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The way the 'upgrade' is done in David Webers Dahak an open door, I think, for a tg related storyline. At least I have seen similar plots around ... So I'm wondering if anyone has seen anything,
More info about the verse at:
Webers bibliography
Mutineers Moon (first book in the series)
PS even some stuff in the later Honorverse stories could be used.
Not if you read his stand on it.
you need to sign a very tight legal agreement and allow HIM to make a yes/no decision before putting a fanfic up based on his works.
you are right, his universes are ripe for the story-lines, but he doesn't allow them.
Dahak's enhancements cold easily be a route for a gender flip
the genetic based prolong treatments in the Honorverse are also a perfect tool for such.
Further, the Honorverse's Star Kingdom of Manticore is a society that would accept the gender flip, the ongoing conflicts with other stellar governments or even the genetic slavers on Mesa provide the antagonists needed to drive the story.
but do you really want to give up control of your story, even to a well known mainstream author?
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
Fan Fic for David Webber:
You can read his very long reply on Fan Fic in the FAQ on David's official website.
His assertion...
His assertion that someone, anyone has lost their copyright by allowing fanfic is HUGE news to me and probably to anyone who reads anything on the internet. Since that is his main support for his position, and I doubt the genuineness of it, I'm rather surprised. There are whole sites devoted to nothing but fanfiction.
You can lose your TRADEMARK by not defending it, but I'm not aware of any part of any law anywhere that says you have to defend your copyright in order to keep it. It just isn't on my horizon and in fact, it never occurred to me that anyone would say something like that. Disney's famous lawsuits against people are almost always based on trademark law, not copyright.
All that said, for any fanfic posted here, if I receive a takedown letter, I have to take it down.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
yup you would have to.
I made his stand known so that the problem would be avoided, not because I agree with him.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
Fan friendly in person
From what I have heard, Weber is friendly to fans face-to-face and an easy person to like. But then, so is Orson Scott Card and L. Ron Hubbard was a very likable man. :)
I think Weber deserves to have his wishes respected, even if he seems to give bogus justifications for his position. The best reason for not allowing fan fiction is probably that he fears someone writing something very like something he is writing or will write and then getting sued by an irate fan. As one other professional has pointed out, Weber tends to telegraph his plotlines ahead of time so it wouldn't be hard to get into that position.
It's sad though because Weber writes a very engaging storyverse and people do itch to get into it. Maybe he should have some sandbox where fans can write under the watchful eye of someone working for Weber; like Eric Flint has set up under Baen Books for his 1632/Ring of Fire universe.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Okay, didn't get that far ...
Okay, didn't get that far ... but then I'm no writer and haven't got the foggiest about the rules that apply.
Think I know some people who are in trouble for an F/F fanfic over at the Academy and an old Home world mod for the honorverse then according to those rules.
Was thinking on the same lines btw about the tech
I didnt think there where any laws reguarding fan-fic's... long as it's clearly posted as one and not claiming credit for the universe (or profiting from it in any way). I mean, look at all the Harry Potter, Star Wars, Star Trek.. and more fan-fics.. Giant titles with iron clad copyrites, yet you don't hear so much as a peep from them....especially Star Wars, i remember years back there being a fan-fic film festival, the best one's awarded prizes.
I have been considering a fan-fic based loosly around Kim Harrison's Hollow's series myself.
one law applies
David Weber chooses to enforce it and go after fan fiction. He does it intentionally to maintain creative control.
JK Rowlings, Gene Roddenberry and George Lucas took the opposite stand about fan fiction.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
And look at which series are more popular
I think suing fans for being fans and doing what fans do has to be one of the stupider things an author can do. Even tho I do not usually read or write fan fiction, I think being a dog in the manger about it is a poor choice. Perhaps the Honor Harrington stories would have been picked up for making into movies if Weber's attitude did not discourage fanthusiasm.
The Honorverse is a fabulously rich storyworld. Fanfiction woould not detract from it but would add dimensions. Weber's loss but also his fans loss.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Elizabeth Moons prolong would also work ...
could be
does she get upset with or chase down fanfic authors though?
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
Not a clue but it would open
Not a clue but it would open a very big universe pretty similar to the honorverse (both scifi, both military/space, both have a some method of prolonging life although with Moons it seems close to immortality with the latest version and non heriditary, ...)
But when in doubt, ask > send mail
Right offhand the Dahak 'verse has the more advanced tech, including medical tech.
Being a huge Honorverse fan, I'd love the chance to write a story in his universe. He does allow other authors to play in his sandbox but he demands full control and I don't blame him.
I really have to finish what I'm doing before I try that though.
That said, I've written for shared universes where the originating author has full control over what or whether you can publish. I don't have a problem with it as if I'm going to do that its usually because I enjoy the canon.
You dont?
I *do* blame him... (not that i've read his works at all, never heard of him before this posting)
the very concept of controlling fan-fiction at all... offends me on some deep level. To spark someon else's imagination, and then Stiffel their crativity all in the name of "control"... control over what? an imaginary idea...stop thinking for yourself, my way is better...
i can understand a lawsuit where someone tries to profit off your ideas, but im shocked that there is a court *at all* that would so much as even *consider* fan fiction as a breach of copyrite. The hell kind of Audacity does it take to even *think* you have control over an idea at all baffels me.
It's like inventing sliced bread and then demanding that no one butters it, because that wasnt your idea.
Lots of room in the Universe
I like David Weber and his Honorverse. I would think that it should be fairly simple to write a story that is set in space, has a space exploration Navy, has a pretty but strong female protagonist, and has wonderful adventures without straying into violation of his copyright. I've been working on one for years; deliberately avoiding plagiarism by a considerable margin.
Write what you want to but avoid the same thing that others wrote.
Quick addendum to the
Quick addendum to the discussion.
If you read the original Weber post linked above carefully and are familiar with the context(which is that the questions for the FAQ were almost all taken from the Baen's Bar forums) what he specifically states is that he disallows fanfic in that particular forum( "and so I must regretfully ask that no fanfic appear on this group."). Note the original FAQ question, "Would you be willing to read the fan-fic I've written? Can I post it to the forums?" Regardless of whether or not his legal reasoning is sound it is consistent and follows the line that if an author is aware of a fanfic and doesn't "defend" against it then there could be legal problems concerning the origination of plot lines and such. However fic which he can't reasonably be aware of don't fall into that category. Thus setting a requirement for a place where he can't reasonably be expected to _not_ read posts. So unless he suddenly becomes a fan of T* stories or someone specifically draws his attention here requiring him to take action it's allowable. A similar discussion was had on Twisting the Hellmouth which hosts a number of Weber based fics. Don't make his lawyers send letters and you should be golden. If he has issued a wider blanket order other than under the above link then I'll nibble on my tasty foot a little and shut up. :)