This morning my wife slipped in the kitchen and fell, bruising her right shoulder. She doesn't deal with pain well. It took a bit to get her off the floor and onto the couch so I could check her over for serious injuries. Thankfully, there were none,but she didn't feel like moving around, so I let her rest while I cleaned the kitchen of the cereal and broken dishes she had been carrying. An hour later she informed me that she thought she should stay home from church because it hurt to much to lift her arm to put on her make-up. As I said she doesn't deal with pain to well.
She only wears mascara and eyebrow pencil so I offered to apply it for her. It was a bit awkward doing it on someone else for the first time but I did it.
She was happy to have me do it. It's not the average husband who has skills with a mascara wand.
Benefits of having a transgendered partner.
1 Your partner will not stand in the bedroom doorway like an impatient ape demanding to know why you take so long to get ready. He or she knows exactly how long makeup takes because it takes her/him much longer!
2 When you need more shoe rack space he/she will not question your requirement because she/he knows all about shoes and how important they are. Besides when he/she builds the shoe rack he/she can add a few larger slots for those size 9/10/11 - 6" platforms without any questions being asked.
3 If sizes match, clothes can be shared.
4 Shopping trips can be twice the fun with a sympathetic partner.
5 You never have to hide that new purchase. Indeed you'll positively rush to get home to show off that new number you've just bought!
6 There's far fewer arguments about the telly if your partner hates sports.
7 Cinema visits are less contentious when both partners like chick-flicks.
Oh the list goes on and on and on. These are just a few of my own experiences before my best friend was taken by cancer.