
Well, my sister has now thrown the gauntlet at me

I got a FB PM from her this morning. She tells me that she still loves me but because of her belief's WILL NOT concider me to be her sister. Not only that but she will continue to use male pronouns and my birth name to introduce me to others and speak to me. She says she wants to have a conversation with me about my transitioning however from what I got from the PM, she is absolutely sure that God conciders what I am doing to be an abomination.

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Thank you

for all your feedback regarding my scribbling. Clearly Gaby is most peoples favourite series but there were plenty of votes for Nena and Peaches too. I will start something new this week but don't hold your breath, it could be a few weeks before anything is ready for release.

On a slight tangent, as the website is getting a complete makeover is there anything that people would like to see incorporated?


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Anyone heard from StefB?

I was just wondering if anyone has heard from StefB (aka S.E. Bell). she has not updated her website in some time or posted on BCTS. I am just wondering if she is OK?
I had purchased all her books on Amazon and on her site she said she had another book in progess but that was over 8 months ago. I am wondering if anyone has heard from her, and how she is doing.

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Snake Oil Publishers

When we were actively publishing it seemed I spent half my time warning wannabe writers to watch for the con artists. Writers give birth to a story. Because it is their baby they are willing to do almost anything to see it in print. Whether they are thinking of being the next Tom Clancy and famous and rich or just famous, the author stops thinking of risk.


Dentist visit and Stubborn tooth

Yesterday I had a Dentist visit to have my first tooth extracted at age 66 not bad . I spent almost 2 1/2 hours with the dentist drilling , pulling and drilling some more then pulling and so on finally she called it quits ( I was very happy ) . Now we leave the tooth rest and she said the roots should push up on there own . Round 2 is scheduled for 3/27 I hope it come out then so I can put it under my pillow and see what the tooth fairy leaves me to help pay the bill .
I am OK other than I look I a Chip-muck named Alvin.
The joys of age

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A Thank You and a heads-up - S E E info.

I thank you all for the enthusiasm you have shown for my tale of the Einnlanders, this was much appreciated.

Now I have taken a step back from writing, it occurred to me that Penny and Julia had between them expanded the knowledge of Tranidor - so I have updated the Tranidor Map - which is the sixth (currently) in the list of maps.

So those keen about Palarandi or Anmarian matters can now have a little more detail.

I have included the positioning of the Semaphore Towers and shown Junction Square, Main Street, Cross Street and so on.

All the best


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To the woods ....


That well known saga, Easy as Falling off a bike has a cute picture. A couple of days ago I found another cute dormouse picture.

The Worcester News, here in England, had a story about local wildlife group raising money to purchase some woodland with rare habitat.


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The Listening Project

Every week on BBC Radio 4 there are snippets of recorded conversations.

This weeks one is at

The item that caught my interest was about Gender Identity (the 2nd of 3 items in the prog). Are you Mr, Ms, Miss or what when you are living in a gender other than the one you were both with. (Gender Queer in the item).


Oh my, how times have changed

(and mostly for the better)

When I were a lad, telling the world that you'd rather be a woman was a good way to get you committed or at least get a visit to the Loony Bin. Ok, so it is a bit of an exageration but it was new and most so called psychologists at the time didn't have a round hole for them to try to force your square peg into.


Silly me!

I recently read a story about Whateley Academy about a young man that changed genders due to his mutation and his time getting there. When he got there s/he found his new roommate was a young lady that had been a classmate until another one outed her in front of her classmates. Could someone tell me the title and writer of this story so that I can go back and read it again, PLEASE?

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Congratulations Heather O'Malley

Doppler Press would like to congratulate Heather O'Malley on a most excellent launch. In her first day, she has reached best seller status having the number #1 book overall in the LGBT Sci Fi genre.

We would like to thank all those who have purchased the book and aiding Heather's success. Hopefully when you finish this wonderful work you will be so kind as to leave a review on Amazon as well.

Screenshot 2015-03-06 20.18.08.png

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First steps. On being me...

Just ove a week ago I went to this place had found on the internet. Is was the house and shop of a very nice lady who has been helping crossdressers and T-girls for like 20 years.

She helped me get dressed up, advised on clothes and applied my makeup. She actually managed to turn me into a good looking woman, for my age and given that I have been a man for over 40 years. She helped me become Anne for real.

Do I need to say that it was an absolutely wonderful experience?

I now *know* that I am more than cis-gendered male. I am _also_ a woman named Anne.


Autistic man wins $2.5M after meds gave him 46DD breasts

Autistic man wins $2.5M after meds gave him 46DD breasts
Family says they weren't adequately warned of drug's side effects

PHILADELPHIA, Ala. —An autistic man has been awarded $2.5 million in a lawsuit against the makers of a medicine he used to treat his condition, which also caused him to grow 46DD breasts.


Website Availability

The last few days I've been having trouble with the website. I've been periodically getting the Cloudfare cached site or a service unavailable error page (error 603 - I think). After a few minutes (or several minutes). I've been able to get back in. Are you having volume or system issues or being attacked? When the service is working, it doesn't seem slow

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Breaking out of the box

Yes, amazingly enough, I've posted two entries in one day. Don't worry, Erin, this will be it for now.

I've read a lot of arguments on one side or the other of the "Plotter vs. Pantser" debate, and so far, they've only served to increase my frustration.

Each side has valid arguments. The trouble is, I've tried both approaches, and get equally bogged down with each one--just in different ways.

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Perchance to dream....

This entry's going to be quite a ride, folks, so strap in and hang on.

A recent post by another BCTS blogger on the subject of dreams and creativity reminded me that dreams can be a wonderful muse--and a maddeningly frustrating one. Submitted for your approval, as Rod Serling would have said:

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Hows the hatbox fund doing so far this month?

Erin and company, how much more do you need for the month?

I have got overtime pay this week and last week. I have a little extra money after paying bills, so I can contribute a little bit more this month I just need to know how much to try and squeeze out.
I want to keep a little in reserve but also want to help keep the site going. I may not be LBGT but I find the people on this site much easier to relate to at times than I do most people around me. So I want to help if possible to keep it alive as long as possible.


A series of happenings here on BCTS

As last night saw the closure of Jessie's 2nd Book of the 'Death Dealers Saga'
And when I checked for updates before work this morning, I saw an entry by Amethyst, thanking the Closeteers, hey I know its not a real word but what better way to describe us, for worrying.
Also another blog that was commenting on incomplete/unfinished works.

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Confirmation bias?

This month's TG Mixed Tape will not have a contribution from me, sadly.

I had every intention of contributing something. Really I did.

I wish I could blame it on the illness (bronchitis, to be exact) that refuses to go away, even after nearly two months.But I can't, since really, I feel pretty good now, and conceivably could have contributed something in the limited window left to me.

Since my fiction stories are in various stages of completion at the moment, I told Hutcho that I'd contribute an essay on growing up as a disabled transperson. It seemed like a good idea, since there's not much written about folks like me, and no documentary to my knowledge has ever tackled the subject. Easy, right?

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A H U G E thank you

to all of you have been so generous with your time to read my Einnlander tale, and to those few of you who took that extra time to comment.

Of course, I need to mention that I am overwhelmed by the generosity of Kudos.

Please be aware that this would not have come to light had it not been for the patient assistance of Penny herself, so she should carry much of the credit.

I think I shall retire for a while back to the Anmarian map world ---- :-)

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A nice transformation video

This is a video I've had floating around on my YouTube's favourites list for and I recently found it again and decided to share with the wonderful BC community.
Transformation into Beauty. This video is 3 and a quarter minutes long and though it isn't a full animation, it's more a series of linked pictures animated in Adobe Flash it is very well done.


Creating Your Own World

My Sister In Law once told me she was in awe, in how I have created my own world!

I am not sure she truly meant it as a compliment. In my world, things happen my way, which is to say not always the the way others would like it.

Being different, means I see life from what I like to call it "the other side." Sort of like the inverse of what everyone else sees.


Anmarian Information and a cry for Help

Hi everyone,


We now have a third author contributing to the Anmarian world.

What with writing the next Julina episodes, proofreading for other authors, writing the last Chivan episode, and bouncing ideas off poor beleaguered Penny, I am slowly beginning to drown in the whole thing.

My index thingy ( ) is getting to be a small monster now.


Possible Editor

I am a new writer of TG fiction. My stories revolve around characters that use the services of a Beauty Salon for their transformations. Plots include womanless beauty pageants, filling in for sisters, curiosity of what it is like to be a female, spouse interaction. I know a lot of these have already been done, but I try to make them different in some ways. I could use an editor to help with punctuation, tense, and paragraphs. If interested please let me know at [email protected] Thanks

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The ftp issues continue!

Clearly there is some external issue as it worked first try Sunday but midweek its not interested! Hopefully by the weekend my site will be updated with new reading and some exciting news for all the Gabfen.

There is a new chapter here on BC but you might have noticed the lack of breaks in recent chapters. Its not because of lack of code but it seems to be being ignored, does anyone know of any issues with
coding here on BC?

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lightoffury's stories are missing. lightoffury is one of my favorite authors. on crystal hall fan fiction, lightoffury has a link for lights whateley stories under the caption "lights big pile of crap". to me those stories are not crap. i hope that lights self-image will improve and that lights stories will be put back in bigcloset.

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Raw Subject Guns

There is an old saying, God made people, Samuel Colt made them equal. If one thinks about it there is a lot of truth in there. A hundred plus pound girl has the same equal defense against a four hundred pound bear, rabid dog, six hundred pound moose, three hundred pound man, etc.



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