we are now into the final throes of 2023.
Yep, today, for the religous, is the first Sunday of Advent, we are of course now into December and the countdown to the bean feast that is the festive season with something for everyone. Winter Solstice, the Christmas malarky then New Year all in a 10 day period of gluttony, gifts and alcohol abuse. Of course, the retail industry has been selling 'Christmas' since August but it ramps up now as they try to squeeze every last sov from the publics bank accounts. It's nothing new of course, it's been this way for half a century, year on year the excesses multiply and, in the UK at least, the religous aspects decline.
I'm not immune to all this, its hard not to get pulled in when you have younger family members even if i do try to spread my largese across the year, to paraphrase, Grandchildren are not just for Christmas. I also kind of like some aspects, the food, the decorations, the markets, the giving, and yes, i won't deny it, the receiving too. This week i've baking, Stollen, mince pies, sausage rolls, gingerbread - treats and snacks with the satisfaction of personal input as opposed to expense, my wares may not have the bland uniformity of shop bought goods but i consider that a plus.
This year, as i have done since my Mother passed in 2017, i'll be spending most of the holiday period with my Father, once again we're going to Germany (his 'treat') where i avoid the cooking and washing up with a bonus of some company and day trips! I'll have a few days in GOC before departure, five days on the Rhein then back to GOC for New Year before returning to Brizzle early January. Normal posting may be disrupted in that period due to travel and web access.
I'll get in a plug now, if you fancy treating yourself to some seasonal reading or simple like to have Gaby, Nena, Trixie and the rest at hand, they are all available in digital and dead tree format via either Amazon or Lulu, there are over fifty titles to choose from at prices starting below £4 ($4).
Here in Wessex the latter part of the week has been a bit cool, barely reaching zero c for four days which has curtailed my outdoor activities a bit. Thursday (avg temp -2c) i got in just over 90km, yesterday (avg temp -6c) a little over 50km was far enough! On the plus side, despite the frost, it has been dry, even bright at times although yesterday we had a thick fog until the afternoon. Today however temperatures are into the plus with sporadic drizzle - typical December weather hereabouts. Up in GOC and point further north of course they've had snow falls during the week, even the lower parts of Sheffield woke to a blanket of white today!
There is a new Gaby chapter up today, Team Spirit continues with the Tenerife training camp as the team head out on their first training ride and a 'serious' test for our heroine.
I'll get on with some writing once i'm done here, my target is for @ 8k words in the next fortnight, no pressure then! I'll be back with more scrubblings on Wednesday but for today, thats it,
Madeline Anafrid