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Criticism vs Critique

I grew up with the phrase, "Provide constructive criticism".

On my Authur page, I have the comment: "I share my creativity with you and look forward to hearing your constructive criticism."

Today someone suggested I change the word "criticism" to "critique" to be less . . . harsh? less negative?

What do you all think? Should I use the "criticism" or "critique"?

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Pleasantly Surprised... discover that my work is being pirated online.

Earlier this year, I noticed one of my pen names come up on a routine online search. The link led to the "erotic fiction" section of a (fairly) well known file-sharing site. Apparently, people have been trading PDFs of my short story collections since (at least) May 2020. These included most of my anthologies and related artwork.

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The more I write...

The more I'm writing my stories, the more stories I'm outlining. I'm trying to stop outlining stories, but if I think my stories are bad, I write another story, not to post it yet, but to see if I can get better at writing. I think I could write 15 stories with the outlines I have. Anyway, hope everyone is fine...

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Another non trans book recommendation

I just finished reading Horse by Geraldine Brooks. I hadn't read anything else by the author and chose it almost at random from the available titles at the library. She does a remarkable job of combining the true history of the greatest race horse of the nineteenth century with her fictional tale of slavery and of racism then and now. While referencing physical abuse and family separations she brings home the truth of Frederick Douglas's explanation of the harm of slavery even under a "good" master.

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Has the traffic on BC reduced?

I have noticed that the last several stories I posted are not getting many reviews. Two years ago, it was common to get 20-30 reviews from a post and now it is a struggle to get 5.

The reason I write is primarily an outlet for myself and secondly to support the readers here and the site.

I admit that reviews of my stories help motivate me as I love hearing how what I wrote helped someone, even if it was just to take their mind to a better place for a few hours.

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Being Trans.

I wouldn't call myself homosexual having never had willing penetrative intercourse other than anal rape. Many years later I look back at the three boys who did it and hope that they repented and had good lives. When it happened, the victim was blamed as much as the assailants. The PTSD and Psychologists who drove surgical intervention were as much at fault as I am. Lately I am just sure that I would have done fine as a crossdresser. I did not know it at the time but the peculiarities of law mean that if I had not started living as a woman, I might be living in a tend or even dead.

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The return of raffa01...again

Well, it's been 3 years since I posted a story for through the years and two years since my last blog. Life has been busy, but I think I finally got some stuff done and wanted to post again. I looked and saw I've been on this site for over 12 years now. So what a better way than bringing out my original story and continuing it

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"Duets" Now Available on Kindle -- Please Review!!!

I'm incredibly excited -- My first book is available on Kindle!!! Appropriately enough, the very first installment of Duets (then "Duet") was posted on BC almost exactly a year ago. All proceeds will go to BC, so I hope anyone who liked the story will be inspired to purchase it and give a review! :D The revised version of the first few chapters is now available on the site as a teaser.

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Hello, Again

Time brings perspective. My writing process has remained consistent over the years. Once I have a decent manuscript, I set it aside to give me the perspective of a reader when I do a final edit.

In early May, things on BC seemingly became toxic for me. I had lost my rudder and needed a change in perspective. So – I took a time out.

Nothing about BC had changed to elicit the feelings I was experiencing. The fault rested with me.

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One-year anniversary with BC

So, the site tells me I have been on BC for a year and a day (Insert picture of champagne bottle here)! I’ve posted a lot of what Janet Seldon called “words ’n’ shit” over the last twelve months.

Maybe too many.

If I’ve been annoyingly eager, annoyingly enthusiastic, or just plain annoying, I apologize. There are times when I know I’ve butted up against the three golden rules, and I’m extremely sorry for that. You are a wonderful group of people, and you have been very welcoming. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Error with my story

Okay so, I recently posted chapter 15 and 16 of my story. For some reason, however, the site glitched and made two chapter 16s, could someone please delete one of them? Preferably one that doesn't have comments. I don't see a delete option, I apologize for any inconvenience, I just don't really have anything else I can really do

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Double Date Dare Reviews Please!

Heya folks!

I'm officially pubbed through DopplerPress now!

As of last week, my first book released through Doppler is live: Double Date Dare!

So far, we've only gotten one rating and review on it though! So, if you've purchased it (or do,) and have read and enjoyed the book, I'd love it if you would consider leaving a rating and review of it.

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is it just me or did 9 years plus of my stories get wiped out?

is it just me or did 9 years plus of my stories get wiped out?

I just logged in to check a plot or 2 the fastest way I know how and each one of my stories I checked is ZERO words?

is anyone else seeing that?

cause I don't know if I have it in me to days of reposting all of the over again!

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Whateley Academy……..

I have been trying to get into the Whateley Academy site, or the Crystal Hall site, to read a few of the stories I haven’t read in years.

Unfortunately, I am unable to get in. I can’t remember my old account, so I tried to create a new one - but it keeps telling me my account has either been locked or has not yet been verified.

When I try to recover my user name or password, I get a message that I will get an e-mail with a code - but I never get the e-mail.

Any suggestions from anyone?

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Gaby and the Tyrannosaurus

I only just realised that this was only a link to an external site which no longer seems to exist and as I had the story on a pen drive I quickly edited it and have posted it as new story. Apologies to those who have already read it but it's probably worth a second one. I have met James Cracknell and he really is dishy. (Didn't wash my hand that had shaken his for a couple of days!)

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Holiday time!

I'm off on vacation on Saturday. Last year, I went to Norway and rode my motorcycle as far as the Arctic Circle. At the time, I regretted not going all the way to North Cape (Nordkap : 71.168032N, 25.781857E)
Well, this year, I'm hoping to rectify that and going right to the top and then returning through Finland.

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Freebie’s for this week on Amazon

I skipped a freebie week, so we’re once again doing a double up:

The e-books for: “Are You Happy” and “Desert Rose” will be free for this week from Amazon.

Are You Happy” is kind of a depressing delve into the madness mind of Stephen Thomas and his “guardians’: the Elvin princess Ayle and a grim reaper-in-training who never makes it, “Skully”. The reader is asked to ponder if they’re a part of Stephen’s broken psyche or if they indeed exist.


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A Preview of Things to Come

Heya folks!

I've been trying to help out with some formatting and the like for DopplerPress books, and I just wanted to share some of my excitement for what we've got in the pipeline with everyone. However, rather than just TELLING you what's coming down the way, I thought it would be more fun to make you guess!

So, here's the deal:

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Dear Rylee Update 6/16/23

With just a few chapters until the end of 'Dear Rylee' I feel I owe readers an explanation for what happened in today's chapter. When this happened to me in real life, there were a lot of thoughts feelings, and emotions that I couldn't adequately put on paper, so I sort of had to fudge the truth a little.

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Alien Invasion, Salt Lake City

Some time after around 2000 I read a long story with perhaps several chapters, and I have been searching to revisit it without success. The search function is usually helpful but not on this one. It involves a "Hitler" style invasion and part of the story is set in the Salt Lake City area. I thought the Author was Penny Reed Cardon.

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Rylee Update - June 13

Hi Everyone!

We're getting very close to the end of Dear Rylee, and I while I realize that most of you are wondering if she survives the next chapter, I'll remind you that it's an autobiography, and I'm right here :P That being saiiiiiddd I want to thank everyone for sticking with the story in spite of typos, subpar writing, and literal mental breakdowns from me every thirty seconds. Though, admittedly, I've improved quite a bit since The Mockreet, and even more since my doctor prescribed Prozac(which is working well, by the way).

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In Search of Jennifer Adams

I don't know how many people are aware, but I'm trying to help Ms. Joyce with some things involving the site. Part of that help includes organizing new authors and/or books to come out on Doppler.

Well, we have a great writer lined up to join the ranks of those we've helped get published, but there's one problem: one of her stories, quite an excellent one, that she wants to publish uses the Altered Fates/Medallion of Zullo universe.

And thus, the rights game begins!

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