
T-man at my local Safeway.

I've suspected for some time that there was trans-person working at my local Safeway. The individual has always looked very androgynous. I guess the age to be about mid to late twenties. If this person was male, the lower age would be my guess. Even more confusing was that early on the name seemed to be Holly, but later, it became apparent that the name was Hollister, which I took to be a male name.

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The Last of My Family

I just got a call this afternoon that the last of my immediate family is dying.
My sister fell out of bed in the care facility, broke her ribs and is in extreme pain. When they went to change her clothing, they found she was bleeding out internally.
Its just a matter of time now. Waiting for the Dr. to arrive and give her some potent pain meds. She is unable to swallow or talk now.

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Prayers Needed - Update

At the finish of the Oklahoma State University homecoming parade this morning a car traveling at high speed crashed through a crowd of parade watchers. Three confirmed dead, eight critical, seven serious, and seven 'walking wounded'. The driver was a 25 yr old women and is in custody on a charge of Driving Under the Influence. Not an OSU student, a local resident.



A Heads Up

I've finished writing the first part of Gaby Book 14 and as has become habit it will be available via Kindle and Lulu from Sunday, yes the 25th of October!

Overall i'm running a little behind schedule but not so much I can't catch up! The next segment should be @ 3 weeks away so after a long wait there will be a quick succession of Gabyness for the fans, I hope it's worth waiting for!

The completed book is still due over Christmas / New Year and with a following wind I might have the next Nena out about the same time - it's 2/3rds written already.

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State of me 2

Well, it's been a while. Not all downs but certainly not all ups but I was starting to mis this place.

Spend that year and a half doing some od jobs (intern here, personal assistant there,.. ) but HR said that the didn't see a permanent fix so I'll be retired now without any possible way to avoid it.

Well, the paperwork is on it's merry way but I couldn't stay still at home. So I'm doing a 2 year course for network technician. Doing well there (better then expected with a lot of teenagers in a class -> kind of community college).

And here I am again,


I might not have been to Interlaken

this time but the reason for delay in posting was a trip to Switzerland by yours truly last weekend! Quite fitting really and although I had a fun weekend it was nothing like Gaby's adventures!

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Historic tram in Basel last Sunday!

I know I keep saying it but regular postings should resume again now, at least for a few weeks!

In other news, Book 14 part 1 will hopefully be ready next weekend so look out for the announcement.


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Favor from those publishing stories!

I am not one to complain about things that I can't control and WILL not complain about the BC authors and the publishing of their work. BUT, I do have a suggestion to those which do have their work published and post the information here at BC. Could you PLEASE post a price or at least an estimate of the cost per title for each title! My idea will allow people to set aside the money even if it's a little bit each week to be able to purchase the works of their favorite author at that site.

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Jackie Evancho's Sister Juliet

Who ever thought that Jackie Evancho would have a connection with our world here. Her older Brother Jacob (17) is her Sister Juliet an Jackie introduce her to the world at the Global Lyme Alliance's gala ball in support of there mother Lisa who has Lyme disease. Checkout this story in People Magazine at this address: Richard

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Tests and Attempted Suicide

This week was destined to be insane, I have 5 tests, a report, and the PSAT all in the next three days, but shit got real today as I found out that one of my oldest friends (we have been friends for 4 years) ran away from home and tried to commit suicide last night. He is fine now and is safe in a hospital, but the fact that a kid who was always so happy could do so just took me by surprise.

Anyway, everyone involved is fine and some of the other kids from the website that we use contacted the police when he posted his suicide note.

Sn1per01 (Ember)


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Dormice On The Radio - Again

Early this morning there was an archive edition of The Living World from 2003 broadcast on BBC Radio 4.

This one was about dormice in the county of Somerset. It focussed on finding dormice that were spending time in unexpected habitats (they actually described the dormice as camping out) away from the more expected hazel coppices. The presenter used the word cute more than once to describe the dormice (with babies) that they found.



Sensory Processing Issues

I have sensory processing issues and just got hammered with sensory overload. I was about to post a rant, but I think it might be more helpful to start a discussion.

So you know, we might better understand each other, or better understand characters with sensory processing differences of different kinds. I'm currently reading Bailey Summers' Encrypted, and Maddie comes to mind.


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"I hate your children"

I hate your kids. And I’m not sorry.

It takes all kinds to make our world and each of us are uniquely one of a kind. Among the billions of people on this messed up planet each individual is one off with no duplicate. Yeah, I know, some will debate that. Moving on to the lady who hates kids. Did she think deep enough to understand she would not be here if her mother or any of the women in her heritage linage thought the same thing?


need author name

I am trying to find a couple of author names so I can order books for my kindle
one is the story about a boy who is transformed by a mud bath at a resort where his mother works
the other is about a man? who is changed by a goddess after he is attached by marauders

I would appreciate any help
pm me at djkauf


The school of phobias

So today i wore an old 1960's era USAF rain jacket to school... And promptly had the police on me telling me to never wear the jacket to school again... The jacket is just a elongated raincoat that is a dark blue. I was told that "it looked scary and it looked like i was 'military' and that offended people." Which is BS because it isn't like it is a jacket with high capacity pockets and weapons holsters... Its a damn raincoat/wind breaker!

Thanks "the news" for making large coats into a sign that you are going to kill people.

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Another Gaby chapter

Yes, another chapter of Swiss Cheese to munch through.

On another front I can report that Book 14 is coming along, 6 chapters complete so for the impatient the first quarter book should be ready in a fortnight - I'm away this coming week taking a party to look at some Swiss Archaeology.


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New home

Well, I've spent a week in lovely England. We spent a night in Blackpool, where I first got to know Abby 2 years ago, and then 2 nights at Hawkshead in the Lake District. I don't know if I'll ever go home. So much history combined with greenery and beauty like I've never seen. Wow!!


At last

For anyone who knew of my multiple failed attempts to make it to the UK to marry my sweetheart Abby, I have arrived! I got in last evening and we drove to Sheffield after a lovely dinner in Manchester. Needless to say it's a tad bit colder here than where I'm from. It was 107 degrees Fahrenheit when I left Phoenix Arizona USA. I'd love meet a few of the crowd of BC if possible while here.8 weeks of chilly old England.


A very bad couple of hours

Yesterday, I was making a masterpiece of a mousetrap car for my physics class (I am in high school, and i know that it says +18 but I've been coming here since before that) and today i come home and decide to put on the finishing touches and test it. I finish the construction and test it once... The damn thing falls apart, so i try to fix it, but I keep burning myself on the hot glue gun. Then the lever to increase the leverage fails, which means more hot glue which results in more burns, i cut myself with the box cutter slightly, and it still won't stay together.



My day at the Oregon Coast Aquarium

My wife and I were on vacation last week on the Oregon Coast. I love her dearly. She struggles to accept and understand her feminine husband. It is with great effort that she lets herself be seen with me when I'm not masquerading as an average male.

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Compulsory Heterosexuality

When I started transition, my gatekeeper, and some people in my support group, both insisted I'd turn out straight. Well, I am lesbian. But I still have a lot of hang-ups from that. And I haven't read much about the men, but I've seen a lot of stories about womyn who turn out bi/pan or het, but not so much about womyn who turn out lesbian or ace. And I really want to say that no, just because someone transitions doesn't mean that they'll develop an attraction to other sexes/genders. Some do, some don't, and I wish it were easier for each group to find representation.

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I'm looking for someone who lives in and around London. This is not about a story. I need some information. So if you can PM me I will let you know what I need. Thank you


School is back

Well... Im finally a junior, but it is bitter sweet. It means that I only have a couple more years with the few friends that I have. It will also mean that I will no longer be able to see my sister. My mom makes sure to remind me of that almost every day. Now that I am a junior, I am taking AP classes, which fills up my schedule. I am always in the dark as to what is happening to the chat room... I am taking two AP classes at the moment, AP English III and AP US History.

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I've got you a new chapter up!

Sorry for the complete £$%! up last week but I was having a senior blonde moment!

Good news tho - Book 14 is almost 2 chapters long - I'm aiming to have at least 6 by next weekend but its pretty intense as its currently set in Japan so the research is taking up longer than the writing!

More next weekend.


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Window Decal

You know those window decals you see on cars of little family stick figures? Personally I think they look good on some types of cars, and kinda ugly on other types. The kind I think they look OK on tend to fall in the SUV range with the flat vertical rear window.


Sincerest Apologies

I know you are all waiting for some new Gaby but blondeness got the better of me today.

It was my last sportive event of the year today, @2000m of climbing squeezed into 102km of riding including the steep Holme Moss climb. My mind was therefore not concentrating on collecting the drive with Gaby on it to post or other stuff I had intended doing this afternoon. I will try to get something posted one evening.

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Wearing men's clothing

Those of you who bother to read my blog on a semi regular basis, are aware that I don't wear men's clothes at all, except at work. That doesn't mean that I don't present a masculine image on occasion, such as church and family events. (Not all my family is aware of my trans nature.)

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