
Transgender Hotline Founder Detained


Transgender Suicide Hotline Founder Detained At Border

The founder of a transgender helpline has been detained in Arizona at a random immigration checkpoint. When the van was stopped last Wednesday night, TransLifeline founder Nina Chaubal was detained.

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Words to encourage

This is my first time blog here and first time in English other than comment so please forgive if I am incorrect word in places.
I do not have talent to write stories as do many here, so I am thankful for all who give of their spirit to share words to read.
ALL who wrote the stories I am thankful for who pour themselves into their work, who give enjoyment to others are special people who earn much good karma by giving joy and thought to the readers.

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Gaby in 2017

Yes, its true, we are in 2017 now and that annoying Bell woman is posting again!

For your delectation and delight, today I've posted Damp Squib, the latest part of Gaby's Japanese adventure.

My only prediction for the year is, drum roll please, stuff will happen!

I do have a to do list however

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Combefoozled Finals

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Recently I have been catching up on some Whateley Tales I have missed reading, and I keep reading references to Combat Finals and as a result I noticed that I may have missed a story somewhere as more than one refers to the damage Elaine Ethel "Doc" Nalley (Loophole) causes in hers.

Is this actually covered in a story or just an internal Whateley 'This Happened'?

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Best kept secret in the business world


It has been twenty years or more since I was researching transgender or transsexual employment. So don't ask me for names. Computer crashes have wiped most of my years of research. I know, back up, back up, back up. Problem is, even the people we trust our computer repairs to manage to dice our drives. You aren't interested in that though as you already know all the computer horror stories. Probably lived through a few of them on your own.

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Konichi Wa

As the year draws to a close the temperature here is plummeting! What at first glance looked like a good layer of snow this morning was actually a heavy frost that has persisted all day - even in the city centre!

Things are a bit behind this week but the latest chapter of Gaby 14 can be found here today.

Looking forward to 2017 - I think!

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So many stories

not enough data storage in the old grey matter.

Protagonist, Male some kind of LEO, age regression, teen, MtF (unwanted), mutation some kind of cat (more lion/tiger than domestic if memory is right)

Some nefarious agency flubs paperwork and declares unstable.

old friend breaks protagonist out, then helps clear up p/w snafu.

people kidnapped, may be 13/18 y/olds, not sure

near end big fight with bad guy/girl in warehouse/disused factory.

Kidnapees hidden in warehouse/disused factory.

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Spelling Checkers o__0

Of all the satiric poems that point out the limitations of spell check software (and volunteer editors, for that matter), this one is the best I’ve seen. Sum tang two reed four yore con sit ration bee four righting Amy sing to pub lash.

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New Experience -Trifle

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I hope everyone had a good Christmas. I also would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. We had a very different Christmas this year. Instead of spending it at home; we went to my in laws. I'm not complaining. I love my in laws. As much as I love my own parents. My only grumble about living in the UK is that I miss the snow. Hey I'm a Boston girl we're experts on snow lol. The kids had a great time especially as they were on the floor in sleeping bags. Well the older ones were the baby was in his mobile crib aka Moses basket.

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book I read

in the mid to late 70's (highshool) I read a book where a man was mentally tortured by his youth where during ww2 he spent it as a boy in a jewish boy whore house. There was no sex described in the book. There was a scene where a ss officer had a boy dress as hitler and play with trains and toy soldiers. I could not of imagined a story of this nature but it escapes me the title sorry for this non site related blog but I can't get this book out of my head. So anybody else remember this

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More to keep you going!

Well that's the first big day done and dusted, at Bell Acres pretty much all I did was cook, eat and sleep - well I did end up going through some old photos, well four years old, and reliving one of my German trips. Not the best Christmas ever but certainly better than the depressing episodes I've had in recent years and the darn right miserable one last year when I was cold and couldn't cook properly due to a broken cooker blowing the electrics!

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Nightjar's xmas present to self.

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Looks out of closet in terror but has done it. Anti androgens, oestrogen spironalactone etc. The long road starting with trading in moobs for the real deal has begun. All legal and above board. You are never to old to make the decisions. Have been dressing and purging in secret for over 45 years. Please wish me luck i may need it.

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Christmas Weather


Here it is, Christmas Day, and we're going to have our typical Christmas Day weather.

At 6am the temp is 65F, the humidity is 90%, and the wind is from the southeast at 22mph gusting to 29mph.
Today's Forecast: 60% chance of showers and thunderstorms, some possibly severe. There is a low risk of tornados.

Is this a great state or what?!

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merry christmas


I wish to say merry Christmas and wish a happy new year to all the wonderful authors I read on bc. you bring laughter and some times tears to my eyes. if you weren't here. I would miss you. thanks also to erin, piper, sephrena, and the others who keep big closet going. hugs to all OOO

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Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.

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Family sharing requires that we have our family Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve this year, so my daughter and son-in-law can visit his parents in Lincoln City on Christmas. So we are busy this morning getting the dinner ready for this afternoon.

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Greetings of the Season

Is it really a year since the last time we were here?

Well it is and it's been an interesting year and i'm sure the next one will be too. Let me make some predictions:-

Some people will die
Some people will do good stuff
Some people will do bad stuff
Some kids will be born
There will be weather
Shit will happen

In other words pretty much the same as every other year to a lesser or greater degree. So let me wish you all more good stuff than bad, more joy than pain.

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Hormone & transistion without a psychatrist


This isn't for many who drop in to read the better than excellent story telling by unbelievably great authors. It is also too late for others who already took that step of living their life as they felt driven toward. Yet, if we share knowledge and resources, all those who follow have an easier task of making life work for them. This is on the same concept if man had never invented the wheel. Pretty tough dragging every load where we wanted to go. But someone made life easier for everyone.

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Born From Revenge -- New Release

I have a new book releasing on Amazon on January 6 for those interested. The book is currently available for pre-order. I hope those of you that have read my stuff in the past will enjoy this one as well.

Born From Revenge

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not very seasonal

well I'm not feeling very seasonal today at least.

I have sent two new Gaby chapters for editing, my Chrimbo shopping is pretty much complete and you might just get the next arc of Book 18 before the weekend.

Today you get Cheeky Chiba Chappie to read - the continuation of the Wunderkinds Japanese adventure.

For today that's it I'm afraid


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Trans on cover of National Geographic


Okay, I was only going to post the article but my blood is boiling. The ill informed, self righteous bigots are already out with their lies, and regurgitated false medical science. I'm sure everyone here can find the filth without my help. BUT just in case you're lost grab your air sick bag and give this one a go. How many minds are going to believe this tripe thinking it is factual science????????

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Transgender sister can't make this up


The singer at Trumps inauguration is a 16 year old who has a transgender sister , I wonder if they knew this before the offer was make singer's name is Jackie Evancho and her sister is Juliet

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Back home from our travels

Hi everyone

Got back home last e'en from an exhausting trip around the NRW (Nord Rhein Westfalia) region of Germany. Gab's dragged me from Muenster in the north to Aachen in the west and south as far as Bonn to enjoy the pleasures of the Weihnachtsmarkts. It was a gruelling week, 28 market sites in 11 different towns and cities which added 27 beverage containers to my burgeoning Gluehwein mug collection! Hopefully next week, when we've recovered a bit, i'll post an A to er S of the trip complete with pictures.

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Tobi Hill-Meyer's announced an anthology...

She's focusing on erotic fiction.

I tend to prefer longer romantic stories, but I sometimes enjoy erotic stories, ... and I think we need more erotic fiction by trans people, for trans people, so we can reclaim our bodies and our sexualities.

If you're interested, here's the Kickstarter:

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NOT answering Messages


Was busy with messages lately. Bumped back to the beginning of messages and found dozens of messages I never knew was there and never responded to. To any and all who feel I may have ignored them. I'm terribly sorry if I hurt anyone's emotions. The Blonde excuse no longer works as my hair has become snow white. A few years ago I came to BCTS with no more than a passing interest as people were asking me permission to post my stories here. I would drop in, skim the story to make sure it wasn't altered and bounce out. It would be months before I would pass by again.

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And with that


Now that Efindumb has finished her story, and judging by the final outcome, not the finish that I think she envisioned, I, too, find the time has come to say goodbye.

The pettiness that has been going on amongst people who are supposed to be adults but who are acting like children has gotten out of hand. The "I don't like this game anymore! I'm taking my toys and going home" attitude is too much.

I wish everyone the best of luck in all of their endeavors, and may check in from time to time, but always anomalously.

Red Dog

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Universe reading suggestions

I have recently gotten bored re-reading the same things over and over. I have seen a few people over the past couple years suggest other authors universes i have fully enjoyed. Some being the Chakat universe by Bernard Doove, FreeRIDErs on shifti, and MORF's.

Any and all suggestions would be wonderfully appreciated.

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Character called, Mortimer/Mort

Unable to narrow to a specific Universe, mutation story, but parents part of hate group, Character called, Mortimer/Mort until after manifestation, sister adopts.
Highschool, takes job in kitchen at café/restaurant, saves some staff from fire in same.

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An Embarrassing Experience

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I know it's only a couple of days since my last post/blog. But my daughter (Eldest) should avoid me if she wants to see Christmas. We had a parent-teacher meeting at school. Generally she's really doing pretty well in school. She reads well and considering she was held back a year I'm proud of her. Due to the time of her birthday and the UK education system. While in her first school she had to repeat her last year. Her teacher at that school was amazing and he kept her busy. Helping any class members who were struggling.

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Toys for Tots


When you are out shopping please remember the children you don't have anything and buy something extra for the TOYS FOR TOTS program most Mc D's have a collection bin , you don't need to spend a lot does buys a plushie will help as kids you don't have will be happy just finding something on Christmas morning . Put a smile on a kids face PLEASE

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Unexpected Chance

Well I've had an unexpected chance to get online this afternoon before I leave for my trip so you lucky people can read the second installation of the 14th Gaby book right here

I will bid you Auf Wiedersehn and return thoroughly sizzled and no doubt the wuerst for wear next week


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I'm back again

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I feel I been for long time, last Sept on the 14th MS downloaded what they called an emergency security update to WIN10; then on Sunday the 15th Dell did download to work with MS download when that finish it lockup the computer forcing a reboot of computer, after about 15 minutes the screen went blank then a note appeared say's 'cannot find HDD, try reseating HDD', I removed back an removed HDD and reinstalled, rebooted system tried this four times same results.

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Strange error message

Getting a strange error message when posting a comment just now.

Missing Feeds plugin FeedsNodeExportParser. Please contact your site administrator.
Missing Feeds plugin FeedsNodeExportProcessor. Please contact your site administrator.

My comment seems to have posted just fine.


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Schedule change

Originally I had planned on releasing "Old friend, New love" in weekly chapters. To enter it in Christmas contest, I started with daily releases. Reader feedback say's this is too frequent. I tend to agree, though one reason I love Bike is knowing there is a new chapter each day (not so much anymore). So I am changing to Mon, Wed, Fri, releases. (pending RL issues of course).

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Gaby - The Girl

Well the first part of the 14th Gaby Book - The Girl can now be found, here on BC just click here!

As I've previously mentioned, I shall be going to Germany on Wednesday so the next posting will be a couple of weeks away. Enjoy this chapter and prepare yourselves for more Wunderkind adventures in the run up to the festive season.

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Change of Name

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This really isn't news to anyone as I hardly ever post on the site and my story I was planning on posting is bogged down thanks to writing myself into a corner that can't get out of without use of an extremely blatant deus ex machina, but I've changed my user name from Natasha Sanotova to Hotaru Lind.

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