
OK...Does anyone else hate the 'nines' as much as I do?

So...I write for ME... No, really, I do...

I enjoy writing... It is FUN!

I can put into words my fantasies, me desires, my NEEDS...

It is not about whether anyone appreciates my Is ALL about me getting my 'feelings' out there... Right?

Yeah--that is it!!!!

So... Why does it bother me so much when my 'likes' top out at a 'nine'? You know... 79...89... Or, the WORST...99?

Why does that last 'like' matter so much? Who knows...

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And so it gooes...

Just found that I was official member of BCTS for 2 and half years. I was following stories on this site for much much longer. Basically, since Crystal's site stopped updating. And... I had registers here twice before but forgotten logins/passwords...
I never consciously tried to be troll on this site, but as I was recently banned from several sites for asking people to explain their position and to provide substantiation to their claims I can say that I am a semi professional internet troll :-) Can't claim to be professional as I never received any money for my posts online :-)

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And so it goes...

So I bricked my netbook. Maybe permanently. I'm researching things to try. What that means is no more writing. Posting a blog on this tablet or spending a little time in chat is okay, but I can't write on this thing. Not to mention that all my projects are stored in iCloud, and this tablet is Android.

Healthwise I'm having more pain than usual. I'm getting recurring pain from either side of my abdomen, on top of the back and foot pain I've had for years now.

This site and my friends here keep me sane. Thank you all.

Edit: My netbook is a Dell Mini 9.

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After celebrating the failure of terrorists and frightening the spirits, this week, in Europe at least we've been remembering the dead of two world wars and more recent conflicts. Today we aren't threatened by other nations but by extremists hiding behind religion to kill and terrorise the innocent and force their idealogy on others, our military personel continue to die in the pursuit of peace, we should thank them and remember their selfless sacrifice on our behalf.

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Just a little heads-up

As far as Anmar is concerned, then I am delaying posting the next episodes of JoB (#38, #39 and #40 are already completely written and #41 is well under way).
AO #2 is also ready.

However, as each, in their ways, refer to the main story, I like to pass them all through Penny's scrutiny before posting, in case Penny feels I have misjudged some Alaesianisms or Palarandisms. This, of course, then delays poor Penny from getting on with her own stuff.

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To old friends at BC

Yes, both of you...

A few of you know the last year and a half have been a challenge for me as my cataracts overcame my eyesight. Reading and writing became difficult if not impossible. I had the surgery in July. It has a 99% success rate but I was in the 1%.

On the 29th I had PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) also called ASA (Advanced Surface Ablation). For someone who loves to read and write this has been a real trial. I was warned of extreme pain and a slow recovery: Weeks, months, maybe a slow year.


The Bestseller ~ Part 2 -- Duplicate Posts...

Hi Everyone,

I REALLY apologize for the multiple postings of chapter 2 today. I don't know what is going on with my computer... Anyway, I have asked Erin to remove the duplicates.

As for the voting on how to proceed: Well, I wrote both versions of how I felt it could go forward and liked BOTH so much that I am going to meld them. The good news for those that like the story, I guess, is that it will add another chapter or two to the whole series.

Again, sorry for the confusion!


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The Bestseller ~ Part 2 (NEED HELP!)

So... I am at a crossroads...

I have (I think) pretty good options moving forward for 'The Bestseller'... The problem is, I am not really sure which way to go...

So... I am going to post two options tomorrow...and see which gets the most likes/supportive comments in 24 hours and continue on from there...

Either works well for me...and will (for the most part) end up at the same point... The journey will just be different... I like both so much, I really can't decide...



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In need of an honest opinion

Okay, I know everyone asks this once in a while. I sometimes look in the mirror and see I'm pretty and feel I can pass as myself no problem and others I question myself. I am hoping I can get a few people to offer an honest opinion if I look good or not. I know my chins gotta go it horrible and my nose is huge. good or bad opinions are accepted. Thanks for putting up with my silliness.

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NPR on Transgender Men Who Become Pregnant

Although BCTS stories deal mostly with MtF issues this article covers something that could be an interesting story element. Think of the challenge for a FtM, MtF couple starting a biological family.

"Transgender Men Who Become Pregnant Face Social, Health Challenges"


wisdom about problems

here is a little wisdom about problem's that i got from my father before he passed away. he said that a problem is an opportunity for growth and that once you learn the answer to a problem, it stops being a problem because you know how to solve it no matter how many times it rears its ugly head again. he told me this when i got depressed when overloaded by problems feeling self pity and just staying in the bad situation. i hope this help others like it helped me. i love you all.


Bondfire Night

Yes its that time of year again when we Brits celebrate the failure of dissident terrorists' attempt to kill our King and destroy our Parliament, we have long memories, it was in 1605, over 400 years ago!

A bit nearer to home, its time to celebrate the release of the next instalment of Gaby - Culture Clash, Part the Second is now available for your Kindle from Amazon and for other formats via Lulu. The third stanza is underway and should be ready for release at the end of November.

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Getting your message across

I woke up this morning thinking about why we write. All of us, not just “authors”. The answer, of course is that we have something to say. It might be how it feels to be transgendered, or about seeing the humor in a difficult situation. It might be “I hurt”, and here’s why. It might be as simple as “I’m too tired to write an episode tonight.”.

It’s all about communicating something about our selves. As such, this communication deserves the dignity of having it’s message stated clearly, and without confusion.

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Athena's Wisdom, and other stuffs.

Hi all. I'll be posting Issue Eight of Athena's Wisdom later tonight. Then, there won't be any for a while, because I'm going to be doing Nanowrimo this year. It's no secret that I'm not the fastest writer out there, and I'm hoping that doing Nanowrimo this year will help with that.

I'm starting from scratch too. I haven't picked anything from my project folder to work up, or done an outline. So wish me luck if you will, and let me know if there's any interest in seeing it here on the site.

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Oh dear - what is a 'shutter'?

Hi all,

I came across a misapplied word in a passage a month or two ago.

As far as I was concerned, a shutter is something you use to pull across a window to either block the light (to a certain extent) or the wind, when it's stormy. Or both.
I supposed that it could be someone employed to go around shutting things.
I know that cameras have shutters.

In this last week, I have now seen the same misapplied word no less than eight times.

"I don't know how long I lay on that cold and dirty tiled floor, shuttering."

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I'm confused.
I went to the SAAQ (or the DMV if you prefer), look like that Canada Post lost my new driver license :(
So every body is nice, very good service and fast !!!
What bugs me is the person that took my new picture called for Miss. !!! but I don't present as a women, to mush baldness to mush beard. There is the M for sex and my first name is not what you can call feminine.

Life is pretty strange some time.
Hug for all tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness


I've had this song stuck in my head all day.

The Eagles are one of my favorite bands. Writing amazing music that fit several different genres, they left a trail of hit songs that I can listen to again and again almost forty years after they were written.

Here's probably one of my most favorite songs of theirs, it's been playing inside my head all day:


To all the Canadians

To all my Canadian brothers and sisters, the ones I know and the ones I don't, allow me to express my sorrow and sympathy over the events in Ottawa today. I wish I could give each and everyone of you a big hug. Especially those who have a loved one involved in this crime.

Y'all take care now, ya hear?


When Women Become Men at Wellesley (Article - NYT)

There's not a "News" category, so I just picked a couple that are somewhat relevant.

Apparently, there's an increasing number of TG's coming out at womens colleges. The article above is specifically about one 'trans-man' at Wellesley, but with asides about other colleges.

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Yep, everything worked today!

So new chapters and news in the regular places on the regular day!

Me an' Gab are off to Germany/Denmark for a few days, get some pics, visit some sites, but we'll be back in time for next weeks update.

The next stanza of Culture Clash is coming along nicely so expect to see it around Hallowe'en.


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New Puppy

If you follow the blogs you will know I put my best buddy to rest the end of August . We had 10 great years with Hershey . We have 2 adult dogs and now I am PROUD to announce it's a BOY . We went to Petsmart for adopt a pet Saturday and brought home a 3 month old pedigree 57 variety Heinz , a mix Terrier and maybe Sheppard his color is Brindle ( the coat looks like a Tabby Cat striped ) his name is Barney . Long time since we had a baby , good thing I have a carpet shampooer LOL.


"Life, engineered" - Lynn Conway

A news article was published today about Lynn Conway and the amazing difference she made in the computer industry during a time when transition was not accepted nearly as much as it is now. She is a true pioneer.

-- Michelle

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Again my addled mind

has been feeding me snippets of stories.

If my memory is correct ( which it is once every blue moon or so )

mother, father and son in hotel room in Europe, France or Germany, bad guys break into room kill mom and dad, leave son for dead, with serious injuries, most severely in genitals.
I think mom and dad might have been in US diplomatic service.
after son recovers enough aunt and uncle take him in and back to US, however he is left with parents house and contents.

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writers manage to find readers dispite and because of Amazon

I don't like the pricing scale of Amazon. They aren't doing the heavy lifting in book promotions. They provide a venue for authors and readers to find one another. What I do like is many authors who would not ever get published by the big mainstream publishers are able to find an outlet for their talent. More than that, the main stream publishers are no longer the gods of publishing deciding who their anointed one will be.


Viewing Format Question

Previously I had my viewing preferences set so that I see the most recent story comments first rather than at the end of the comments list. The order has changed somehow so that the newest comments are at the bottom of the page. Can I still view comments in descending order, and, if so, how do I accomplish that?

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Was this Cruel of me?

I received a mail in game [ Damoria browser based RTS game I'm forum mod, server admin and english support for it.]

Here is the GROUP dispatch mail I sent in response, with the original mail:
my reply tops the message

um, you do know that I'm going for the sex change op don't you?

Accolade wrote:
gotcha !

A tough looking group of hairy bikers are riding when they see a girl about to jump off a bridge, so they stop. The leader, a big burly man, gets off his bike and says, "What are you doing?"


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