Yes I know its a day early but with the whole reclamation thing going on tomorrow I thought early rather than late.
Date Night of course follows on from Saturday Night, there's food and then there's - nope, you'll have to read it to find out!
Everything is in place for tomorrow, help, van, packing materials and hopefully enough space to put everything. I actually feel kind of sad, it may not have been much but it was my not much for over 30 years and whilst I can't claim that its full of great memories it did allow me to do my own thing, when and how I wanted. Chances are that i'll never be in one place that long again and of course there will be stuff that will never get unpacked again, sad but true.
There isn't a clock ticking exactly but I know my current accommodation is only temporary, i'll not be thrown out but the welcome won't be long.
So that's that, enjoy the (early) chapter.
Bon chance,
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