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I checked on the site and got an error, and saw "Guru Meditation."
This reminded me of days long ago sitting in the corner of my bedroom with my Amiga. I loved that little comp. It was just way too far ahead of its time.
Someone's giving clues about their age! Amiga's, a real blast from the past. I remember putting a cassette in the machine, going for a bath then coming back to find a silly little programme had just finished loading, still it got much better when floppy disks were introduced and I thought the 50k hard drive was the greatest thing since fresh air was invented.
Ah the happy days of my youth.
Yes it was!
I remember such great games like Wings and Beneath a Steel Sky. I spent so many hours on that comp.
Never Used an Amiga
But there was once a time when, wow! A whole 80K of RAM!
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)