Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

The loop... you are in it...

Okay... to keep you all in the loop. Still having issues, which is still causing me creative issues. I already have the first eleven chapters plotted enough for me to write... if I would stop hurting long enough to finish 2 and go from there. I am not dragging my feet here, I am being held hostage by my kidneys. Once they get over their bad selves in hopefully a week and a half at the most(fingers crossed) my discomfort should fade enough to stop being an issue.

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What is good writing?

What is good writing (or good reading). I am a voracious reader, that doesn't mean that I will read anything. Even with the same author depends on the genre, sometime a slight genre change is enough to make me drop some books (for example I like later works of Peter James but don't like the early stuff). How many of us really like those acclaimed writers like Nobel prize winners? I like a few and give majority a wide berth!

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Giving up writing

I'd like to apolagise to all the readers here at Top shelf for having to put up with my stories for all this time. I've noticed a drop in the number of people reading my stuff, but I never realised that my writing was redundant and mundane. until it was pointed out to me in a comment, so I'll just stop writing and let other people that can write fill the space instead.

I'll be telling Sammi to post the parts she has left for the three stories that are on going, but after that there will be no more from me.



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Has anyone else had an luck trying to get to story site? None of the bookmarks I had, and used to check it twice daily, are working since early yesterday. I don't know if the two different servers she was using are both out, or if she didn't pay the bill, or if she decided to just pull it since there was no evidence of activity in 3 years. She said she was working on it, but......

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20,000 Reads

I just refreshed the my stories page and noticed that Chapter 1 of My Mistake has received 20,000 reads. If someone would have told me that it would eventually receive that when I first posted it in 2008, I wouldn't have believed you...

Thank you to all of the people that have read it and left comments. Rest assured that another chapter is coming soonish...


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Female Warriors With Clothes

Finally I have found an author who writes stories with female protagonists who wear clothing! When I was writing, I wanted some art work with female warrior and all I could find is shapely hot women holding sword like it vegetable chopping knife.

I look forward to seeing this:

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Kit and Kin info and stuff

Okay... I have the majority of the 2nd chapter of K&K written but I need to finish it off and edit it before it might come out. Problem is... some more health issues, namely more of the same, as my kidneys are hating life and I still have loads of gravel and residual pain. So... there will be some delay.

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not going to happen soon, but...

I'm about 85,000 words into a new novel, which I think will top out around 100-120,000 words. I gave my editor, Geoff, the pick of three 30-40,000 word stories he thought I should expand upon about seven years ago, and he chose one entitled "A Turn of the Cards" as being the most promising.

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about "Cindy's Choices"

As most of you know, I like to try different things with my writing, some work, some dont. With my latest piece, I wanted to create an interactive story, where the readers would determine what happens next. Based on the number of kudos, I'd say it didnt come off as well as I could have hoped.

Ah, well.

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about "Understanding Rachel"

Just wanted to share a bit about my latest piece, "Understanding Rachel". It came about as I was on the phone with Tels, and suddenly I looked at how I was sitting. Without thinking about it, I had slipped into a very feminine posture. Even my mom noticed, and started calling me a teenage girl. So after my phone call, I started writing it down, and the story just flowed from there. I hope you all enjoyed it, and thanks to those who have commented.

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my first 1000 read story! And some thank yous!

So yesterday I took a look and my story, "Ithycca: Chapter 1," had reached 1000 readers. It's kind of a big moment to me. I'm so happy people are reading and commenting on my stories and appreciating what I do.

I've not been a member long- nearly two months. So to become a beloved and respected member here is really a blessing. I wanted to give out my thank yous. And, just ahead of time, if I don't personally name you, that doesn't mean I appreciate you any less!

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Interesting number

I just noticed my kudos count was 66666, dunno if it has any esoteric meaning or not, not that into numerology or Gematria. On a purely superficial level, I presume it means one or two folk like my offerings.

For everyone who's sent me a kudos, many thanks.


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Karin Bishop's "Role Of A Lifetime" on Kindle

My new book, "Role Of A Lifetime", should be available at Amazon in the next few hours. They've assured me the glitches I saw in the preview aren't there, so I have to trust them.

And trust you! For those of you who commented and wrote me that you prefer Kindle versions, please let me know if your copy is okay. If you've read my other books, you have them for comparison, for formatting, table of contents, and so on. The general look of the thing. If there's anything amiss, I'll fix it.

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Question to you all

Quick question to you all: Should I post the first chapter of my DRU story now or should I wait until I have several chapters done first? The first chapter is already done and edited, ready to go. So, you all let me know what you will prefer and I will post as you will.

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New Karin Bishop Book! Role Of A Lifetime

There is a new Karin Bishop book: "Role Of A Lifetime"

It's available now in all formats at Smashwords here (some folks have complained about Smashwords being tough to navigate):

Having a little difficulty with the Amazon Kindle version, but should have things ironed out there in a day or two. In the meanwhile, Kindle versions are available at Smashwords, as well as EPUB, PDF, and other formats. And it's only $4.99!

Here's the synopsis:

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Change of plan...

Meh. I had originally intended, and openly written about, calling chapter 49 of Somewhere Else Entirely "A Day of Ceremonies". Fool! I ought to have known better! Some of my minor characters had other ideas...

So, everything suddenly exploded on me, as unintended consequences frequently do.

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School dictionary

One thing I have a bit of trouble with is understanding some of the school references.

There seems to be a large difference in terms and some are very confusing.

I will list off the ones for canada that I know(although there is some new ones being used which are mostly slang type in cities)

age 4 - preschool/daycare - for children of age 4 or younger stay most of the day and not much is really taught to children.

age 5 - kindergarden - children are in school for half a day. Learn to write names mostly.

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New story, new fun

So, as I am working through issues on 300 Rains, I have decided that I need to throw out a new story. And to that end I have decided to play in the Dark Realms Universe. I have finished the first chapter of a story and this should be a lot of fun, at least for me. I think the character is a hoot and should be entertaining, at least for some measures of entertaining.

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Kindle Books by BC Authors

Hey Gang,

Just wanted to remind you or inform you that you can leave reviews on Amazon even if you didn't buy an item from them. We have several authors now who have put their wares up on Amazon and need reviews and stars to help others know how good they are. I've left a couple so far for stories I read, one on here and one on Kindle. As I catch up with my reading I plan on adding more reviews.

Unless anonymity is an issue, lets all leave reviews for books/stories we've read that are on Amazon for sale. Spread the word with good reviews and 5 stars!!



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Archie Comics Gender Swap: Issue #636 To Debut 'Archina

Archie Comics Gender Swap: Issue #636 To Debut 'Archina'

The article states:

Archie Comics has announced that Issue #636, which is scheduled for release on August 22, will focus on issues related to gender and perceived gender roles by featuring gender-swapped versions of the three main characters.

There is a cute illustartion. See link below.


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making progress on my story

well, I'm making some progress on my "quest" story. I've now done 20 chapters, almost 30,000 words. I've also got a "road map" so I know basically where the story is going from here. The way I see it, it should take 5 more chapters to wrap things up, and if I can average just over 2,000 words per, I'll go over the magic 40,000 word mark, and have an honest-to-goodness novel on my hands.

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Taking a break, sort of...

New video games, so the more writing intensive stories like The Season of Change and Blood, Dust, and Silver are being put on the back burner for a while.

I'll still be working on them, but probably not going to get much done. Might get a new BD&S by friday, as I'm already halfway done with the new chapter.

Luckilly I've had the Minion Eighteen story brewing for a while, so I can probably knock those out pretty quickly.

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The Lanyon Chronicles/Daughter to demons

If you liked daughter to demons you should give this series a chance, actually you should give it a chance anyway. Like the saying goes don't judge something by its title.
hugs :)

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What I'm doing...and request for assistance...

Firstly, just to let everyone know what I'm up to.

Something that really annoys me (and I know it will annoy many of you) is to be reading an enjoyable story that is never finished.

I plead guilty to doing just that... too often for my own liking, so I apologise to all who desperately want me to finish several of my stories.

I make no excuses, as I just get carried away with too many new ideas.

I am making this Blog post for two reasons, one; to keep you updated and so you will know why I'm not posting any new material for a while,


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Another brain fade...lost again

I have done it again, and humbly seek your aid. I have a story saved off, entitled Beyond The Sky, I have parts 1-3. According to word, I assembled it into a word doc on 3-28-12, but it will be a bit older than that. I finally read it last night and went looking to see if any more had been posted. I can't find it anywhere. It is by D A Trask. I have searched BCTS, FM, Stardust, TGFiction.Net, Whateley, in case I forgot to label it thusly, Sapphire's, Crystals, TG Storytime, Morfs, Literotica, Nifty, personal blogs I look at, several personal story sites, even so far as The Overflowing Bra.

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I have a story published in Transliving Magazine: Issue 37


Just a not that I have managed to get a short story published in the latest edition of Transliving Magazine.
See the direct link here: TRANSLIVING

For those that are interested, this is the blurb on the issue in question: -

TransLiving Issue 37 --- The world's largest and best-selling full colour Transgender & Cross-Dressing Lifestyle Magazine.
Available as an eBook or hard copy.

In this issue:

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No 'Project Guardian book two' this week

I don't think there will be any new part being added to my Project Guardian book two this week due to SamanthaK having some real life stuff to sort out.
I've not seen her to speak to in a few days now, so I don't have any more details for you. I can only guess that real life has once again struck.

Sorry to the few people that were enjoying the story, and I hope that it will continue soon.



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Blog 8: The Real Crossdressing Charlie


Above is the next outfit Charlie will try on in Episode 6 - The Tennis Uniform

Recently my Crossdressing Charlie series seems to have gathered a wee cult following around the TG hemisphere. All i can say is thank you all for favouring the series. Thanks to all the comments and reviews. I appreciate that the most! Keep reading and I promise you all that you won't be disappointed.

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End of 'The Ram'

Well. That's the end of 'The Ram'

Some have said the end seemed a bit rushed and a bit cruel. I feel I must in part agree with them. Not all stories can have happy endings and death comes to us all sooner ... or later.

I was getting slightly jealous of Daphne and wondering where to take her. This ending exorcises any lingering problems I had.

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The power of persuasion...

Firstly let me apologise for seeming to commit a type of blackmail in order to extract some response through the comments system.

However, I genuinely did not know whether to continue with DREAMER, as it finishes in a place that might seem appropriate. Her life is all ahead of her, and although I agree, there is mileage in the various challenges she will face, they are relatively ordinary and the sort of thing that everyone could face.

I am truly humbled by the amount of comments and the passion displayed in some of the responses.

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I'm finally there!!!

Help!!! I just read about the top three worst female health habits and that’s me!!!
1. Wearing high heels
2. Carrying a heavy handbag
3. Sleeping in make-up
Could I finally have crossed over? OMG let’s hope so.
Who cares about 4. Matching men for drinking? Maybe No5. I should worry about that is wearing the wrong bra size. [Surely I’m bigger than 38C.
Nobody is interested in 6. Harboring regrets but 7 could be a concern that is being obsessive about my appearance. No 8 No emotional eating for me. Too many pounds to lose!!

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Well, Singing to the Moon is finally finished. Mainly because I kind of ran out of things to do to -- umm, do with Cindy just now. I'm sure my muse will find other interesting things in that nature as time goes on, though.

Now, Carmilla has been waiting patiently, or at least as patiently as she can, for her turn again, and Dahlia has been beating me about the head and shoulders with chaos to get attention. So I'll get back to those two for the time being just to keep the peace.

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Hello and help wanted

Hi there my name is Dan (hi, Dan!) and I wanted to share a few comments about my story 'down the rabbit hole' as well as a few personal points. The initial premise came to me about two years ago with a dream that ended in me falling through a portal into a park. I didn't see any further in that dream because I woke up right afterward.

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Princess for Hire - The British Kid pt 5


For those of you who've asked me to do some more of this, I can reveal I'm about half way through the next episode of the 'Perils of Pauline.' I would suggest that at the current rate, it might be next weekend before I get much chance to finish it and do a check through.

So those of you who wish to renew your acquaintance with my fanfic of Melanie E's saga, can start re/reading now.


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