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I struggled and fought until I was too exhausted to continue, but felt that I had succeeded in resisting temptation. Heavenly Father had been kind to me in a very special way.

The attraction of a young college student to a rich and powerful man who led her to face her darkest weaknesses somehow drew me and made me feel guilty in spite of the fact that I did not sin. I was tempted but did not sin. So why did I feel so guilty, as if I had sinned?

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Lorraine B. (Fictionmania author question)

I was rummaging around, re-reading older stories at FM, and ran across an unfinished story set from Lorraine B, called "The Alien Within or Holy Crap, There's An Alien In My Bed". Part 1 and 2 were posted in mid-2004, with the name given for part 3, but it appears that part 3 never emerged. I'd normally put it down to the author no longer writing, but she continued to post for another 2 years afterwards.

I figured I would ask if anyone knows about the author, or the story.

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Changing story names

I just put up a new story last night named "The Cure." Several people have jumped to conclusions about the story that might ruin what the story is about and I don't want to do that. Some people have assumed that the cure refers to making someone no longer TG (which I assume is different than doing a body swap or transformation style story). I also wonder if such an assumption has kept others from reading the story, another thing which I don't want.

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I Been sick!

Sorry, everybody, I've been very sick, and I haven't been online much. I spent today editing Jessica's Journey, Chapter 12 (Sorry!), and now I'm working on the next Wild Magic. Warning-While I was sick, I read a few books on witches, Wicca and Magic, and things will be changing to reflect that. I hope I can surprise some of you!

Once again, I apologize!


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The Hard Way is now published through Smashwords

For all those who have asked me to find additional formats for my books, you will be pleased to note that I am now up and running with SMASHWORDS.COM, and have started publishing versions other than KINDLE...i.e. for Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, and others......

You can even purchase Kindle versions through the Smashwords site. (the price is the same as on the Amazon Kindle site)

The first one is THE HARD WAY

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Andy's Diary Background

First -- the diary is very autobiographical. My mother ruled the roost with an iron hand and used terror to control me. I was subject to bullying not only at home but from her. She also bullied my father. He was largely absent from my day to day life because he was working as well as attending night school 3 nights a week to get his MBA. He never knew what went on until I was 25 years old, some 12 years later, and by that time I was so deep in my substance abuse that it didn't matter.

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On a completely lighter note

On a completely lighter note from my last couple of blogs, I have passed the three-year mark here a little while ago, and in celebration of that, I would like to thank all the wonderful people here.

First, Erin and her administrator elves, take a bow. I only wish I could do more than just say how amazing you guys all are.

Secondly, to all the members of "Team Dorothy" who put up with me. You guys rock!

Lastly, but not leastly, to all the people who have left comments on any of my stories, bless you all.

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Looking for a title

It was a several part story. The boy who runs away, has a rich father who has money set aside for when he gets older, and there is a way that only the boy knows to get to the money. In the mean time, the Step mother, or could have been regualr mother, tried to kill the child and if I recall she was french and the boy actually was intersexed.

Turns out the father was loaded and to make things right, she helps out her mothers family.

what was this story?

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Joining the "I hate my Muse" club

I don't have NEARLY enough on my plate, if you listen to Maureen (my Muse).

With 'Amazon', 'Ma'at' (rewrite and new chapter), four new stories, and the odd editing efforts, Maureen has decided to delve back into my college days for more ideas.

"Wayyyy back in the old days" I was one of those who was into "Dungeons and Dragons." I was fortunate enough to know a couple of good DMs (Dungeon Masters) who had imagination and patience -- and evil; don't forget the evil.

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Book 10 in print

For those impatient readers out there - Book 10 of the Gaby saga, Wheels, see's the first 10 chapters available via Lulu from today!

paperback -

ebook -

I'm working on the next string so watch this space!


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But you don't reply to comments

While looking through things, and seeing some criticism about the fact, I notice that I am inconsistent on replying to comments and feedback. Some authors make it a habit of replying to every comment they get, I am more picky and choosy.

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Bob Arnold - Zapped

I really don't know what started this, maybe reading a Julie O story, but I found myself wanting to go back and read "Zapped" by Bob Arnold. The more I thought about it the more I thought I owed it to Bob's memory. It had been a couple years since I read the story from beginning to end, but it is good to go back an re-experience the joy, hurt, sadness and adventure of Jen Stevens life.

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Lost my rhythm

I have gotten nothing done, and I'm at my wit's end. >

I am half way done with half the chapters I set out to finish WEEKS ago. I can't get into the same mindset that I had before I got the flu, and when I try to write it doesn't flow correctly from the work I've done previously.

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Morpheus's stories

I am not sure how many people here follow the yahoo group TG Fiction, or even FM. But many stories appear first at the TG Fiction group before they are ever posted to a story site. There is another group I am writing about. Morpheus has his own yahoo group where he posts a lot of stories that never get posted to other sites. If you follow it, my apologies for taking your time. If you don't you may wish to look it over. He currently has one going titled The Changling Chronicles, it is an excellent read. You may wish to look it over. He also has a couple other going also that you may like.

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About Leigh Anne

I was just thinking about my story Leigh Anne. What if I could somehow make her chromosomes very, very unusual? Like maybe, YXXX, or XXYX, or even XXXY? I need to do a little research to see if maybe that is even plausible. It would explain Leigh Anne's circumstances.



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Have you ever tried to picture

What your characters would look like? As I wrote on and am trying out a few different plot ideas, the more I write Mrs. Molly Hallmark in Through the Years, the more I see Missi Pyle, but I see her as Mrs. Beauregarde from the movie Charlie and the Chocolate factory. When she's getting mad in the stories, I see her just giving that creepy look that Missi pulls off so well.

Not sure why, but that was the first face I thought of when I kept writing her.

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Having a late night writing session

It's been a busy day, I started working on a new story that I have been wanting to post, lately I have been fighting with my muse and not feeling very inspired. So I decided to start working on something new and see if it would get my creative juices flowing again.

well 17 hours and 7 chapters later, i am sitting here and it's like 1:30am wondering where the time has gone.... can you say

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Health update and an apology.

First of all. I am better. Whatever evil, mutated virus was attacking me seems to have given up most of the ghost. I say most because I am still having some after effects such as nose constantly running, multiple explosive sneezing, and a vague ache in my head and neck. I have been checked out by a doctor and he says that nothing is seriously wrong, just my general lack of anything resembling a healthy lifestyle, which probably led to the attack of the mutant virus in the first damn place.

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Health and Writing

Since I am feeling better and my health seems to be on the plus side I wanted to let you all know that I am starting to get my strength back and getting back in shape. This is a good thing. I also lost about 20+ pounds thanks to the stones and their making me sick to my stomach. Good fun was had by none in that process, but I can live with the results at this end.

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Jumping on the posting merry go round!

Does anyone else frets about the posting thing or is it just me? I, like us all, like having my story having some page time before falling off the bottom. I've found myself watching to see if a slow time shows up. It's like timing the merry go round so you can step on.

Should I post now? No, wait until after Bike. Is it time yet, hey here's a new one by Maggie. Got to read that one. Should I post now? No, let's wait for tomorrow. :)

So yes I finally got this one posted.

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Lost my zeal, where can I buy more

For a lark, I went on Fictionmania and looked up my first story. I didn't read it, but I read the comments. I had written something magical, that had really touched people, and it made me feel good about myself that I could connect with people.

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To another great MOM:)

That's our Erin here at BCTS.

You really do fit the mold y'know.
You guide and encourage us.
You're that Mom that has the home all the kids in the neighborhood are welcome at.
You scold us when we need it.
You make peace between us when we need it.
You have good recipes.
You tell great stories.
And you have made so many of us here a family, some the only family we have even.

Thank You Erin.
Happy Mothers Day.

*Grateful Hugs*

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Wild Magic change

Until further notice, I have to change Wild Magic to once a week (So what's new? Argh!) I'm just too busay with medical issues and working with my kids on schoolwork and transportation issues. I hate having 5 teenagers sometimes! Sorry! The next one's almost done, hoping to post it in tne morning.


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Bike 1700 - delay

Sorry but I don't feel 100% tonight, my hands are very painful and I'm finding it difficult to concentrate, so I'm opting for an early night. I hope to finish it tomorrow. I think I might have to go and see my GP sometime as this arthritis is becoming a real nuisance - I can't even turn a door-knob with my left hand at present.



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The DRU Triumvirate

Its come to my attention as of late that I'm finding it harder and harder to run this universe on my own. The DRU is getting bigger by the day and as one person I can't keep track of everything---new authors, new ideas---so I've decided to ask for help. Maggie Finson and Donjo have graciously agreed to help take some of the burden off my shoulders.

I'm currently calling it our Triumvirate LOL :)

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Story Post Limit

I know everyone loves putting up stories and getting comments and input. But with over 12 new stories available a night that always leaves other author's stuff to be further pushed down the page and possibly unread. I have talked to Erin about this, but wonder what others think; I wonder, in the sake of fairness, we limit postings of new stories to one per day per author. This would allow others to stay near the top of the page longer and give readers time to get acquainted to lesser known authors.

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An offer to my readers.

This is something new at this site and if Erin doesn't veto it, well someone has to break new ground at times, right?

For those of you following 'The Price of Betrayal'...

The clues are all there in the story, okay maybe there is one thing I haven't given out yet, but that doesn't matter here.

But all the important stuff has a solution and I've told you all what they are in the story up to this point.


If you find them.

The first person to PM me with the whole shebang, who has actually figured this one out, gets a custom made story from me made to what you want.

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So you know RE: Through the years

I am working on the next few installments of Through the years, but I had a thought for a plot idea and have been looking up information and working though the thoughts and possibilities of that plot and the possible outcomes.

So I will try to look over what is ready and send it off for editing when I get the chance and hopefully I can decide on how I will proceed.

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I would like post more here eventually but, I am trying to write some fantasy that I can't seem to get right(sadly). Its a story I would really like to share so I am going to be deleting, rewriting, and hitting my head against the wall till I can write without ruining it. It will probably be awhile because I have a long way to go.

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Another Freebie on promotion.... Queen of Hearts

I'm just too good to novel - Queen of Hearts is on a Promotion today (May 8th) and tomorrow with Amazon Kindle Select.

Queen of Hearts
Find it here > Queen of Hearts

Grab it while you can.

Honest, I don't mind if you forget and have to pay for it :)


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I Think Someone Stole My Book!

So, I have been slaving away for years, secretly writing a romance novel. When I write, sometimes I really get into the story and actually try to live it, mostly to write the realisim. Sometimes I worked so hard that the windows in my office would fog up, depriving me of view of, harbor with huge plastic boat sitting in it. Or maybe I was sitting in steaming tub with rubber ducky and writing with laptop? Man, I got the good stuff this time! Woooeeeee!

So, I called the book "50 Shades", goodness those are a lot of sunglasses to carry around.

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No, I MUSN'T... Can't stop myself... EVIL RANT... Muwah ha h

I love BC.

I enjoy many of the stories here and the commentary.

There is little here that is bad other than the occasional mini-flame war. Fortunately we for the most part don't descend to that here . And Erin and her elves are vigilant the few times we don't mind our manners.

But there is a menace, an insidious evil lurking here.

OLD DOS control characters in titles!

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Throne of Glass - Debut Novel

A relative of mine, Sarah J Maas, is a young author (mid-twenties) writing Young Adult Fantasy fiction.

Her first novel Throne of Glass, will be published on August 7th by Bloomsbury Children’s. She has three novellas currently available on Kindle at $.99 and a fourth to come that introduce her main character.

Her main character is a young female assassin. As far as I know there are no TG elements to the story.

Her Amazon page is:

Her "offical" web site is:

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Changed license

I've changed the license on Kate and the Network to allow other folk to create derivative work.

It's become clear to me that I'm very unlikely to finish it, therefore, I now challenge other authors to finish this story.

I started the story at a time where I was very depressed and on the verge of suicide, and writing Kate and the Network helped distract me from those feelings. Since my transition is going quite well, (I've been Janet full time for nearly six months now!), Other interests are filling my time.

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WOW! and thank you so much

All I can say is WOW! I never realised my writing meant so much to people.
I'm sorry for flying off the handle like I did the other day. I was having trouble with lots of little things, and had been feeling down for sometime, and reading that comment was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak.

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Free Kindle eBook Behind The Enemy available this weekend

Behind the Enemy
I have entered my novel BEHIND THE ENEMY into the KDP Select system on Amazon for lending through their library system. It is available as a KINDLE eBook FREE this weekend only as a promotion. If you want a freebie, grab it now!
Follow the link > Behind The Enemy

It is also available as a paperback through Amazon, but you'll have to pay for it I'm afraid.

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