
Hunting for a Story~

I've been hunting for months to track down a story I read a while ago. I can't remember the name, author or the name the main character uses for the majority of the story.

What I do remember is that the main character is a young reincarnation of Apollo, a student of some form of magic academy is part demon, their mother is some kind of demon ice queen or something, and that the series also features an FtM character who's the reincarnation of Loki.

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for those who don't read The Onion

One of my favorite online "news" sources is The Onion, the U.S. satirical "newspaper" that bills itself as "America's Finest News Source". They write about politics, sports, popular culture, et al., and seem to have a real knack for telling things the way they really are, even if it's all made up. They stopped their weekly print version a few years ago, which was offered in many large U.S. cities, but continue to have an active online presence.

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down memorylane

A part of the bagage I carry around where the comments my Ma made and one of her actions since the first time she found out I dressed (think I was about 8 years old at the time but it was going on from age 4 although I didn't life with her at that time). The action was the fact that there where no more hugs or any other comforting physical action. That hurt but it's the comments that screwed my up more. She basically told me I would end up only being good for working the streets in one way or another and she did this for about 7 years every time she caught me.


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In Search Of

I'm trying to find a story I'm pretty sure is a Whateley tale. All I can remember is a class is on the firing range shooting blanks. Then one student's gun makes the sound of a real fired shot. The range instructer stops everything and is headed to check out what happened. The clueless idiot swings the gun around in spite of being told to put the it down and shoots the protagonist.

Sound familiar?


Not as wise as I thought

I am attempting to remember the name of Author and Story
Title has the word 'WISDOM' in it

Story may be in Whateley Universe or Morfs Universe, but definitely a mutation story

Boy on road trip with father/grandfather
He is terminally ill, but unlike most stories he is hiding that he is tg, until mutation kicks in, so when mutation changes her it's the best result.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


One of the first movies on TG issues

Last week I found an interesting movie on rarelust dot com, that I downloaded and watched over the weekend. The movie is called "I want what I want" and was released in 1972.

It is the story of a young man and his struggle of finding his own identity. How his domineering, womanizing, ex-military and abusive father threatens to kill him, but refuses to report his running away to the police for fear of losing face in society. The overcompensating girly-girl, the insecurities and struggles through transition that happened in the late 1960's to very early 1970's.

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Every grain of sand counts

There are so many who have added to the awareness of the differences in life and in lives. I can't begin to count the ones who added to the intellectual pool of knowledge. Of course that includes Erin and all those who keep BCTS up and running. I must include those hundreds, thousands of authors and readers who add to the data stream. I wish everyone to know each and everyone counts in the life stream and yes, each and everyone makes a difference.

Anyway, I didn't ask Patty if I could repost but if she is looking for someone to take over, maybe she won't mind.


Thank you all.

I would like to offer a heart felt thank you, I've been for the most part lurking in the shadows, and I've finally worked up enough courage to post something kin to a welcoming post. First allow me to thank all the wonderful authors out there who share there pieces of creativity. You guys are beyond amazing and have awaken in me a need and a want. You have also given me ideas and indirectly you guys have made me a better writer. And that's about it right now, I'm to shy to say anything about myself. And to quote a popular anime, one I can not name, I will conclude this bog by saying.


My wife's visitor

...a faceless man, in a long dark coat. He stole silently into where she was sleeping, and carried her away.

It's not like we didn't know this day was coming. There is no recovery from the dementia, no going back to being the vibrant woman that she was when she was healthy. I'm slowly coming to terms with it.

I had a friend comment that he couldn't imagine what I was going through. I replied with this:

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OMG: RE The Crush

119 kudos; I've never gotten over 100 kudos before. Here on a whim, I broke off from my other efforts to try something new and whipped out a story with no research, mostly just coming off the top of my head. I didn't really have any time to edit it beyond running spell checker over it at the end. And for that I break 100 kudos.

Who'd have thunk it? The best I'd done before was 90. I suppose though that beings it was a contest entry I garnered a few more readers than I might have otherwise.

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Question RE Marrage

My wife and I Did divorce last April. We parted as Friends. Her mother has Alzheimer's and is in Canada. If you love them let them go. I let her go, and we ARE friends.

My Question is this

We Married in the Presbyterian faith, in Canada, MY faith, and divorced 25 years later in the Indian River County Court House, "faith". I did not go to a Church for the divorce. I did NOT NEED to seek approval for this from my religious faction.

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Job title: writer

Well that looks like the plan for now at least. Of course my publishing doesn't just run to Gaby et al, Scaramouch also have a range of travelogues and photo books, shortly these will be joined by some other non fiction titles.

To kick start this new career the first part of Gaby - Friends - the 15th Gaby book is available today! As usual the Kindle version lags a little, it should be available sometime this evening but here are the LULU links for paper and pdf;

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I'm in-- The Crush: Patty’s Dilemma

Well I did it. I finally managed to get a story done in time for a contest entry. I've just posted "The Crush: Patty’s Dilemma" For better or worse, 6,337 words of my attempt at TG romance, written from the GGs point of view. Something new for me.

Hope you all like it.

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on a breadcake

roll or other baked product at the moment so I've sent four new chapters to the editor - it would've been more except stupid blonde that I am I managed to wipe a full new chapter and it took 3 days to remember everything I'd written - essential as I'd written two more after it!

Potentially then we'll be up into the teens by next weekend so there might be a new part book on Sunday.

Today though there definitely is a new chapter here.


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2016-01 (2) Exams

Well one worry less for the moment. My results for the first semester are 70%, 80% and 80%. So 2 B's and 1 C isn't bad when I didn't study more then 8 hours total ( for 7 tests, 4 homework tasks and 3 exams) for the entire semester. (finishes what they call A-levels in the UK for the rest, years ago so only got the technical courses left).

Thursday it's the first day of the next semester but before that it's back for the retirement commission and work related stuff Tuesday >faceplam<. Here's hoping it will be the last one ...


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Time For A Rewrite!

Because I'm that type of person who prepares for all eventualities, I'm just making a quick post to let everyone know that I'm taking down my story to rewrite it. I wrote it quite a long time ago and just want to start fresh. Besides, I only got one chapter through before I felt that something went wrong in my telling, so it's no big loss I don't think!

I don't know when or if it will be posted, but I'd like to think that I will have something up within the year :p

*Edit* hmm... that is if I can remove it! I may just leave them and change the titles if I cannot */Edit*


Crossover Characters

I'm trying to remember the title and author of a story

It is proving difficult as I can't remember which universe it was set could have been in the Julieverse or Whateley universes

part of story I can remember

new state of the art theatre is setup on a campus (link between the above universes and this particular story is Jen Stevens of Bob Arnolds ZAPPED universe if I'm remembering correctly), part of this theatre that Jen helps to set up is that it houses a panic room.


What a compliment

To those who know me, which is few on this site, and those who don't, I want to start by saying I am a nurse of 20 years. That being said, I have just started a new job in the last 2 weeks. As with any new job there are the anxieties and insecurities aplenty. I have always worked in hospital, usually a large one, and am now working in a long term care facility in a new position as a supervisor.

All that aside, I seem to be one of the more senior nurses in this facility and I am finding that for once my years on experience is actually being appreciated.


In Memorium

Today is the first of three sad anniversaries for NASA. On this day in 1967 a flashfire during routine preflight testing of the Apollo 1 spacecraft took the lives of Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee.

Tomorrow, Jan. 28, is the 30th anniversary of the Challenger shuttle disaster.

And Feb. 1, is the 13th anniversary of the Colombia disaster.


college bound

Can't remember if I read here or some where else. There this teen boy who wanting to get away from his controlling mother. So he applied for a college out there the west coast. His letter from the college came in he was accepted. His name was neutral so could a boy or girls name. When got the information back. He told mother that he was going cross country to go to school. When he get there and set up in his room. His roommate show up it was a female. By that time he had no choice but to share it with her. She found out that he was TG. someone can help me find thank you.

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Bridesmaid for a Friend Illustration

Hello Big Closet,

Noticed this site for a while now. While I am more of a fan of the forced fem stuff, I do a have soft spot for regular crossdressing and tg stories. A while a go I did this illustration to Thomas Roberts forgotten "Bridesmaid for a Friend" story about a boy who is asked to be a bridesmaid for his lady friend's wedding. In the story he learns about himself and finds love. Her story is on Fictionmania.

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looking for a story?

I am looking for a story that was on BCTS,

It as about an older couple where the husband is turned into a little girl, the wife then is made younger and basically the mother. their 3 dogs that had died are brought back and turn into dragons which the girl rides. She then travels to the DC universe to gather powers, she gets flight, strength, and I remember that she ended up getting dark sides omega beam as well.

for the life of me i can not remember the title or author. but I remember almost every detail from the story.

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The compleat Book 14 and more

Well here we are, Book 14 in the Gaby saga is complete and now available in a single 300 plus page volume at both Kindle and Lulu sites. The eagle eyed amongst you will note a change of title for the volume, Gaby San didn't sit very well in either language or continuity so it will now be Gaby - The Girl.

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How can people be so cruel?

We were visiting my husband's family in London. We decided to use public transport due to the fact that he hates to drive in London and I'm still not happy about driving on the wrong side of the road lol. It was while we were on the tube (subway) and Benjamin our youngest woke up. I was hoping to get to my in laws first we were about twenty minutes away. This meant that I had to discretely as possible breast feed him on the tube train. I was doing this pretty well until some guy started to object to it and he made me feel so bad and dirty about doing something natural.



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