Dorothy Colleen

scary moment today

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Well, I had a scary moment today, thought they were going to take my CPAP machine away

apparently, its not helping enough, its on max pressure, and I'm still having apnea way too often.

But the problem was my sleep study apparently wouldn't qualify me for the more powerful Bipap machine, so I could have been stuck.

But for now they are giving me the nose mask instead of the full mask in the hops it will not leak as much, and they're having me come back in 2 weeks to see how that goes

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making decisions

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One of the most frustrating effects of what happened to me is that it destroyed my confidence in my ability to make decisions. I become paralyzed, and usually end up making the choice that requires the least change.

An example is happening right now as I am on the list to get stomach surgery, and the closer I get to the due date the less confident I'm making the right call.

sighs . . .

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a productive day

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so I had a pretty productive day.

Mike and I weeded the front lawn, then I trimmed the side, then I watched as my TV was removed (along some other trash), then I did a bottle run.

I know that doesn't sound like much, but I feel good about the day, and that doesn't happen all that often.

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an over-active sleep

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well, it turns out its possible that my sleep apnea isn't the only reason I thrash around in my sleep
Last night, I awoke to find I had tossed my pillows everywhere and pulled my CPAP machine off the nightstand.

But It had kept running and I never lost the connection between the mask and the machine, so I was getting air while this was happening.

Don't ask me what's going on, I really have no clue.

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the monster within

My whole life has been one long struggle to not become a monster.

I did not succeed.

I can still feel the monster, waiting for its chance to get out

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D&D: Portal Problems chapter 1


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Dungeons and Dragons: Portal Problems: Chapter 1

Although my pathfinder adventures are on pause, I’ve joined a group of 5th edition D&D players, which led me to buy the books, create some characters, and finally make an adventure of my own. We’ll just have to see how it goes ...

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This story is 52 words long.

my worst fears have been confirmed

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I confirmed my worst fears.

I phoned the Calgary law library about what happened to my rapist, and there is no record of a conviction.

Now, it could be there was a publication ban to protect his victims, or a jury trial, in which case no written statement about the conviction would be on record

but he was able to testify in a civil suit in 1999, so unlikely he'd been charged before then.

and considering he was raping me from about 1973 to 1975, its unlikely my name would have been brought up in any case against him.

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that special kind of helplessness

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So I was a bit foolish and watched an episode of "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit", and as I should have expected, it was not a good idea.

I identified so hard with the victim, in her frustration and helplessness in the face of a rapist who seems beyond prosecution.

I often feel this, especially when real life cases follow the same path, and it is exactly the same helplessness I felt during the two and a half years I was being raped.

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down memory lane

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Yesterday my mom found a box in her closet that turned out to have a number of items from a very long time ago.

among the items was my father's sergeant's pins, and a couple of report cards of mine from when I was in junior high school.

The report cards showed that I was highly creative, struggling socially, and had the worst handwriting ever, so I guess not much has changed.

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what a difference a couple hours can make

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what a difference a couple hours can make.

even though I left the church feeling really good about my speech, when I got home and watched it, I was horrified at the sound quality.

now, I feel like it was a failure.

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Just a reminder

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just a reminder,

if you want to see my little speech for the International day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia will take place Tomorrow at 2 PM UTC-06 – 3:30 PM UTC-06 here on Facebook live, and then will hopefully be available elsewhere after.

I hope I don't embarrass myself . . .

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I now have a CPAP machine

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So I guess I forgot to mention here that after my sleep study the doctor recommended me have a CPAP machine, and today I picked it up.

hopefully I can get used to wearing one, as apparently I stop breathing 100 times every hour.

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worrying moment

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Okay I had a really worrying moment. I was laying on my couch, watching TV, and decided that once the program I was watching was over I'd go for a walk.

Trying to think of what I would need, I realized I had no idea if I was wearing socks or not,

I had to physically check to confirm I was barefoot.

This concerns me. A lot.

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I just got huge news.

A short story of mine has been accepted by a magazine, and they will even pay me for it, which is a first.

The story is called "Under the Stars", and you can read it here:

I'm . . . stunned, honestly.

And it would not have been possible without this place, so thank you, Erin and Company

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adulting while struggling

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So I got some adulting done. Did a bottle run, vacuumed out the inside of my car, filled up on gas, got my rent out of the bank, and bought my mom a small container of ice cream.

All while feeling like "meh" and fighting PTSD

so yay me, I guess.

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bad nightmare last night

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unfortunately, last night I had a nightmare. I was in a house, and suddenly a large pile of black liquid smashed through the ceiling and landed in the corner.

there was a girl sitting at the kitchen table studying, and wearing headphones so she didn't hear me cry out. she did look up, and seeing the blob, went to check it out.

She got too close, fell in, and tried swimming towards me, crying for her mother.

But she couldn't reach me, and she drowned.

I'm still very shaken by this.

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I think I've become afraid of my bed

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I think I've become scared to go to bed.

my latest adventures - which included pulling a muscle in my back trying to keep myself from falling off my bed - has left me with an extreme reluctance to go sleep on my bed.

As if I didn't have enough issues to deal with . . .

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a (non) writing update

In case anybody was wondering how my writing is going, here is an update.

I can't even get near my latest story idea cause its way too triggering right now
which leaves me with a sequel I'm blocked on, an essay nobody will care about, a D&D story that is simply not working, and TTSD 4 and 5, which are also at a standstill.

so bottom line, nothing is gonna come out for a bit, sorry.

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self care done, but still struggling

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Been doing a bit of self care stuff the last couple of days. I got a brace for my knee, and got my hearing checked, which showed my hearing has declined, but probably not enough to be worth buying hearing aids.

I'm also still really struggling, so hugs appreciated.

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a memory has been on my mind

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okay for some reason a moment from when I was in junior high has been on my mind lately.

It's possible I've mentioned it before, but since I've been thinking about it, I'm gonna bring it up now.
See, in junior high, I thought it might be possible for me to find a way to fit in, as I was now more actively engaged in my life, recovering from my "dead kid" phase.

So I looked into athletics.

Now I wasn't strong, fast, or really all that coordinated, so this was a bit of a faint hope, but there is one athletic endeavor I thought I could master - track and field,

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Okay so yesterday Mike and Carol bought a new dining room set, and in order to get it in the house, we used a device called a "forearm forklift" you put these straps under the table, and then the other end around your forearms, and lift it in.

I was less helpful than I wish I could have been, a consequence of my non-athletic lifestyle, but we did manage to get it in,

But last night, I noticed I had a line of bruises across my forearms and for a second couldn't figure out how I had gotten them until I remembered the forearm forklift.

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I'm just done

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I've given up fighting unwinnable battles.

The power held by the unscrupulous, the bullies, the downright evil will not fall to any action of mine. I've spent too much of my life tilting at windmills and its getting harder and harder to get off the mat.

I am just too tired of spending my spoons with no hope of making any difference.

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I've got a problem, and its Jaci's fault

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Ok, I got a serious problem here. In the last week, I have had two different dreams where I found myself facing a handsome young man who isn't wearing a shirt.

Will everybody please join me in asking Jaci to take her girl germs back now?

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As the song says, it's been a long strange trip.

It started on an ordinary day, the last ordinary day I would have.

I was walking home from work when I heard a scream.

I froze, and couldn’t figure out what to do. Part of me wanted to go help whoever it was who screamed, but the rest of me wanted to ignore it and not get involved.

But before I could follow through on that cowardice, a man came out of an alley - from the direction of the scream.

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This story is 93 words long.

got my sleep study done, and some personal care

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so I got a sleep study done last night, which basically forced me to have a shower today.

Showers are my bane. but personal care in general is always a struggle.

The shower thing is a legacy of my stepfather, I suspect the other stuff is a mix of causes.

Just got to keep fighting, I guess

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I've received a huge honor

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so Shylo At AffirmingMinistries has asked me to be a speaker at a livestream for International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia. It will be held on May 17th, 2021 from 2:30-3:30pm.

My talk will be livestreamed on both the Affirming Ministries and Robertson-Wesley United Church Facebook Pages. The stream will be recorded and posted on additional social media for both ministries such as Instagram and Youtube.

I'm amazed and staggered to be considered for such a thing.

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some good news from a doctor's visit

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So I saw an internist today because my doctor was concerned about me having a high white blood cell count, and I got some good news.

First, my BP today is 107/70, which is fantastic.

Second, my white blood cell count has been going up and down, from above 15 to 11.7 (11 is normal), so odds are its not anything like cancer.

The internist is sending me for some more tests, but for now, I'm gonna call this a win.

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Nightmare Dance

Nightmare Dance

Verse 1: I can't take it anymore

I've considered sleeping on the floor

as every time in sleep I drift away

my mind and body they begin to play

I'm always thrashing, as dreams go through my mind

cause my subconscious hunt for darkness to find

my pillows fly from the bed on which I lay

and the covers go they never want to stay

Chorus: its always been this way,

it never seems to change

and I just can't find

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This story is 82 words long.

the deep dive

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If you know my story, you probably know the only way I could find to survive my childhood was to disassociate. To withdraw deep within myself, become as much of an empty shell as I could.

Well, this morning I had the urge to do so again, as strongly as I have had in decades.

My best guess as to why is a combo of a massive PTSD response to a serious depressive spike, with a bit of dysphoria thrown in for good measure.

I'm hanging on, but boy could I use a break from being me . . .

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I was messaging my therapist today, when it hit me that while I thought I had moved on from guilt about my rapes, apparently I have not.

You see, I told the doctor how I wanted to grow up to be as pretty as my mom, and that gave him the wedge he needed to break me utterly.

So if I had hid that truth, would I have been spared?

My mind knows the answer is no. He'd raped my brother and at least one of my cousins, if I had managed to convince him I was a regular boy I'd be no different than they were.

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adulting accomplishment

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So yesterday my new bed frame arrived, and with a little help from mom I was able to get it together, and throw the old frame out.

Not a difficult task perhaps, but considering my lack of stamina, my wonky leg, and my even more wonky brain, I feel like it counts as a reasonable adulting accomplishment

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apparently I got some slogging to do

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So I had a bit of a revelation thanks to my councilor yesterday. We had talked about my rapes a little, and how I used writing as a way to process them, and then we were talking about my stepfather and my councilor asked me if I had written any stories about my time with him.

I checked, and I have not.

Now, I'm no expert, but when a part of my life is so radioactive I cant even fictionalize it, something is up.

Oh boy, more slogging ahead, this is NOT gonna be fun . . .

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