
The news this morning

My condolences to my neighbours in the west with the choice for BREXIT :(. *sigh* It's the end of a period /era that started with the Union of Coal and Steel (predecessor current EU from the late '40 early '50's). It makes me wonder about humanity future especially with 'reading' similar things to the 1920's.

And it isn't over yet ...


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Gabycon 2016 - latest

For all those attending Gabycon this coming weekend 24-26th June here is some very important information.

The informal Friday evening meal will be at the Trumpet Major pub on the edge of Dorchester (Google still shows it as The Original Thomas Hardy Inn) - aim for Maxgate Hardy's house, it's practically next door. It's on Allington Avenue, Dorchester DT1 2AB for satnavs. Table is booked for 7.30, eat at 8.00pm.

Anyone who cannot make Friday but who wishes to join us on Saturday or Sunday should PM myself here through BC/TS.

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2016-06 (2)

As I said in a previous post, my exams are finished. Don't have anything on paper about before the results before 15h55 next Monday but it seems I passed all exams. Lets hope those teachers weren't pulling my leg.

So now, even if it's the start of the summer holidays and I probably already have an internship, I'm sending out mails to ask if it would be possible to do an internship with their organisation. So far I only contacted 4.

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Sale of E-books over at Humble Bundle

There's a big sale over at Humble Bundle for the next 2 days, that is related to those who frequent this site.
Humble LGBT -Book Sale

It involves lesbians, gays, transgender, gender queer; literature, audio books, comic books, and novels just to list some of the item in the deal.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Looking For A Website/Story

I'm almost 100% certain it is not here on BCTS.

I remember coming across a website and/or story on the web several years ago that was a super-hero type story. The difference was the person didn't gain their powers (kinda like a cross between Superman and Firestorm - sorta) until after they had suffered an accident that left them a full paraplegic.

I remember it was a woman hero who could fly and when in costume she would ALWAYS be hovering above the ground because her legs were paralyzed and useless.

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An interesting read of real transgender people in the US military.

Found this while browsing the BBC News site at work today.

it is an interesting read about people who are transgender and serving in the US military and secretly transitioning until the military changes its policy on Gender Identity.

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Change of tack for my next story

It was pointed out via PM that my last story whilst having a happy ending was full of 'down' or ''bad' things.

Well, the next story I post here will be happy/smiles all the way (Well, I hope so anyway)
The title is 'You can Love Twice'.

I'll post it Friday PM (Ely, Nevada time) just before I head back to Vegas and my flight back to Blighty on Saturday evening.

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News from Yorkshire

So, June is well on its way and the Gabycon is fast approaching! There will be a special news flash next week with programme details so if you are planning on coming look out for that.

There is new Gaby here and with a following wind Book 16 will be complete next week!

This weekend I'm off camping at York Cycle Rally so I'm hoping the weather gods are looking amicably down on us!

So take care and remember to check here next week for the very latest Gaby news!

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Retro Classic reading recommendation

Thank you to the BCTS moderators for re-posting this retro classic once more.

I want to encourage all readers here to read and kudo this nice cronology by Tammy Fairbanks. Unfortunately Tammy has only posted this one story. But never the less, let us all show our appreciation for a well crafted tale.

Lovers of ghost / curses / halloween stories should find a special enjoyment of this story.

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2016-06 Exams and stuff

The good news first. I passed at least one exam (19/25 so Yeuh ;) ) and I'm losing weight (double Yeuh :D )

Now the bad part. Everything, except school, I touch does a 'crash and burn'. and it's getting to me. . My Mom spending another 2 weeks in the hospital due to a little 'crise' didn't help. The general situation in the world isn't helping either ( thinking about a Heinlein quote right now).

So here I am just like during the first semester exams almost hitting the bottom and I got the feeling I'll keep on falling.

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LGBT shooting in Florida

My heart goes out to all the family and friends who are now mourning the loss of their loved ones in what is, I believe, the largest mass killing in the US.

I hope no one from our BC community is caught up in this appalling atrocity. To all of you in the USA I send you my love.

This is one of those days when words fail me.

Love to all

Anne G.

P.S. here is a link:


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Thanks Cathy

Cathy, I meant to tell you how much you are appreciated yesterday but I got sidetracked fighting with fixing an oil line on a John Deere. Short excuse is the line runs into the bottom of an oil cooler, reservoir and half the front end of the tractor needs to be disassembled to get to it. Another engineering design flaw? I spent yesterday screaming at the stupid designers.

I'm calmer this morning after getting to bed at 1:00 up at 4:00 and looking at tractor pieces scattered over half of God's Creation.


Cowboy Ropes a Bandit

Just for fun, a few things the past few days. Ruined a tire when I ran over a chisel point in the dirt. Stop leaving equip out to get buried and that wouldn't have happened. Ricky runs tire shop in the town of a population of five or six hundred called and said he had to put a new tire on the rim as the sidewall had been cut open. I stopped to pick up my tire and a young man gets out of his pickup at the same time. He was all cowboy from the dog in the truck with him, to his old cowboy hat, denim shirt, pants, and old boots. That's pretty well normal around here.


Mellowed with age...

Over the past couple of decades, I've been weeding the men's clothes out of my wardrobe. First went the underwear, then little by little the outer wear was replaced with items from the women's rack. At the present time, I only have one outfit that is strictly men's clothes. I'm hanging on to that as I, twice a year, go drab for my wife. Once on her birthday and again on our anniversary.

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Suspicious Email

I just got an email allegedly from Lulu asking me to update my credit card information! !!!!! I've not given them any of my CC info, in fact I don't remember buying anything from them at all. I deleted it without opening it. So if you see it pop up on your email inbox, I suggest you think about it before opening it.

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Women Love Movies Weekend

I has to work today, a record hot day in the Portland, OR metro area. When I came home, I slipped into a lightweight skirt and cotton blouse to enjoy the cool air conditioned living room. My wife offered to let me choose what TV channel to watch. After a quick scan, the listings showed me that "Sister Act" was just starting on ION so I opted to watch that, since I've always liked the movie. As it got over I saw that "Sister Act Two" was airing. Having never seen it, I decided to watch it.

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How Should Christians Respond to Target’s Bathroom Policy?

My wife had this pop up on her Facebook page.

How Should Christians Respond to Target’s Bathroom Policy?

While the lady isn't in favor of Target's policy, she is very reasonable about her feelings on it and speaks with a clear head, leaving out the knee-jerk response that the other vocal Christians scream with.

I encourage you to read this. If all Christians had this attitude then there would be a lot less angst regarding bathroom use.

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Self serving ungrateful daughter

Someone hose me down! I ran across an article by a selfish ungrateful bitch promoting her myopic views on the world. She has a few letters surrounding her name to give credence to her pathetic self centered opinion. Poor little girl lost her daddy because he decided he was transgendered. As she grew into a woman it becomes clear she never really accepted nor forgave him for finding his own life and not sacrificing it for her any more than he already had.


I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place

So for all you authors out there, I have a question for you. If you have a story that you've been working on for a while but are not sure whether or not it'll be worth releasing, would you release it and hope it sticks? Or would you just can the story and maybe come back to it? I'm asking this because I kinda wrote a story that was inspired by a few different stories that I've read, but I don't think I did it in the right manner to warrant releasing it. Reading back on it myself It seems like I screwed something up in one way or another but I'm not sure.

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Indeed, as they say, the best laid plans..... Anyhow whilst I had hoped to post new chapter and get the web issue sorted today a change of plan/weather means I won't get on line properly (this is from my phone) today.

The next update will therefore be mid week so have a look then.

In other news - Book 16 is moving along well, the next block will be finished next week, the editorial team(!) have up to ch15 so only 25 more to go! Part 2 will be released next weekend, so if you can't wait for the full book you can sharpen your credit cards for a shorter fix in 7 days time!

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How Societies (Could) Categorize Gender

Cissexist societies tend to classify all trans people as either our birth-assigned genders or some third gender. And these categories may work for some trans people, but not for others.

I was world-building for a couple s-f settings, and was thinking how they might classify trans people.

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Crisis averted *Thank God*

Well everyone I'm back and as you might remember I lost my outline to my story Broken Phoenix(or so I thought) well it turns out I made a second copy of the file and stuck it on a thumb drive. Now I'm happy to announce that Broken Phoenix will actually be returning! No timeframe as of yet but it will be returning when I get back to writing it(which is right now actually)

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My favorite author...

I had recently found that some books by my favorite author were translated into English and were published by "western" publishers including Amazon.
Pen name is Max Frei, and is a name of the protagonist in many of the stories.
Interestig thing is that while pen name of the author and protagonist are male, actual author is female.

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How to saddle and bridle a horse

I don't agree with a lot of this. I also don't agree with all the different names they gave to respective parts of the saddle. Maybe my part of the world was ignorant and didn't know what all it took to toss a saddle and bridle on a horse? Maybe our horses were too tame and didn't need the tactical learning skills necessary to toss a leg over a horse? We always mounted a strange horse from the left side except our own horses. Ours we climbed on which ever side we were on. The horses and me were just too dumb to realize we needed a college course in how to saddle and ride horses.


2016-05 (2) Pride and stuff

Today is the annual Belgian Pride ( or 'Roze Zaterdag' ( 'Pink Saterday" ) for my generation and older > few namechanges for the event over the years). The focus this year is / was (day is almost over) transgender rights. Sadly enough I wasn't able to go. Especially since I used to volunteer year in / year out for it.

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