Be thankful you do not live in Peru

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I have just read the story about the problems experienced by TS girls in Lima Peru. Here is the link:

I found the story to be so sad to read and yet how brave the girls are to live in such a society where the average life expectancy is 35 years of age.

After reading the article, I am very grateful that I live in a society where being different is not so vilified.

Love to all

Anne G.


It's very sad

Angharad's picture

that ignorance and superstition seem to prevail in so many places. Their courage in the face of such harassment from the police is very humbling.


GBLT life throughout central America

I went to Honduras twice after hurricane Mitch on relief mission. From living there a total of 5 weeks, I was pretty sure that the whole LGBT set was deep underground. Pretty sure it is that way all over down there.


dawnfyre's picture

it wasn't all that long ago when it was the same here.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.