A month ago, I asked people to identify stories they loved, from authors who haven’t posted in a long while. I received some great recommendations, and I’ve been working my way through them. So, thanks!
But I have another question to ask our authors, which came out of a conversation I had with the amazing Andrea Lena. Let’s say you are on a flight with all of your short stories along, as your children. The airbags deploy, and you dutifully put yours on first before turning to help your “children.” But now comes the moment of truth. Which child do you help first? If you can save only one, which will it be?
You’re gonna want to cheat — I know you! You’ll say it depends on your mood — the child who’s sitting next to you in that moment. But play along — you can get to all of them, but you can only be sure of saving one. Which will it be?
I’ll start. Since my longer works are safe at home and in bed and only my short stories are with me, the first story I save is Tenebrae.
And It's a Hard Rain
It might be the truest story I've written.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
This right here . . .
. . . is the reason for asking the question in the first place. I might have missed this story, since I’m so late to the party here at BC, and you have so many wonderful stories published. But I would have been so much poorer if I had.
Thank you for the recommendation. Certainly a story I won’t forget.
Here’s the link, everyone: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/2248/and-it039s-hard-...
Tough one
For me it would be "Dumb Bet" or "Full Disclosure" If push came to shove, it's more likely the latter, because it fulfills a great need to be loved just the way we are.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
Good stories, Patricia!
I’d read Full Disclosure a couple months ago, and I understand why, when the engines go up in flames, it gets the oxygen mask first. But Dumb Bets, which I just read, makes a strong case as well. The mother-child relationship is really strong. Thank you for sharing your picks!
Here are the links: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/61252/dumb-bet
Which to save?
It would probably be The Reluctant Girlfriend. It was my first TG story. I innocently set it out into the wild and it wound up going around the world. Who would have thought? It touched people, which surprised me. I just wanted to counter the fetish stories that at the time dominated the TG fiction landscape. And it still seems to hold up after all this time.
It was...
A Maalox moment! A line that practically encapsulates the experience she shares with others. It was the very first story about being TG that I ever read! And I cannot thank you enough for that!
Love, Andrea Lena
This one's on kindle. Which -- Yay!!! Glad to see stories migrate to "the big screen." :D I'm afraid I can't access it, but if 'Drea's a fan, it must be great!
that's an amazing story hon
I'll have to think about what story I would save.
having thought hard about it
I'd choose "The hem of His garment" which you can find here:
What a powerful story . . . .
Of course, I'm one of those people who really engages with the religious elements of the story, but it is simply an incredible tale of love, forgiveness and healing. Since you already provided the link, I won't add it!
Probably "The Tree"
It's one of my oldest stories on the site, but I'm still quite fond of it :)
Melanie E.
Great choice!
It's very different from many of your (also wonderful!) stories -- a very tight focus on a single relationship and a special place. A touching story!
Here's the link: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/6249/tree
Tough love, tougher choice
Whew! Very difficult to select one... I'd say based on a fun storyline that "Adventures of Sara: Evolving Deeper into Femininity" would be saved but I'd find a way to also save "Pretty Stacy: Beginnings" because of the charter herself. Stacy is featured in several of my stories. - Which character in your writings is your favorite? vs What storyline is your favorite. -
Oh, my!
Ah may need to fahnd mah smellin’ salts!!! Gracious, that’s a lot of steam! Gracious! I think Miss Stacy might end up feminizing the whole world . . . .
Emma, You actually took time to read my two stories? Thank you! Of the two did one stand out vs the other? Character vs story.
All about the character
For me, it’s always all about the characters and their relationships. So Stacey had the edge in my book. I liked her evolution from her sister’s passive plaything to a person with her own agency.
Oh lookie
Mar'gret Mary. I think our Cousin Emma has the Vay-puhs!
Love, Andrea Lena
Tough choices
Emma, you pose a tough question - despite my not having posted too many shorts here to choose between.
But if I had to select only one I think I'd choose Truth in Tears. Not sure I can put into words exactly why, but there it is.
Though if it needs to be one with TG elements, then The Questing Beast wins.
And your beautiful Tenebrae tale absolutely deserves to be rescued and preserved. <3
Yes and yes!
I think The Questing Beast was the first of your stories that I read, and I found it absolutely enchanting— especially the surprise ending concerning the nature of
Pellanore’s quest. But I probably agree with your decision to put the mask over the nose & mouth of Truth in Tears first. There is so much wisdom in this story!
Thanks for playing, Seraph!
Some great answers.
But Emma: airbags? On a plane? And you put them on?
Yeah, absolutely!
Airbags, oxygen masks, what’s the difference? :)
Most of my stories are short.
Most of my stories are short. I tend to try to cram everything into 1500 words.
I think my best one is
If this was a site sex stories did well on, I may or may not have had a different choice..
Interesting choice
Because it is very different from many of your other stories. Yet, good triumphs over evil, stereotypes are slain with great relish, and teenagers are given some entertainment they will not soon forget. All good!!!
Thanks for sharing your favorite, Leanna. Something very different that you posted recently got lodged in my noodle, and inspired a short story I hope to post tomorrow. ;-)
Nothing's the matter with our kids today! :)
There was a trans woman who went to a rave.
She had so many kids she didn't know who to save!
A couple that I have realized mean more to me as they (and I) grow older.
It Could Happen To You
Gia Speranza is a beautiful girl Being transgender isn't obvioius by the way the story plays out, but I realized there's so much of me in her AND her predecessor, so to speak. Her last name means hope.
I realized that I forgot Hannah's last name(Cohen), but her given name means grace as you know. Another story that isn't obvious regarding her transition, but instead focusses more on how she sees others and the best in them. Inspired by the woman whose High School Reunion we attended!
Love, Andrea Lena
Two stories with a lot of heart!
I can see why you dithered between the two, struggling womanfully to choose one to save, even as the cabin filled with smoke!
All joking aside, the warp and weft of these stories are the powerful emotions that you pull into all of your art. Each thread seems saturated with love and grief and longing and hope . . . .
Thank you.
Do Novellas Count?
If so, it would have to be Love Less, or maybe Sky Blue? Urban Renewal?
Other choices might be Shocking Pink, Bobbie Majestic, or Himself for real short stories.
Hard choices. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I feel your pain!
I found four of your six “children” on the site. One of them, naughty girl, should still have been home in bed rather than up in the air with you, causing you more trouble than you already had in your choice.
But your stewardess can’t help you with your choice. First, FAA regulations prohibit it. I’m sure they do, somewhere, anyhow. But also, all of your kids are just so damned beautiful. It’s not fair, really . . . .
Comparing Love Less to the rest really is difficult; as a novella it just has a completely different rhythm to it. I loved the slow unfolding of Lesley’s character. I could practically feel their stomach muscles begin, ever so tentatively, to unclench.
The descriptive and evocative elements of Sky Blue really are stunning — a real showcase for your ability to paint a picture of a particular place, a moment in time. Shocking Pink was a carefully crafted story of a startling moment that unleashed a difficult self-realization in the protagonist. But Bobbie Majestic. . . Well. Something about the casual acceptance from the crusty old men on the porch really touched me. There should be so much more of that in the world.
Thanks for playing, Erin. Life isn’t fair, but sometimes we get good luck, or are spared by grace. I’m happy to be the bearer of good news.
This time, all of your beautiful children are safe!
Just to complicate things, I have a stowaway: Twig, which may not even be a TG story. Unlovely perhaps, but is she unloved?
Thanks for doing this very interesting non-contest. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
“The leaves of rue are evergreen.”
And so is this story. I read it a while back as a random solo and was captured by its dreamy, poetic, and mystical quality. The descriptions are rich and vivid, reminding me a bit of Patricia McKillip, one of my favorite fantasy authors. Thanks for giving Twig a mask!
Yeah — a contest where there are no prizes, and everyone wins. [[Buries head in arms]]. I’m such a girl!
The Return of Lilith
This one will always be my favorite because it is the first book I ever finished
Andria Neko
Thanks, Andria!
Now, full-length works should not have been on this flight! They should all be safe! But, unlike Erin, it looks like you haven’t posted any short stories here, so you have a good excuse. :)
You never forget your first one, do you? :). Here’s the link: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book-page/78816/return-lilith
Considering all of my stories I've posted are short stories. It would hard to chose. Since only one will walk away from the crash alive. Me, being me, will give up my chance at salvation and do my best to comfort the stories as we brace ourselves for the fireball the plane will soon become. Funny though this reminds me of Kobayashi Maru test.
NCC-2023 ...
Captain Sunflowerchan sits in the Captain's chair; looking relieved while eating an apple.
"I don't get it.The ship was nearly destroyed by the Romulans and she's unfazed?" Ensign Noredshirt stares at Dr. DiMaggio and waves her right hand.
"What gives?"
Dr. DiMaggio laughs softly and points at the Captain.
"Young lady? You are looking at the only Cadet in the history of the Starfleet Literary Academy who successfully solved the Kobyashi Maru Scenario! She saved 'em all," Dr. DiMaggio drawls in that quaint Southern Bayonne accent of hers. Noredshirt shakes her head.
"That's impossible! How did she do that?" The Ensign quickly catches herself.
"Sorry, Ma'am. How did Captain do that?" Dr. DiMaggio shakes her head.
"Well, young lady? I just don't know." She pauses before finishing.
"But she did."
"Well? I really can't say!" Dr. DiMaggios sighs.
"Can't or won't? the Ensign demands. Dr. DiMaggio breaks the fourth wall and stares out ans say at last,
"I can't. They haven't finished the re-wtites yet for this scene. You'll just have to trust her. The Captain knows what she's doin'!
A long quiet pause is followed by,
"Say? Has anbody tried the new Mexican-Thai Fusion place over on North Fairfax?"
Love, Andrea Lena
Very suspicious...
Well, Emma did write a whole long Matrix story, so if Captain Sunflowerchan needed to hire a hacker to assist she could easily have deployed Emma's protagonist to hack the reality. And Emma did set up this whole choice scenario. Hmm.
Gazes over at Emma suspiciously...
Emma cackles manically. . .
“Excellent! Excellent!”
I wanna be Carrie-Anne Moss When I grow up!
Love, Andrea Lena
“Dammit, Sunflower, I’m a doctor, not a screenwriter! Or at least, I play one on TV, and these days that’s just as good, right? Better, even! Hey . . . let me try out my new scalpel!”
That is something..
That is something Nurse Spooky would say after she catches one of my characters roarming the halls of Mississippi medical center! "Hey! Look who here, just in time for to try out my new scalpel.. I can always add another pigtail to my growing collection.. or something else!" Welcome to my word sisters, strange thoughts like these enter into my mind on a daily bases. :D
Better than the alternative.
While I have yet to finish typing the last 5-6 chapters, it’s probably my favorite that I’ve written… Unfortunately some life issues and muse issues I haven’t had the time or the ability to type it all out… Even though I have the story finished in head I just can’t seem to get it to flow out like it should when I try to type…
I know I’m weird. The fact that I’m trans is probably one of the more normal things about me.
finished in head I just can’t get it to flow out like it should
Been there, done that, got the "I'm a wri..." tee-shirt.
That problem is probably the reason I have so many unfinished stories on my hard drive and the reason some stories take years or even decades to finally get finished.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
The only thing that works for me
The only thing that has ever worked for me when that happens is to just keep grinding out a draft until it’s done. And then I go back and edit the hell out of it. Multiple passes, with days between them. Eventually I get it to where I’m happy, but having something down really moves it along.
I’d say this happens to me every time I write anything beyond maybe 15,000 words. Stories, now, but briefs and the like back when I was still working. It may not work for everyone, and God knows, it’s not nearly as much fun as writing when the muse is riding your ass. But I find having a draft makes all the difference.
Thanks for sharing, Rebecca! Here’s the link: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book-page/74063/better-than-a...
As much as I dislike choosing ONE story
I surprised myself by picking The Homecoming (https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/12242/homecoming).
It's an older one and quite short, but it does portray the hope of acceptance we all feel.
You have SO many children!
Ricky, you have so many short stories that this question must have been especially difficult. But I can’t imagine you would find many better choices than The Homecoming. It turns usual expectations on their head with respect to parents and children, pushes against prejudice in a careful and gentle way, and is just incredibly well-written. The details that you throw in, like the scallops on the front steps, add texture and realism without distracting at all from the simple plot. Really outstanding— thanks for recommending it!
Love Has No Pride
In a way, I think of "Love Has No Pride" as my orphan child. Of all my stories posted on BCTS, this one had the least hits. Don't get me wrong. It was well-received and the comments from readers were heart-warming and greatly appreciated. But I suppose my parental affection for it is my attempt to compensate for the relative lack of attention it got. I've come to the realization that the "split" narrative between Joanne's and Joey's voices made it difficult to follow on a chapter to chapter basis. So, I feel a little guilty about "mistreating" my child.
Parenting is so difficult, ain't it?
Emma, clever way to get reading suggestions!
For you, Sammy, anything!
So, you went and snuck an oxygen mask on a full-length novel — the kind of kid that wasn’t supposed to be on this flight! But . . . I’m really glad you did. Much as I enjoyed the playfulness of Sisters, I found the characters in Love Has No Pride to be even more compelling. Of course, that’s probably because I’m the age of the protagonists and I find us all to be deeply fascinating! :)
You provided the link, so I don’t have to, but really, everyone should read this. Sammy’s writing is both rich and deep. Give yourself a treat!
Small Town Boy
For me, it would have to be Small Town Boy. I was going through a tough time when I wrote that story, and it allowed me to work through some feelings.
There are some things I'd change if I wrote it again, but then none of our children are perfect.
Many thanks.
You cheated even more than Sammy, slipping a full-length novel in on me! But it was a great story and I’m very, very glad that you recommended it. Steve/Sara was very believable, but I particularly liked several of your supporting characters. Especially Tim, Sandy, and Aunt Marj. No children are perfect, but this one is definitely beautiful. Thank you!
Bring cheeky, I would class some sequels as 'The same book'
The two Ride books?
The two Diane Owens books?
The monster that Debbie Wells led to?
Or 'A Longer War'?
Tough one...
You have defeated me!
I set the goal of reading the short stories authors had suggested as their “favorite children” before the blog post disappeared from the front page. But then Erin had to slip in a novella and three short stories, and I can’t very well say ‘no’ to Erin. And before you could say ‘bundesverfasungsgericht,’ I had novelettes and at least two novels. But!!! But!!! I persevered! I did it!
Until you tossed out six different novels. Six! I am defeated! ;-)
But still...
If you haven't read A Longer War, you absolutely should. Highly recommend!