Russia has included in their infinite wisdom to ban all sexual disorders from holding a driver's license. A short list and by no means inclusive, transgender, cross dressers, homosexual, gay, lesbian, and probably anyone carrying or even thinking of porno. I wonder if women are allowed to wear pants and drive? Funny but I didn't realize how one dressed, considered sex, or gender affected their driving abilities. Unless of course we included chains and whips and all that other kinky stuff that could affect one's ability to operate a motorized vehicle.
Sexual disorders listed as contradictions to driving in Russia
Thou Protesteth Too Much?
I've never seen Putin as being very well balanced and it seems as if his rejection of these groups might be because he has his own drives that way and is in denial?
Where had Putin came in?
Legislators used mental disorders list from international list of illnesses and something. Version 10. You can look it up under ICD-10. So it was originally American and european guys who decided that crossdressing is a mental illness. And, as I said, it is not yet a law. And again, you have to be registered in special mental health facility.
It's pity they didn't include ...
... men who like to be photographed stripped to waist riding horses or fishing or, perhaps former KGB agents, then I might have a little more sympathy.
It's really bizarre, isn't it? Obviously the TG element in the restriction is the one that bring this to the attention of BC but the whole thing reeks of prejudice triumphing over evidence. What makes them think that any of those categories makes anyone a dangerous driver? I'm often a non-motorised road user because I walk or cycle a lot and I tend to find the most dangerous individuals tend to be macho, aggressive types like errr Putin.
You really need to stop...
Watching TV for couple of years.
What exactly is a fault of the guy published riding?
He saved 2000000 (2 millions) of people from bombing by American puppet army? Or he decided that US dollar is not a best investment in situation when China can kill American economy by stopping shipments for couple of weeks?