
Has any one heard from Sarah UK?

Hello this fish029:
I am not big poster. I love the reading stories more, here on BigCloset they are some many excellent stories and universes to read here about. I am worried about Sarah UK. Has any one herd from Sarah UK? Is that she ok or has she stop writing. If she stop writing it sad to hear that.

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Girl Scouts do Good for Trans-Girl

Another Anti-Lgbt organatization has started hating on people.
The American-Family-Association(AFA), is a little late joining on the dissing of Trans-girl in scouts, and they want them out.

But, there is serious good news, the GSA (Girl Scouts of America) instantly defend the Trans-Girls, as both belonging and girl that just have to take a more unique path, that scouting can help them with.

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Worst nightmare.

Well, it finally happened. My worst nightmare. As I have proudly proclaimed for a while. I'm quite confident in being out and about in my neighborhood and around town.

Tuesday, week before last, I was sent to get birdseed (and some other things) at Bi-mart after work. This time, I opted to stop by the house and change into appropriate clothing and not appear there in my overly masculine work uniform.

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My Nice Kids

This past Sunday we went and met my boys for a lunch for Mothers Day / Fathers Day . My younger son paid for the lunch and then a nice surprise from my older son . He went to the Seminole Casino the week before and won $3000.00 at the back rack table so as we where leaving to go home he handed me some money folded with a $100.00 bill on the outside with 4 more on the inside very nice to get $500.00 for mom day and dad day. He has done this before we he wins big , he is a CPA and is ahead of the casino's with the winnings .

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Gabycon 2015

Okay folks

here are the details as they stand

Dates 3/4/5 July 2015
Location Dorchester

programme tbc

Friday evening - meal in Dorchester
Saturday - optional cycle ride (non riders can drive of course!) to Weymouth/Portland followed by Gaby readings and evening meal
Sunday - visit to Yeovilton Air Museum, lunch with Gaby readings before departure.

There is a wide variety of accommodation in the area

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For several years I received a stream of Gabyverse fanfiction which for the most part seemed to be received very well and enjoyed by many. Apart from specials by Angharad for the Gabycon's (this years event is the first weekend of July), this has dried up so that the arrival this week of a new interlude was quite unexpected.

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Free Comic Book Day

Today is a fun and free Holiday to those that enjoy Graphic novels and Pictorial Books.

In other words it is "Free Comic Book Day"
How does this holiday work you ask?
It is easy you go to a comic or one of many hobby stores and ask for a copy of a Free pre-approved comic book.

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Calling all Spoonies/Survivors

Is anyone here a "spoonie" or afflicted with things such as fibromyalgia or other conditions that cause chronic pain? I'm going to be seeing a pain management doctor soon, and I'm wondering what to expect.

Those of you who don't know what the "spoon theory" is, here is a link

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Bek D. Corbin joins Kindle Authors!

I am SO VERY happy to announce Bek D. Corbin has joined the family of Sapphire's Place Kindle Authors!

The first of MANY of his stories published is " Skeleton Crew"

"Doctor Zheng was a burned out has been doctor, stuck on a run-down patched together star freighter that was just a slower than light boat to nowhere. He wasn't the man to save the entire crew from a horrible death. But maybe he is the right woman for the job"

This is part of the Quickie series of shorter fiction, so it's only $2.99 and can be bought through this link.

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Gaby Chronicles

So I bought Maddy Bell Gaby books all the way up to Wunderkind planning on takng my time reading them. But I read through them all in a week. I still have book 12 and 13 to go but no funds. Gaby is soooo good im climbing up the walls till the first when I can purchase the last of them. Seriously they are sooooooooo good. Total inspired me to go bike shopping to


Authors works list

Could it be arranged so that when an authors name is clicked on authors list, a list of links to there works, available on BC, would appear. Some authors are nice enough to keep a link to such a page near the top of their blog, but others I find nearly impossible to get to any of their stories. Maybe I am missing a better way to approach this?

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Maybe more than most want to know about transgender

Over the years I have learned, hoping with knowledge and time transgender would finally start being understood by the general public is an effort in futility. With the hate and fear mongers spreading their own biased opinion of transgender being a mental sickness or some such, far too many buy into the lies. Scientific research aside, facts discarded, the hate group hasn't a clue. Their hate and bigotry stops with their own personal fears and opinions.


Ditzy Blonde

no not Gaby, me! I'd forget my own er, thing above shoulders, has hair - oh yeah head if it wasn't attached. I had intended to get another new chapter of Nena to my editor today but I forgot my file stick and so things are not quite as far along as I'd hoped.

I have put up the next Gaby chapter here on BC and i'll aim to post another on Sunday.

for now though,

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BBC News piece about TG children

A new programme started on BBC News this morning. In the first episode,Victoria Derbyshire talked to two young TG children and their parents. This short film has been supported by' Mermaids', a TG support group to help both the parents and children

Here is the link:

I hope the link works it is an interesting conversation with both girls

Love to all

Anne G.


Just a short note

As advanced warning, the update on this coming Wednesday will be the last until the end of the month as I'm away to ride the Spreewald Marathon in eastern Germany. Hopefully by that point the new website will be just about ready - broken links, messy file systems, missing info - all this is being fixed.

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Please, please H E L P

Hi y'all,

It has been reported to me that my latest maps don't download, at least the pdf versions.

I have a Windows machine, and I have accessed them under both IE and Firefox - I suppose I could try Chrome in a minute.

I myself have had no problems (Firefox downloads take noticeably longer) but at least one user is having difficulties.

Her configuration is Linux/Firefox.

Has anyone else had problems?

I need to chase this down as it might affect the entire range of maps ....

Thanks for any assistance.


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More S E E info

Hi all,

Penny's latest (#126) mentioned two maps, so I have drawn them and posted them in the Map Repository.

I simply don't have the time to make them all 'Palarandi', so I hope their modernity doesn't distract from the 'atmosphere'.
They do have lots of swishy colours!

They are numbers 3 and 12 in the list (currently).

Feedback is always welcome.



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Why am I reluctant to read others' work?--and other bits of inanity

Since I started contributing complete (though short) stories to this site, I've noticed a curious thing.

I've pretty much stopped reading other people's.

Once in a while I might find something that piques my interest, but that's rare these days.

Now, this is no reflection on the quality of the writing. If my fellow Mixed Tape authors are any indication, the quality of writing on Big Closet certainly hasn't declined.

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Latest News -

So, work on getting the website revitalised and back up and running is going apace, thank you to everyone who has offered assistance in whatever form. With a following wind stage 1 should be ready to roll out in @ 4 weeks, I will of course keep you all up to date with developments.

The new Nena story is coming along, I'm currently working on chapter 3.

Today you can read Costone, chapter 35 of Gaby book 11 here on BC - if things go to plan there won't be much if any break between the end of this book and the start of Book 12 postings!


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Am I hallucinating, or did TGStorytime get hacked?

OK, this is seriously weird. It doesn't concern this site, but I thought I should mention since it has to do with one of the sites on which the Mixed Tape anthology is posted.

I happened to go to TGStorytime to check and see how our latest anthology was doing on that site (I often check here, there, and on Fictionmania for reviews), What I saw when I got there made me think sleep deprivation finally got the best of me.


"Transgender Kids" - BBC-2 Sunday 21:00

There is an upcoming TV prog called Transgender Kids.
It is scheduled for BBC-2 (UK) on Sunday at 21:00.

The presenter (Louis Theroux) travels to San Francisco to look at a programme where transgender children are being helped to live in the sex of their choice rather than the one of their birth.

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Bathroom Anthology

Friday we will be collecting the stories for the first Big Closet anthology. This one revolving around the bathroom issue. We appreciate those who have submitted something as we believe it will help defray some of the cost associated with the site. The anthology will also be good for authors and bring more visitors to the site as each story will have a link bringing readers to the author's page (the one that list all the author's stories, etc.) so they can view other works.

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Bear in mind that when this was originally quoted

Bear in mind that when this was originally quoted, pen\pencil or typewriter and paper were the only method of getting works to the public.

Authors exist merely for the stories sake and not the other way around,
A good story has to do Two things inform and entertain.

The information part must be entertaining enough to let the readers live the story,
Without the readers feeling they are on the receiving end of a sermon.

Writing entertainment without information or without some insight into what it is to be human is a waste of good trees!

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Looking for

Whilst reading Blog entries within the last 2 weeks I saw a link to an authors web page.

The Blog entry had a help request for I think for something to do with email or feed back within a website, something I know nothing about, but this was why the link was included in the comment section.

I began to look at the site in question. I had thought I added to my favourites, as this seems to be wrong, I am at a loss.

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My Dream

Hello. I am new here although I have been reading blogs and fiction on BCTS for several years now. I have finally convinced myself it was time to create a persona.

I almost never remember my dreams, so when it does happen it is significant. I recently had a dream that I remember, and I think it holds special significance to the general subject matter of this site. If any of you are into interpreting dreams, this one should be pretty easy IMO. This dream is also the catalyst for creating a persona here on BCTS. I just had to share it with you all.

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Read all about it!

the keen amongst you will have spotted the new Gaby chapter here today already but for everyone else click here

Thanks for all your recent messages regarding the website and writing, all taken on board. I've decided to do the next Nena tale before banging on with Gaby, the first chapter is with my editing team now so it might be ready for Easter - in my dreams but certainly not long afterwards!

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