Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

Always and Forever now complete

Good morning! I know there are readers who prefer not to start a multi-part series until it’s finished, so I wanted to let all of you now that Always and Forever is done. Eighteen chapters over eight installments, but the word total is around 45,000, so it’s not a long read. Enjoy!

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Unaccounted Gains

I finally finished a different writing project over the weekend so today I started work on UG5. At the moment the working title is ....{redacted}.... There's a few thousand words down so far and if my muse is going to stay on good form then I may have this book with my proofreaders in about a month!

Meanwhile I will shortly start to serialise UG3 Diminishing Returns

There are plenty of ideas for new Tammy at the moment but no new words as yet.

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People in Real Life

I've only just finished reading "Changing Roles" By Julie D. Cole, and found it riveting in the Literary sense. The last chapter available (# 32) was recently released on BCTS and I have been hoping for more soon. I was searching for other of her works on the general Internet and found an English Author of the same name, though have not found other published writings. It seems as if her husband is an Author and then the trail grows cold.

Hoping for more work from her soon.


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Today’s word is . . . mattress.

Sesame Street used to have a segment where they would say the the episode was brought to you by a letter of the alphabet, and would do all sorts of goofy things involving that letter (See, for example, the Beatles take-off, “Letter B.” Words of wisdom, sure enough).

So, today’s blog post is brought to you by the word “mattress.” There are lots of things that can be said about mattresses, and probably no small number have actually been said, in stories posted on this very site. Why, mattresses figure in lots of plot lines. Some, quite prominently.

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No Challenge or Contest for June, sorry folks!

I know this probably comes as no surprise to anyone, but at this point I have to make it official:

There's not gonna be a contest or challenge for June.

I have a really cool idea for one, but I'll hold on to it for next year (since I really want it to be special.) Things are just a bit too up in the air right now on a lot of things, and I've been kinda out of it because of that.

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Dear Ariel and Beyond

Patreon and Something about the Mockreet

Okay first, I'm going to cover some of the commentary I made. Yes, I get angry when people Kudo but don't respond because I literally have no idea how I'm doing, or if anyone actually likes it. I spend a lot of time thinking out scenes and in the end, I have no idea if they were good, bad, or something in between. I mean, there was an entire chapter of The Mockreet that I planned for months and-

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Free ebooks for the first week of June

I am setting the “the twins’ as free on Amazon for the first week in June.

“A Change Would Do You Good” and “the best damn thing” were written at about the same time and both take place in Alabama. “Change” is set on the shores of Orange Beach while Prattville hosts the plotline for “tbdt”. Both are bitter stories…but one ends on a happy note that has allowed me to try to think of a follow-up story.

Both will be available to free for Kindle on 6/2/2023 to 6/5/2023.

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Wrapping up Rylee and other Topics

Hey everyone! I'm getting very, VERY close to finishing Dear Rylee Book one, and unfortunately, as I move into Book Two, I'll be moving off of BCTS - let me explain why.

Dear Rylee hasn't gotten a ton of engagement on BCTS, unfortunately. It's typically, not THAT much of a problem, but I had to add markup to the story every single time I post on BCTS and Book 2 (Dear Ariel) will have 15 to 20k word chapters. I just don't have it in me to add markup to novella sized chapters that get so little engagement(comment wise).

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Story posting schedule

Hi everyone! For anyone who is following my current series, Always and Forever, I'm changing my posting schedule to twice weekly until the series is complete. My plan is to post Monday evenings (GMT-5) and Friday mornings.

And for those of you who aren't following it . . . I hope I can entice you! :-)



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Pissing Me Off

This week end, I've viewed two stories on youtube that were oddly in text and I know that I read them on BCTS. There was almost no change in the Femdom office stories. The thing that angered me is that they expect the reader to sign up for a subscription that is far more than Patreon. You don't get to finish the story unless you pay. Now that I have seen their tactics, I'll know to avoid this unless I find I like being molested.



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Falling Down on the Job

At least a little bit.

Just a reminder, there's still 10 days on the May 2023 "Free Comic Book Day" Story Challenge.

I know I still haven't gotten the list of stories completed for last month's challenge posted as a blog. I'm REALLY sorry about that. I'll get that, as well as the information for the June challenge/contest, up either tomorrow or Monday, depending on how things are going.

The trip to get my stuff, and the resulting issues due to losing the car, have kinda had us in a bit of a fuzzle around here, and I just completely blanked on it until just now.

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At the moment, in addition to writing scenes for my own future works (alas, each time the impulse takes me, it's a different story concept. I'm not sure this is the way to make progress on a story.)

So I'm feeding the printer-friendly versions of stories into a text to speech engine on my iPhone. (I can recommend Voice Dream, on the app store. It's seems to take the most file formats.)

This approach has terrible problems of cadence, intonation, and basic pronunciation (some of which could be solved by building a phonetic dictionary file.)

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Science Fiction with some T

In the last 20 years my interests have grown more singular, maturing toward strong Science Fiction with quickly morphed attraction to everything feminine. The Psychology of such feelings is understandable to me, and it seems clear that efforts to explain things to others are futile.


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I know this may seem a little strange

hell – that concept fits me to a 'T' – to most of you but I could use a reader for something I am attempting. It isn't exactly Trans... but it isn't exactly NOT Trans. (How's that for a convoluted statement?)
Said reader must have some military background, a bit of science, and ( I presume ) everyone here has the Trans knowledge if not the experience.
My older sister was Trans. Originally my older brother she became my sister when she was around twelve. She was evicted to Europe shortly thereafter but she and I kept in touch.

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Are there any Maryanne Peters fans out there?

Doppler Press has recently published my 20th book on Amazon "Heroes of Romance" - link below
I always invite fans to write the forewords but in the case of "Heroes" I did invite Joyce Melton herself (my publisher and sometime collaborator) to write it, because the whole concept was her idea. Her touching note reveals that she too, is a fan.

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Secret Trans Writing Lair Mermay Bundle

My new short story, "Carpet-Bound," is available from in epub and pdf formats. But you can get more stories for your money by buying it as part of the Secret Trans Writing Lair Mermay Bundle, with eight mermaid and summer-themed stories by trans authors for $8.

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Mea Culpa

I apologize for wasting everyone's time.

For over twenty years I've brought a passionate level of involvement to this site.

Lately, that passion has resulted in less than satisfactory results.

Recently, I was characterized as "cold, unprofessional" and accused of driving writers away from this site.

Recently, I was told that my involvement in a thread had caused a meaningless fight which had wasted everyone's time.

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Hatbox in a Pickle - Funds needed

This is not the regularly scheduled request for funds to operate BC. This is an extraordinary request for funds to help Melanie and I get back home so we can operate BC. We had an accident in my car. We are both fine, unhurt. But the car was not so lucky.

At the moment, we're stuck in the little town you end up in if you DO take a left turn at Albuquerque. The motel is nice but we want to go home. I haven't been able to get answers from the insurance as to whether they are going to cover a rental car while they decide whether to repair the car or junk it.

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Looking for a Reader for an A/B Test

Back in the before-fore times I contracted an editor to look over the 4th draft of 11th Sun. They were... unkind. Disappointingly so. And unfortunately the important question I needed answering, whether the 4th draft was better than the second, was never answered. I have my own thoughts about the job they did, and whether the were interested in helping me in the first place.

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