She was a couple grades behind me

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Home town isn't large enough to hide identities nor secrets. We knew which family was cheating on whom We knew whom was dating whom in Jr. High and High School. There was also the local gossip mill about the girls who spread and those who didn't and which boys were active.

That's been years back and personally, I tuned out then and never cared. Honestly, maybe I might but didn't have time. My parents owned a dairy farm. Seven days a week, every day started at 4:30 and quit at 9:00 every night if not nursing sick livestock or harvesting. Then the days got longer.

She walked into the pawnshop and I didn't recognize her until Steve told me. I went to school with him. She was a couple grades behind me. She was girl but didn't have her act together even though it was obvious she had been as such for years. Big girls can look decent if not pretty. She did neither.

She needed help carrying out a couple purchases she made and I offered to help. I'm 5,5 and weigh 135. But I grew up on a farm and am still there. I carried out the trim saw and opened the doors for her. When I returned the pawnshop the jokes were flying thick and heavy. I didn't try and defend her as I felt she was as much to blame as the guys telling the jokes. I might have wore jeans and blouses along with my cowboy boots all my life. Unless it was necessary to get medicine after wading through manure or parts after taking a planter apart. I was usually clean. You don't want to know how bad it gets if you have to pull a calf out of the cow.

Many girls have told me their story from different towns, different parts of the nation. She needed help and it usually starts with bath and goes to clean clothes. It's easier for people to accept if that other person is clean and looks nice.

The only exception to this is cowboys. The dirtier they are, the scruffier they are, the more beat up their clothes and old worn out boots and hat, seems to attract the prettiest women. I think everyone is this nation is still romanticizing the western movies. Let me clue you in ladies, they are just old worn out cowboys and there isn't anything romantic about them.

Have fun don't take life too seriously. It doesn't last long enough to take seriously


Just remember

Wendy Jean's picture

People get beat down. She may be worn beyond caring.