Looking for a story

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As usual, I can't remember the title or the author, or even where it was posted.

The story I'm looking for is about a cross-dresser, whose wife knows about, but does not embrace their feminine expression. They went to Southern Comfort and had their picture taken and it ended up online. They are subsequently then approached by a well known professional football (American) player that are acquainted with.

It seem the football player is gay and in the closet. He needs an escort for formal occasions that put him in the public eye and can't bring himself to take a woman to these events. He feels that due to his status they would expect more from him than he can give. So he wants our cross-dresser to be that escort.

The cross-dresser's wife gives consent to that under the implied threat of blackmail. I turns out that the events happen quite often and since the same "girl" appears on the football players arm the gossip rags (Enquiring Minds Want to Know) make a big deal of it and the implications become too much for the wife to handle and they separate. The cross-dresser, having no place to go, moves in with the football player; more gossip ensues.

The real problem for the cross-dresser is that he's not gay, or even bi, but heterosexual according to his plumbing. The football player had numerous boyfriends to warm his bed. One of them tells the cross-dresser that if he'd just swing their way, the football player wouldn't need them.

The cross-dresser sees his wife dating someone and he is devastated thinking it's over between them.

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