Trying to write effectively after a long period of absence is so hard right now. I can only hope that it gets better. Today, while reading another's work, it was clear that they had "missed a spot". I'll be even more alert to this weakness in both my own work, and in the work of others. As an example; when something happens to transform a man into a woman, perhaps it should follow that his brain and thought patterns should change too? Or perhaps the writer could make it clear that his change was merely superficial? One thing that is very clear to me is that the thought patterns might often become very different from previously. Still working this out for myself, not criticising the work of anyone else.
Lots will depend on the circumstances of the change
and whether they were desirable or not. Also, things like hormones can alter the way individuals feel about things.If you are the author you control such things but they should be tempered by some reality as well.