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300+ Up On BCTS

300+ Up on BCTS

I had thought to announce that last month was marked by my 300th story on Big Closet Top Shelf but it appears that I may have already passed that mark long ago. I will explain the confusion later.

I received a nice message from Dot before the year turned commending me on the variety of my stories, and that is what I am trying to achieve. This is despite the fact that I confine myself to stories that are real (no magic or fantastical sex change) and in the main involve a change where the subject is (at least at first) unwilling.

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Missing Elsbeth again……

I was wondering what to read this afternoon when one of my sons happened to show me a miniature figure he had just finished painting. He purchased a new game just after Christmas, and he has been painting the figurines that make up the playing pieces. He is very good; a skill which I am proud to say he inherited from me.

I spent many an hour working with him and one of his brothers painting Warhammer 40K figurines and vehicles, and showing him the modeling skills I developed through my childhood and later in engineering classes.

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how long before

before the works of Shakespeare are banned in US Schools?
I was up in London earlier today and walked past the reconstruction of the Globe Theatre on the South Bank of the Thames.
That caused me to remember that when his plays were penned, all the female parts were played by men because there were no women allowed.

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There may be a chance for publicity for authors here & potentially the site itself, somehow

I have been given a request from someone I often talk to about my issues. They have been looking into things & mentioned a nearby municipal library that has an active transgender section.

I was asked to make out a list of those I know & or desire to have published in a tangible degree.

This library has a huge children following, so be aware of that.

Is there any authors here, that would like me to put on the list, whom have books available which would be appropriate for a library of this stature?

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Part 2 of the latest saga installment is up! My proofreading friend emailed their last pass' worth of suggestions earlier today, so despite fighting weary eyes after work got those incorporated and did the whole cut-n-paste from Scrivener into a text editor so it all could get dressed for posting. Hopefully I didn't miss any places where italics were supposed to go!!

Thanks again to everyone who's commented and clicked the kudos button so far!! And of course I hope folks enjoy this new one!

Now to go finish dinner, hooray! :)

- Erisian <3

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Wednesday Knights -2- The Ride Home - by Melanie E - on Patreon

I fished my keys out of my messenger bag and handed them over to Brian, getting a shoulder-pat in thanks.

"Next week we're taking separate cars."

"Next week it's my gas we're burning."

"Maybe the week after that then," I decided, pausing only a moment when we reached my car to circle around to the passenger side while Brian hit the beeper to unlock the doors.

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Read My Own Old Story

Feeling a desire to reminisce, I read ' Lt. Katia in Afghanistan', a story I wrote in 2011 or earlier. I was deeply immersed in Islam at the time thought these days not so much. I was up until 4:00AM PST. I rather liked it, being one of my efforts at Sci Fi, Fantasy. I slept late in the day, regretfully causing me to miss an important meeting. Sorry.

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Kudos and Hits

People may know that I also post on another site, where I get a lot of reads but they have nothing like "kudos" to assess how people receive what I write. I only have comments to go on, and those are usually positive but sometimes not. Comments are no real guide.
I was recently drawn to look at "hits" and to try to understand why there is a variation. I would seem that kudos depends on hits so as a general rule I tell myself that over 5% kudos by hits is a pass mark. Significantly more than 5% shows true appreciation.

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NAMAKA... new book on Amazon Kindle, by Tanya Allan

My latest new book is just up on Amazon.
What's it all about?
You ask.....

Just as Covid-19 emerges, Captain Alec Grant (RN) received the news from the authorities in Hawaii that his daughter had been reported missing under strange circumstances. Sabrina Grant had been one of a small group of British university students on an archaeological trip to a remote island in the archipelago when she reportedly vanished whilst inside a cave,

There had been a camera set up outside the cave mouth, and she was clearly seen entering but never exiting.

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Lee and Darby are back

I did not see a post on this yet, so making a point to mention. If I simply missed the post, please ignore me, and I will apologize.

Last week, I was able to read the next instalment of the Lee and Darby sage by Daring Diane on Amazon. This whole series is phenomenal, and one I have reread multiple times. The only down side to having book thirteen released is that I am going to be eagerly looking for book fourteen.

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Absent but not Gone


Not gone. Just absent.

Had to take a few to get my head on straight. Then when I get back to reality after my break from all things digital? OMG!!!! I left my chapter notes and everything at my Dads!

I'm such an Idiot!!@!

I'll post a few of the chapters on my Patreon here for my fans who are not donating and as soon as I can get back to my fathers house I'll get the work I need to fill in the gaps and continue Mirror Changed and Summoned.

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Minor name change in VotV #71

Just a note to say I changed a name in the latest Voyage of the Visund: Count Corbrian to Count Korboro.

This is my own fault for losing a piece of paper with certain names on and then forgetting what I wrote. Julia would have jumped on that immediately.

There are rough rules governing name formats along the Great Valley... rules which change as one moves along. I forgot those rules. Also, technically, to be consistent a 'C' should never be used in a name of anything - but 'ch' is fine as it represents a different sound.

As always, there are exceptions :)

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Need more clothing description?

I'd been reading through comments on a few stories, and noticed a few of the commenters requested more detailed descriptions of what people were wearing. Most of the time, I only describe what someone is wearing, if it feels like it's important to the story. Now I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should be more descriptive about things like that. Does anyone have any thoughts about how much detail should go into describing what someone is wearing, how much detail would be needed, and when more details would be helpful in telling a story?

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I just finished reading Spare by Prince Harry.

As I’ve stated before on BC, I was a big fan of Meghan in Suits.

My impression of Prince Harry for years has been that he’s a spoiled, pampered fool.

After reading this book I can easily believe that Rupert Murdock and his ilk have shaped that opinion. It would seem that, at least in that regard, I’m no better than those who have allowed Fox News to convince them that hating trans people is a fulfillment of Biblical instructions.

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Julia Phillips

I have not heard from Julia since 30th October. In her last email she said she was feeling fine and ready to get back to writing.

I only have email addresses (and BC) and have had no other contact from her. I am beginning to become concerned.

Does anyone else have any later information? We work closely together and, although I have continued posting chapters, her absence makes writing more difficult. She has edited and critiqued almost everything I have written since we first came into contact.


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The Light Between - Dramatis Personae

The Light Between


Considering the complexity of this saga, readers earlier requested a listing of characters. So here's an update for Book 5! Thanks all!



If you have not read Books 1-4 (Into The Light, Light's Promise, Call of the Light, and Light and Shadow) then the list below will contain spoilers!!


The tale starts here: Into The Light. Hope you enjoy!


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Fabulous February is almost here

Free books for everyone!

I agree that the books probably will not suit everyone, but go to the website and check out the descriptions.

So why is it called Fabulous February?

Because R T Green is giving away more than they’ve ever done! And for longer. The two giveaways here will run from the 1st to the 28th February. Yes, you read that right... the whole month!

Giveaway one is for everyone...

A whopping SIX current books, for free.

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Cheerleader 13: What more can a Cheerleader do?

Published on Amazon

What more can a Cheerleader do? The Thirteenth book in the Lee Corcoran Cheerleader series, covers the fall semester of his junior year of college at the University of Michigan. These books primarily follow Lee and his best friend Darby, a girl.

While the book is written to allow a reader to enjoy it without all of the history, if you want to understand all the characters and dynamics in their lives, reading the previous twelve books is the only way. Long-term threads and relationships tie the books together.

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Seen on a passing mastodon...

Trans people deserve to be:
- Seen
- Respected
- Loved
- Housed
- Employed
- Protected (by the law and other people)

Trans people don’t deserve to be:
- Mocked
- Ridiculed
- Harassed
- Assaulted
- Killed
- Ignored by liberals and progressives
- Attacked by conservatives

Trans people are:
- Really fucking tired
- Please send pizza

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Potential Future Contests


Alright, so. My life is hopefully moving in a direction where I'll be able to spend a LOT more time hangin' out with folks here, like I used to. I'm super excited for that, and I'm excited for some of the opportunities that potentially opens up...

Like more contests!

I know it's been a long time since I've ran any, but honestly, I'd really like to start doing so again. They were always a really fun way to get writers posting, and more than a few of my favorite stories have come from them.

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Bait & Switch

Let me start by saying I understand authors putting their works up for sale on Kindle or Amazon or whereever. Everybody is hurting after the Covid pandemic. It's unfortunate that I just don't have the dosh to buy online due to my ongoing medical bills. I'm trying not to leave my relatives holding the bag with an estate in the red. I figure it's the least I can do.

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Dawn Natelle Passes On

"I am the niece of prolific writer Dawn Natelle who passed away earlier this week after suffering a stroke. Dawn wrote such stories as River, A Second Chance and The House among other stories that are incomplete. Dawn allows me to let any writer interested in completing any of her stories to do so as long as they attribute it. I may even attempt to do so myself. (See what I did, now you have to do it) Dawn apologizes for the long gap between stories.

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