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Well everything seems like its out of step this week.

Maybe it is, what with another Bank Holiday and some duff weather, unusually i haven't been out on the bike until today so my inbuilt calendar is out of whack! The good news is that i finished one new Gaby chapter on Monday and started another yesterday which i hope to finish tomorrow - if you want to read these first drafts before anyone else you can join my Patreon gang here

Today the weather has been fair if a little breezy so i took Foxy out to the coast for a piece of chicken in a bun with a bit of salad, mostly because the wind would be on my tail for most of the return. Well the 'burger' was okay, and things panned out pretty much as planned for a 90km ride, sometimes your route just runs out of road before reaching the magic number, today was one of them. I'm expecting it to stay reasonably dry through the weekend so i'm expecting to get in a couple of longer rides before the week is out.

In other news, the garden is having a mixed time of things, the onions are doing well but not a single carrot has come through, beans and lettuce doing well but the asparagus, nada. It looks like we should have a reasonable crop of soft fruit, strawberries, gooseberries and raspberries are coming on nicely along with the blackcurrant and cherries. Looks like we'll have to do some remedial planting, i'll plant more carrots tomorrow and transplant some seedlings.

That's about it for now, i'll be back at the weekend,
Madeline Anafrid

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