The Good and the Bad

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The sewer in my basement has backed up... again! Fortunately, I managed to catch it pretty early and nothing important inside the house is damaged, but I did have to go to the laundromat to wash all the clothes that got sewage on them... NOT FUN! The last time it backed up, a lot of stuff got thrown out and nothing important is stored down there. Unfortunately, this time the back up was caused by the main sewer line collapsing. Which means I can't use my toilet or shower or really use any running water at this point. I took off work to deal with this mess, and have had to run to a nearby store to make use of the facilities. The one good thing, at least for me, is that I rent and it my landlord who is paying for the repairs.

In other news, I did find a job and it will come with a bit of pay bump. I will be starting at the beginning of April so at least I have that going for me. On that note, I may have to change my posting schedule for the weekly serial to evenings instead of mornings. I would prefer to keep it as is, but my new work schedule is going to make that fairly difficult, but I will have to cross that road when I come to it.

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