blue light impacting sleep.

Wow! He went from Mr. Quiet Conservative to Son-of-a Preacher-Man in a nano-second. The next ten minutes was a steady stream of melatonin-talk.

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Angel of Haven

I just passed 30k words on the next Angel story. I'm aiming for 50k.

Note, though, that my writing schedule is irregular just now. I went to ConGlomeration last weekend (will post a link to the photos after I upload them to Flickr) and my sister is currently in town visiting. I will be at MarCon next month. Also, it's (shudder) yardwork season. :-)

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Sorry for the delays

Hi everyone,

Sorry for not posting any of my stories for the last few weeks. Both me and my husband Paul have been extremely busy. We are the Faculty Advisors for two of the local high schools’ 4H clubs. As a few of you already know Paul and I are the advisors for the Dressage teams. We have been out of town at the Mid Atlantic Reginal High School Dressage Competition. We’re extremely proud of how well the two teams preformed. Now that I’m home I’ll be back to my usual posting schedule. (hopefully)

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A place to discuss ideas

Looking for a place to springboard ideas, and not limited to tg related items. As much as I like the community there are stories that I would like to discuss but also afraid of sharing. Why? Because its could lead others to snatch the one doing the work to later snatch the idea itself. No I'm not suggesting all, but like many of the stories posted and then published by some other...well you get the idea.

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Piecing together the shit show that is Angela's Legacy

H'okay, so, here are the cliff notes:

Angela was called away by the Seelie council to investigate the disappearance of Eustace (the Armadillo). After she and Anabelle left, something went wrong - we're not sure what because no one is telling the main character anything.

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Virtually Twisted - Double Posting

A double posting this week. I hope you all enjoy.

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When they awaken the next morning Calista and friends discover that trouble has once again found its way to them.

Please click this link to read both parts or this link will display all current and previous parts.

Please consider commenting. Not only will it help encourage me to continue, it might afford you the chance to influence future parts.

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Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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Well I can still say that, at least as of Chapter 16 of Curtain Fall, I’m still having a blast telling the story! It’s fun to bring a world into focus. I also suspect, however, that the last chapter was a bit darker than some were expecting. In some ways I’m strangely pleased that my revelation of one of the ancient weapons appalled many of you. I do hope that it won’t push you away though.

The next chapter hopefully backs away from such a bit and I can show that even the villain is more than just a “Snidely Whiplash” cartoon.

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Ready to Arc?

To put it simply, writing Angela's Legacy has been a god damn roller coaster. I've spent an abusurd amount of time developing these characters in my head, especially Meredith who was kind of a cookie cutter bitch at the beginning. I've gotten a lot of negative feedback, a lot of positive feedback, and one person in my inbox who has informed me that they hate my story because they were sworn to fight fairies in Morocco or something. I don't think they were kidding.

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Story Backup

Over the years I have experienced the loss of many of my stories due to the failure of storage media. Lately, I've tried to back things up with portable USB Hard Drives, and Thumb Drives, and all seem to fail eventually. A Story that I started back in the late 70s is still with me because the whole thing was printed out on a Dot Matrix Printer. I hope to eventually get back to work on it.

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I'm sorry but the next chapter of Hello won't be posted today. I'll try to get it up tomorrow but more than likely it won't be until the end of the week if at all this week. I got behind in writing and I like to have a buffer of at least two chapters before I post. I only have 2 more chapters of this story written. I don't want to fall behind or have a large lull in the story.

Sorry again :(.

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how do I update a story

I want to know how we handle updating a story here. I know theres an edit function and I can do it that way. But If I do then its been all weekend, hardly anyone will see it then. Is it allowed to make a new post when I do it. I realized that I made some major mistakes in the first posting. Some major palm faces that will require some major rewriting.

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Bear with me guys

Okay, I know I probably have fans of Woodcrest, Makayla, and wtf ever else I write, and you're probably wondering why the stories have stopped. Simple answer: I burned out. It's not forever, I just need like a week, I swear. There are some stories that are easier for me to write right now, like Dark Pantheon, I could do that all day. Allison's Test is where I'm running into trouble - it's just not sounding right.


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A Little Help Please?

I can change a clutch on a 50 Ford hay truck, give shots to an ailing farm animal, and change a 300 HP 3 phase electric Motor, but I find computer software to be intimidating.

I'm encouraged and inspired enough to finally finish a story that I started in 2009, Hala's Snow Day. Cowgirl Hala, 2016 was the sequel to it, and I have the rest of it sitting on my Hard Disk in various states of completion. My list of published stories is a right mess and I am sorry for that.

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It Ain't Good English

I took a break from my writing -- yes, I am still writing -- to read the reviews of some of my older stories.

In SF fandom, they used to say that the "coin" of fandom was the "egoboo", something that boosted one's ego. I guess that was what I was doing collecting egoboo.

I noted that a number of (annoying) comments were about my use of grammar and spelling. I plead not guilty -- mostly.

I don 't post examples of proper English. I post stories.

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