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Random Thoughts about an Existential Threat to Big Closet

Ask yourself -- if I tried to call up Big Closet on my computer and it was unavailable and appeared to be gone forever, what would I do?

If your answer is something along the lines of – that wouldn’t be a problem for me I would simply spend more time reading on _____ or writing stories for _____ -- then you are probably more of a taker than a giver in regard to this site – and that is understandable.

For me . . . the existence of BC is a huge part of my life. I give to BC to maintain that part of me.

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Self Publishing

I've been thinking of taking the plunge and attempting to publish on Amazon Kindle. I've read some books there and a few of them have been from BCTS authors, though some of the others could have been but were done in the stealth mode. I'm not planning to out anyone.
They are my three oldest stories, and I think that all three are large enough to interest Amazon. I'm not terribly worried about my editing work because I recently read a very long book there that passed but still needed a lot of editorial work, though the story was quite engaging.

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New Project: Sword of Vermilion


Another project I’ve been trying to write since 1992

Long Ago, King Tsarkon of Cartahena unleashed his evil hordes upon the peaceful land of Excalabria.

Though the people of Excalabria fought bravely, in the end they were overwhelmed. As his castle collapsed around him, King Erik V of Excalabria summoned Blade, his most trusted servant. Erik commanded Blade to escape with Erik's infant daughter and the Ring of Wisdom, an ancient family heirloom.

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If it was your husband Thank You’s

Now that the final segment of “If It Was Your Husband” has been posted, I’d like to take a few moments to reflect on the saga and say thank you to some of the folks that got involved with the story. This was the first serial I’ve ever posted. The only reason I posted as a serial was because of the length. I generally write at about 20K words or less, this one topped 40K before the epilogue. The epilogue added an additional 1500 words.

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No Comments Allowed

Dreams lately are perhaps impossible to separate from wakefulness. This morning I dreamed about writing a short story that would undoubtedly draw fire from some, or many, or even most. It would make use of every thing I can remember of all disciplines religious, scientific, mystical, and things without names. I don't know if it would include TG content because I haven't written it yet, still trying to recover from the dream, perhaps nightmare. I don't know if I can publish something here and not allow comments? I won't ask if anyone wants to read this one.


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Help! Drowning in a sea of stories


I am in desperate need of an editor to help me with my anthologies to be published on Amazon.

My current fantastic editor is over-burdened but I do have some interesting books lined up to be published by Doppler Press (with a benefit coming back to Big Closet) once they have been properly proofread and checked for internal inconsistencies. Can any body help.

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Asking for editorial assistance from an Afghan War veteran

I've written a short story that has several scenes involving U.S. Army personnel, set during the war in Afghanistan, mostly at Bagram. I've done as much research as I can, but I'm reluctant to post it without a pre-read by someone who was in that conflict. If anyone would be willing to help, please shoot me a private message.

Warmest regards,


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All I Need is a Miracle- Character images

I am working on the first of two large chapters for “All I Need is a Miracle” and I noticed that only “Ty/Tai” has a picture in all of my postings, so the next chapter will probably use this picture.

From top left, clockwise:
Riley, Tai, Tony, Chris, Matt

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Trying something different

So, I'm trying something different. A couple things, I guess. I'm writing a Halloween story, and I haven't done one of those before. It's not done, but I've posted the first part today. I plan to post a chapter a day until the 31st, so the clock is now ticking. I have to figure out how it ends, write it, edit it, and get it posted, between now and Halloween. I haven't done that to myself before either. My problem, I think, is that I don't have enough stress in my life!

I hope you enjoy the story.

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If It Was Your Husband, 17 & 18 -- penultimate posting

The penultimate posting posting of "If It Was Your Husband" is up.

We see things start to settle in for Mike, but he's a bit gun shy and Alex has to offer moral support and advice on how to keep thing sanguine on the home front. Mike is nervous about exercising his recently granted freedom and Alex is there to take his mind off the uncertainty that invades Mike's mind.

We see Lisa struggle with doing the right thing by Mike and set aside her previous prejudice. In the light of day she comes to a good conclusion about how the rest of the world sees things.

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BDSM House Sitting

I once read a story about a recently graduated co-ed that took up a job House Sitting along the California Coast, Perhaps Big Sur??? It was an uber modern house set part way up a hill near the Pacific Ocean. In one part of the house was an extremely automated gym with all sorts of exercise machines. The rest of the mansion was uber modern and controlled by an AI, I think.

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Toni With An i – Explicitness? Or Probably Not? - A New Author

If you’ve stuck with Toni With An i from Part 1 to Part 2 (I know, two long parts in quick succession, I only have a third chapter completed at the moment, so don’t worry) you’ll have noticed a change in how explicit it is. There’s definitely going to be moments where bodies are to the fore. Bodies and all the feelings around them simply are a part of who everyone is, trans or not. I wanted to let readers know, however, this isn’t a pure smut story, or even a mostly smut story, which I know would be atypical for this site; this community I’ve just joined as a new author.

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IIWYH 15 and 16 is up.

"If It Was Your Husband" 15 and 16 is up. Much of the angst of the previous chapters has dissipated and our characters settle into a relationship approaching the status quo before all this happened.

Carrie seems to have gotten a little better at communicating with Alex. Though Carrie is still guiding him in how to progress, Alex has a little bit of forewarning about what she wants and there's some open discussion about the next step.

Things will progress at a pretty quick rate from here to the final posting. (Just two more.)

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Thanks for the kudos

Thank you to all those who left kudos for my last story. "A Space Oddity - Houston I have a problem".

That was the first time I had over 100 kudos for a story since "Taken by the Grey Folk" in March.

I kind of have a feel for what goes down well on some of the different sites I submit stories on nowadays. On Bigcloset, my highest-rated stories were the first part of Surgeon's Lodger, The Assult, with The Substitute Housewife Part 1, and Seven Years as a Wife being the top two.

Some of those had sex in the stories, but most did not.

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“Aria” Volume 1 Now on Kindle — Please Review!

A couple weeks ago I asked writers to identify which of their short stories they liked the best. But if I hadn’t limited the field, there is no doubt that An Aria for Cami is my personal favorite of all the stories I’ve written. It is being published by Doppler Press on Amazon for kindle as four books, and the first one, The Holly and the Ivy, has just been published. I hope that you will purchase, read and review it — all proceeds will go to BCTS to help support the site!

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From the Cheap Seats

Recently a story was published with a rape scene.

The story was tagged “explicit content.” Beyond that, the story unfolded logically and gave plenty of notice to the reader that a rape would occur. Further, the story was written by an author who writes femdom stories and has published them here for two decades.

I wouldn’t have read the story if the controversy had not occurred and been chronicled in other blogs. I assume several other readers read the story for the same reason.

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Incoming Content Guideline Clarifications

As a warning for folks, we're getting ready to put guidelines in place for content and ratings.

For most of the site's content this won't mean much of a change, but for certain more sensitive topics we'll be needing to re-evaluate how we allow them to be presented on-site.

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Is it me, or are there more stories of questionable content being posted?

Maybe it’s just my perception, but it appears to me that recently there have been more stories on this site which seem to revolve around forced fem, rape, and other objectionable topics and actions.

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The Day of the Dormouse

Those of us who are keen readers of Angharad's saga 'Easy as Falling off a Bike', will be thrilled to see that a dormouse appears on the new 1p British coin. Not only is the heroine Cathy Watts (Lady Cameron) an expert on dormice, so is author Angharad.

Is it possible that news of Bigcloset's longest saga has reached the Mint, or even Buckingham Palace? One never knows.

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The song of corazon

Hello all. I just re-read Maggie finson's masterful work. For the old timers, you know what I mean. For the younger generations that may not know of the Caregivers stories, I urge you all to find and read them, and re-read them. If they are not all here on BC, they are all up on the whateley site in the library except for Straycats entry, which is still on storysite. Get it. Read it. Save it off. Who knows when it may vanish, and that's the only place to find it I know of. Owner/operator. Look for it. Finson wrote several, EE Nalley originated it and did several, along with Straycat's.

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Now You've Gone and Done It -- Emma Anne Tate!

You've set an impossible bar for civility, creativity, and positive influence.

Your writing is amazing and makes us all pea-green with envy.

Your demeanor is above reproach. . .at least a foot above the highest reproach known to womankind.

But where you really have us all outdone is in your blogs that inspire people to do good things.

Your latest series of blogs about authors' favorite short stories is a prime example. (I hesitate to use the word "prime" because a coach out west might have that word legally restricted to his ego.)

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Kindle Good, Patreon What the Hell?!?

If an author puts something on Kindle, getting to it to read it is simple. Patreon on the other hand is very difficult for me and I usually just give up. Does Patreon Pay more? Is Amazon too difficult for Authors? For me if a story is offered on Patreon, it might as well have gone down a black hole.


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Reader’s Choice

As an author, I have more ideas than time to write. I often get inspired and write the first portion of a story only to get stuck because I wrote myself into a corner. Often it takes months or years to complete the story.

I now have about two dozen stories in various stages of completion.

This is where you all can step in. Read the story ideas below and tell me which story you want me to complete.

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