
Jogged my memory

I was just reading a post and down at the bottom was the Doppler ads. I saw one for Tanya Allen's Whispers in the Mind. I am in no way pushing an ad, but couldn't help the posting. I remember reading this a couple of times and have to recommend it to anyone interested in sci-fi tg stories. It is very, very good, if you are interested.

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New Girl in Town

Dear friends.

Thank you for welcoming me into the community here.

Heather has been a secret part of me for a long time, even when she didn't have a name or when I tried out several names.

You know similar stories. Buy. Dress. Hide. Shame. Purge. Then start again at some point a while later.

I will admit to a sex addiction but I never wanted this persona to be about that. It gets too intertwined. Been doing ok with the addiction part but it's too easy to slip back in.

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Had my appointment with my psychiatrist today and walk away holding a box with 2 red diagonal bars on it. Wich will hold me for 20 days so way longer then the exams I'll be taking it for.

As of now money is tight (first month use my pension) and I don't see that that will change. Got about 60euro left for the rest of the month. *sigh* Good thing I'll probably have lesser bills next month ...

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How to use the MENS as a Lady

The NC law was written by people who have NO IDEA what transgender is. It was as stupid as the laws other states have passed where every bathroom is anyone's bathroom. Take your pick. Funny how we managed to figure out women belong in the female bathroom and men belonged in the male bathroom before government got involved mucking up the basic concept.
Anyway, I think what Nayfack is doing is a hoot. Maybe those in charge will get the message but I doubt it. Bigots seldom think their thought train is the one on the wrong track.


North Carolina LGBT law violates civil rights

In a letter to Gov. Pat McCrory, the Justice Department said federal officials view the state law as violating federal Civil Rights Act protections barring workplace discrimination based on sex. Provisions of the state law directed at transgender state employees violate their anti-discrimination protections, the letter said.

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Gabycon 2016

More details at the weekend but we are pleased to announce that the 2016 Gabycon will take place over the last weekend of June - that's 24th to 26th.

Format will be pretty much as usual - cycling, reading, eating, drinking!

More details will be released as soon as we have them!



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REACHit to the rescue

For those of you who deign to read my blog, you may remember how I was having trouble getting to file share between my Laptop and my Desktop computers. I'm not much into cloud services so I passed on that suggestion.

However, poking around on my Lenovo Y700 I discovered a program called "REACHit" It purported give you access to files on all your devices on your local network without using the internet.

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Cuteness overload

When the human world gets to be too much for me (which is most of the time, these days), I watch this:

Twenty minutes of pure bliss and contentment. Not a word is spoken, and yet they manage to say it all. If only I’d had parents like these? When my father gave me a licking, it never looked like this. If mom had this sort of patience and affection?

My eternal thanks to the clever folks who write video download software… :}

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Broken Phoenix = No mas :(

Most of you probably know by now that I lost my outline for Broken Phoenix due to a lackluster job by a computer repair chain. I have the first two chapters still and what Little I had started on chapter 3. But that does me no good if I don't have the outline to finish the story. So it pains me to say this but Broken Phoenix is toast. I don't even know where to go as far as a new story goes. I'm a "novice" in this genre of fiction so it's kinda hard to find a plot that'll actually work and not feel completely illegible so to speak.

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2016-04 (2)

Received my first pension payment yesterday. After the standard bills (mortgage, elec/water, internet/phone, pets, ...) I got about 155 a month for food and medical left. Can't count the tax return at the moment as it's going straight to school at the moment ( the little that's left to pay) and some 'end of the year bills' (healthinsurance, hosting, cloathing, ... ) and no clue for this and next year due to end of contract (2015) and out process (2016) payments.

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Return of

Hi everyone, well its long passed due but I've finally got to a point where I can resurrect! The first proper update won't be until next week but here's a link anyhow with a synopsis to what's afoot!

You get the update here early this week as I'm away riding at the weekend so go here for a new Gaby chapter.

So until next time


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Ummm ... hypocricay much? (sort of political)

I was surfing the net and found one of the transgender bathroom rights versus sexual predators (probably a NC law supporter) ads. With the statement "Please do not let these hate groups win!!! " appended in support of the ad.

I have to ask, how does supporting a hate group (anti-transgender) in any way prevent a hate group from winning??

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Opinions please... Bathroom debate

This showed up on my wife's Facebook page. She asked my opinion of it and I looked it over and thought, "What would the gang at BCTS think?"

Transgender in Women's Bathroom (Social Experiment)

Let me know if you feel this was a fair experiment or does this guy have an agenda and is he trying to appear sympathetic while joining the anti trans bathroom argument?

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Tigger lost?

I was a bit bored a bit earlier this week and decided to go looking for a story, any story by Tigger that caught my eye. As I looked, I started looking at dates and to my dismay saw that December 2012 was the last post of any kind by him. Has anyone seen a post by him or heard if something happened? His stories were always interesting and well written that it would be a shame to not see anything new by him.

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Hugs needed :(

Can my life get any more hectic? College graduation is right around the corner, Moving houses with my boyfriend, finding work near the new house, and having a friend in the hospital! I'm at wits end and need some support. FYI Broken Phoenix is continuing, I just haven't had much writing time of late.

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More makeup magic

Most of us, yep that includes moi, can't afford forty or fifty dollars a week on makeup. Even the basics like eye shadow, mascara, lipstick has become expensive. We find our favorites and age and the world changes what works so we try several others seeking that which we lost, our youth. Makeup is good but it ain't that good.

Just for fun, here are some makeup magic tricks.

Have fun with life, it's too short to take it seriously


Painted Ladies, by P R Ellis

I've just finished reading "Painted Ladies" by P R Ellis. Even without a transgender main character, it is a good police/detective story. For those of us in this community, the transgender heroine is frosting on the cake.

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I'm Back!

I'm back for now, I'm living in a assisted living facility as almost died this last January and with the stroke I had three years ago this month I'm not doing real good. Then trying to log back on the system refused to accept the log-on info I had written down I had to start a new account. Richard

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2016-04 (1)

Well the amount of pension I'll receive has been approved as well as the first date of payment (end of April for April, backpayment of March somewhere in May). It's around what I estimated. So good (not enough for an happy dance).

On another positive note. Due to the fact I haven't got a bachelor degree I can ask for student support which doesn't impact my pension. (which is good enough for a happy dance > going to school almost for free till I get a bachelor and Uni / College is now manageable).


Tamara series/Shiraz followers

Stop press!

I was watching a Television program on a guy walking around Scotland following old original tourist guides - I was so excited to see he was going to call at Thurso, the setting of a great deal of the Tamara series. Disapointed that he didnt go into the town and harbour and give a glimpse of this distant place. However, it would appear that Thurso is one of the top surfing spots in the UK, for masochists or rubber fetishists! boy does the north sea look cold. Will any of our characters be taking to a board?

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It's Sunday, it's four o'clock, it's not Crackerjack

but it is Gaby time!

Yes you can now read another thrilling (!) instalment of Gaby by clicking here!

In other news - the first two chapters of Book 16 are now with my editing team - more Tales of the Unexpected in Gabyland!

There won't be an update next week as I'm away in Germany (again!) to ride the annual Spreewald Marathon 200km event!



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New Illustration to Bridesmaid for a Friend story

Found a new version of Thomas Robbinson's Bridesmaid for Friend romantic crossdressing story on a site called Transbride. I added the story to my blog and also added a new illustration to compliment it. I'm a big fan of the tender story!

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Ebook Management Tools for the Mac?

I’ve had to restart my computer, twice, when Calibre screwed up my computer and wouldn’t let me forced quit.

I need to be able to convert drm-free azw files to epub, to be able to read them on my e-reader.

I would also like to be able to convert html files to epub, for the same reason. I can easily convert them to txt, if that helps.

I would also like to be able to strip bad formatting, correct metadata, etc.

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Unreported World

On tonight's episode of 'Unreported World' on UK Channel 4 (7.30pm) Abigail Austen returns to Afghanistan where she served after her transition with US and Afghan forces. Here is a link giving further details.

This should be an interesting episode

Love to all

Anne G.

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The Big 20!

Today is a big day for me as I hit the 20 year mark. My boyfriend treated me to lunch and my Grandpa has a surprise for me tonight so I'm excited! My Grandma and Grandpa were the only ones in my family that didn't disown me when I came out. I've lived on my own since graduating High School. I lived with my grandparents from when I was 4 up until graduating high school. They supported me and I'm very grateful. School wasn't very enjoyable for me because I had no friends and I was always an outcast.

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I feel like an idiot :(

For all the women on here, let's hope you don't do what I did in the shower this morning..... I've neglected shaving my legs for a while and my legs were "moderately" hairy. I get done with one leg no problem but about halfway through the second one I cut myself with the razor and it hurt like hell(keep in mind that I had never cut myself with the razor before this morning). My boyfriend was cracking up when I came out of the bathroom with a bandage on my leg saying "Looks like someone got a bit messy I see?"

I hope I don't have to deal with that again.......

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Got a new job

Well I got a new job I am a skip Tracer for repossession company most of the time I am writing in one of the repo truck so please keep me in your prayers keep the driver awake in your prayers as well we have a fairly stressful time while taking people's cars because most of the time they do get angry with us


K.T. Leone The Lady, Her Life, Her Stories

Ms Leone was one of those whose life touched thousands..., millions of others by her own example and through her stories. She posted "God Bless the Child" again a few days earlier. Each can take from Katie's desire to repost and the story whatever meaning they wish. For me, I believe with all my heart and soul, Katie was one of God's own blessings.

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