
Anther Year Over

I guess I have to blow my own horn. Another year has been added to the total 2 days ago - the 7th. There are a lot of sevens in the full description - this is probably the last time that my number of years on earth will make a pair! Awe, well better to be on the green side of the grass! Time for another glass of wine.


Hello down under and south Asia!

Hello to the land down under!

We need more down unders in our chat room. The primary chat room is in English and Murican but you could form another room to talk to people with other languages.

Please come in. It gets lonely in the night time in North America / Western Europe and the Phillipines.

Join us in your night time and you'll find someone to talk to eventually.

Just remember you have to hang out long term to find other people who join/part in a minute or less... You won't find anyone with that shotgun approach...



Flu bronchial infection?

Last year I picked up this stuff (bronchial) I put up with it for over a month before I pushed it out. This time I was ready. Cowboy Beans with a ton of garlic and onion loaded in. Teaspoon of DMSO, and ten drops of GSE in OJ several times a day. Couple glasses of Alvera every day. Ten drops of MMS twice a day. Teaspoon of colloidal silver once a day.


New error

I got a new error trying to access

XML Parsing Error: unexpected parser state Location: jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Firefox/browser/omni.ja!/chrome/browser/content/browser/aboutneterror/netError.xhtml Line Number 305, Column 54:



Again, I'm running windows 7 home premium and using the latest Firefox browser.

Can anyone decode this for me?

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womb transplant

Hey all
I just heard on the news the other day that the world's first successful womb transplant was proven by the Swedish woman who gave birth to a healthy baby. The procedure is said to be able to give women with no uterus a chance ofor being a part of the miracle of child birth. Modern medicine WOw


Full functionality restored

Since the upgrade, up to now, I have been able to post neither comments nor blogs.

I blogged about that earlier, when I went on a different machine in a different location, with a different Operating System and a different browser. After trying on nine diiffering combinations of OS and browsers on my own machine.

From that earlier blog, I received a couple of comments and also several messages.

I got angry with the content of some of those messages.


Alphabetical list of stories

It's been a while since I've been able to find it, but at one time there was an alphabetical list of stories on this site, a vast multipage listing that listed everything, by chapter (yes, skipping past Bike took forever). What happened to it? Too resource hogging? It was handy if one remembered the title, but couldn't remember the author. It was also nice for just browsing.

I'm not hallucinating, right? Does anyone else remember this as being here?



Wonder if anyone else is having as much fun as I am trying to find anything and everything since the furniture has been rearranged?

Solos are serials
Serials are books and list of authors
Stories are there one day, gone the next
Blogs are scattered in among the Solos
I was no longer able to use the password so I had to reset it.
After resetting password and logging in I couldn't comment on Morpheus story. That finally cleared up today.


why don't british authors use words

why don't british author's use the words sitting or standing? they will use sat or stood instead. for example, in the usa we would say he is sitting in the kitchen whereas the british would say he is sat in the kitchen. and the british would say he is stood in the kitchen. if i did that in school, my teachers would have had a fit. i guess it is just the difference between british and american english. just curious as to why.

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Dead for good?

Is Crystal's Storysite dead for good? It's listed as also hosted by BCTS and the link is dead. When I click on the link, I get, "Server not found," the same as my link. It's been that way for some time now. Or is it that the site has been relocated and I just don't have the right link?

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Order on Amazon thru BCTS

To all our BCTS family , did you know that if you click to link to Amazon for all and any orders you may have with Amazon BCTS gets % of the purchase about 4-7 % . Just click on Amazon it will open a new page then sign on as normal , this will help with team BCTS costs and the best thing is doesn't cost us member anything. Every little bit helps


It's not all roses .....

Excuse me for not joining in with the paeans of praise.

Since the 'upgrade' I have been unable to post comments. Nor can I post blogs.

It all works on the computer at work, but not here on my laptop - where it all worked fine last week.

This is for me a retrograde step.

I cannot believe that I am the only one with this configuration of hard-, soft- and vapour-ware.


Problems with BCTS?

I've been away from a computer for a few days and when I logged in this morning, I found a very different looking BCTS.

When I read a blog, the list at the left of the page does not turn color to alert me that I've already read that message.

Listed fiction no longer includes the name of the author, a prime criterion for whether I read a story with my very limited time.

I notice that the ads are absent. This cant be good for revenue.

This seems to be a large print version of BCTS. Even with my poor vision, not yet necessary for me, even on a laptop.


I'm Back -- Network help needed.

We spent a week without internet. My DSL went down Thursday the 12th. That happens now and then and they are usually pretty good about getting it back up. However, it was still out Friday after work. I suppose I should have called right then, but we had things to do and would be out 'til late, then Saturday there was this family outing. Long story short, I didn't make the call until Monday. I was told they could get a tech out Thursday morning. Thursday evening and no tech.

Blog About: 


Blog entries: what do people want to read?

Looking over the past few months of blog entries, I've noticed that some of mine get far more reads than some others, and they're not always the ones I think are going to attract attention.

With that in mind, I put a question to all of you. What do you like to see in a blog entry, and what do you not?

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Back home - and the world as we know it ends .....

So I got back home, after days of traffic jams (bloody C Y C L I S T S - we even got caught up in the tangled web of closed and opened streets due to the end of the Tour of Britain !!!!) and getting a virus on the computer from a CD of photos that some a..h... had given my elderly recently-widowed aunt, and I unpacked all the goodies into the fridge (British sausage, bacon, and just a hint or two of individual pork pies, along with some Cheddar!!!!).

All well and good, and all the comforts of home, and a reasonable night's sleep for a change.


transgender aggregate news site

My apologies for my lack of clarity. Many people are on sites like BC because some of those authors are some of the finest story writers to ever live. If you are one of those who are not interested in TG issues, if you are here for the great stories, please ignore me and accept my most sincere apologies for my endless posts on the TG subject.


Transgender wins title homecoming princess

The original site I picked this news up off is really off the wall when it comes to TLG things. Part of the "hate them" crowd. You can figure the comments were skewed. Lots of likes dislikes about this story at the school and on the net. Net search of the story turned up a little less hate mongering at the following site.

'I couldn't stop smiling': Transgender girl crowned homecoming princess by fellow students

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Thailand Beauty Pagent 2014

Fascinating the ladies would put so much time and effort into a thirteen hundred dollar prize. Have no idea what those gowns and accessories cost in Thailand? Here in US easily twenty to fifty times the value of the prize for winning.

The fact they made that transition is the best prize of all for those who have their hearts and their minds finally in agreement for the first time in their lives.

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Wonderful Authors

We have so of the must wonderful Author ever . I send P M's to the authors about the stories and always get a response and a big heart felt thank you from them . First that I take the time to thank them for the time and effort to write & post and second they our honored that I take the time to read the stories they work so hard writing.
I just sent Mary Beth Sanford a thank you for posting stories . I had sent her a email on her personal email account and was so excited that she read my email and listened to me about posting here at BCTS .

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A very beautiful lady made the transsition.

A beautiful person sent me this data and I'm sharing it with the BC family. First I want to say never judge another person by what you see. The clothes, the mortal body is only a covering. What and who that person is, isn't always what we see. The real beauty is deeper than looks. Some of you will understand, others not so much, and a few will think I've gone off the deep end. There is nothing in or on this earth that is what you think it is. I wish I could share with you my life, my experiences, what I see, and have seen. In time you will see and understand yourself.



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