
Tired of the Hate

I've been stewing for a couple of days over all the hate that has been spewed lately against several writers and enough is enough. Recently, Efindumb announced that they (I'm using a non-descriptive word for a reason) would be leaving BigCloset because of all the negativity that has been leveled against them in their writings. I made an initial comment about it on her blog, telling the author that I thought they should not leave, that the story the author is writing is not finished yet, and that I thought their Muse would drive the author insane if the story wasn't finished.

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Looking for a story

I'm looking for a story I read ages ago was about a ex space corp marine who's planet was attacked by space pirates, and thinking his family was killed he went looking for revenge. He was captured by pirates and put in a medical pod, an changed to a female, a cple things happened and the pirates were put in some and ended up being turned into young girls, who saw the older women as their mum. I remember that her sister was alive and she hired a governess who ended up opening a school. But that's about all I can remember I just don't know what it's called.

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I find it disturbing that major contributors like Angharad and Efindumb are choosing to stop posting. When a volunteer organization, starts burning out it's best workers, the end is generally not far away. This does not bode well for BC.



Found a web site where it is all put into my own kind of philosophy. There is nothing a few pills can do for anyone unless they are one of those very very few who have a reaction. From what I have read on the tests of those individuals, they were borderline in the female hormonal department. A pill pushed them over the line and they developed female breasts as any young adolescent female would.


Amazon paperbacks

Hey peeps

As the more observant of you will have spotted Amazon have started an 'on demand' print service. I'm in the process of making all the Gaby series available, the Nena books are already up.

Amazingly there have been some hard copy sales already, so my query is, if you have bought an Amazon print book what do you think of them?

Whilst this isn't intended as a sales plug I would just like to remind you that if you are buying anything on Amazon if you log in through BC this site gets a 'royalty' - Gaby sales last month put $50 in the coffers in this way.

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Trying to remember Author and Title

Not in order just how they are remembered

Alien artefact mistaken for Egyptian Sarcophagus and is displayed in a museum.

Artefact is either a stasis pod, or a regeneration pod, and also has powerful computer.

Protagonists gender is changed, and becomes host to the mind of the Alien.

Chase across the world to find another artefact.

Protagonist and Federal Agent fall for each other.

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Here is the News

So first we've got this weeks chapter of Nena Four Star, Part 4.

Below, as promised yesterday, is the sample German translation followed by the original English text. I know its not perfect, I know it needs some tweaks here and there, what I need to know is whether its readable or just so rubbish its useless.

Cheers & thanks in advance

ps the text is from the latest Nena tale 'Remind Me Again'

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Our president elect has been making conciliatory remarks about working together and leading the whole country. This is hard to believe, after the campaign, but I think we should give him a chance. Perhaps the weight of the office will make him act more like a human being.

There used to be a tradition of giving the new president, a honeymoon period to hit the ground running (I don't think Obama was given one).
I think it is a tradition worth renewing.


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Jamie Austin passed away

Mike Austin, aka Jamie Austin, passed away this week after a lengthy illness. Jamie was a makeover artist, a very good one actually, and I post this simply because there are probably males here that Jamie worked her magic on and were unaware of her death. I was fortunate enough to attend several Southern Comfort Converences and similar events, and somehow was able to get an appointment with her at a couple of them. Before her health began failing several years ago, her shop was in a barn near Glamour Boutique in Boston.



Haha. I not only got called Ma'am on the phone today... the prick talked baby talk to me when telling me how to do something techie! I had a good giggle with the other woman in the conference when both of us gave him hell for being sexist and insulting in the same breath.

A good day. My respirologist said my sleep apnea was well controlled. A doubly good day.


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Presidential race

I couldn't really see a niche for this. But I'm not sure about most people. But, I'll be pleased when this is all over. Luckily living in the UK I've not had the same problem as most of my Countrymen. My Mother-In-Law bless her, I so love that lady. Said well thankfully it doesn't really concern us meaning Brits. But like I said well as our closest ally, I don't care what anyone thinks, we are close allies. It means a great deal to the UK who wins.

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I've read seveal stories about orphans lately and ...

... at the moment I'm in the midst of reading Susan Brown's Orphan, which is very good by the way, and was reminded of another similar story.

I can't remember it's era or if it is set in the UK or US, here is what I can (may be not in sequence order)

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Damn 503!

I just wrote a six paragraph comment, took me a good 15-20 minutes and several tissues. Rechecked and ready to go, I hit Preview. What I got back was that damn 503 error. When everything came back it goes without saying (but I'm going to) my piece was gone. As I wrote it from the heart and in the right mood I know I won't be able to rewrite it.

It was just after midnight CST, and if my memory serves me correctly it happened at about the same time a couple of days ago.
Is there a set time for this to happen?

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looking for story

I am looking for a story. The basic storyline is that a boy named Eric is kidnapped by 4 football players and feminized to be the prom date for one of them. I believe that one of the players was nicknamed Tank, he was the one that the date was for. I am hoping someone can remember this story and give me a lead on it.



Not sure how other writers intertwine imagination, real life events, and images to fill in their stories. Unless I am writing about things in the future, I use things I have done, seen, or have seen others do as I write. Fiction and life mixed well until it blends into a story.

That said, here are some mental images to add to the writers imagination.


Looking for a story

I'm looking for a story and this is basically what I remember of it:

There's an uncompleted story on BC that really caught my eye. I remember that the main character's name was K.T./Katie(K.T was the characters initials as a boy and was trans) when the family moved his boy clothes got lost and he was allowed to explore himself. Ends up befriending the neighbor who has a friend who is trans. She has another one who was Lesbian and it's set in San Fransisco

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With early voting underway, I went and did just that. I made the mistake of posting who I voted for and why on fb. Two friends, both women, got into a Facebook war on my page for the better part of 2 hours.

I strongly encourage everyone to cast a ballot, no matter who it is that you support. Even if you hate all the candidates, please go vote for whomever you feel is the lesser evil. Too many men and women have fought and died for us to have that right.
Just dont post it on fb.....

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Feeling kinda anxious

I'm not sure how, what, when or even if this will happen but I hope it will. I guess like most if not all on this site I love writing stories. I've written a few bedtime stories for my kids probably pretty much like all parents. My eldest son was my biggest challenge and is pretty much the reason that I did this. You see he hated sad endings so when I told stories like the three little pigs I had to invent a happy ending for him. So, I guess it all went from there really.

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More stuff at Amazon

So I've added more titles to the roster of Amazon print, Gaby books 11 to 15, if you prefer dead tree copies and Amazon is your preferred buying portal hop on over to my UK Amazon page or US Amazon page and order your copy now - or treat a friend! Buy through the BC portal and dosh goes straight into BC coffers

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I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, if not the admin can remove it.

I cross path with a MtF today one time when I was entering the Place Bonaventure garage, and you where exiting it at 6 in the morning.

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First transgender candidate for the U.S. Senate.

I was watching VICE news last night on HBO, now that it airs 5 nights a week. And heard about the fact that there is a Trans-Woman running for one of the US Senate Seats for Utah as the candidate for the Democratic Party.

googleing for more information this is the frsrt web new link I found about it.

I applaud her courage to not only say who she is but to actually try and run for office.

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Status update on recent happenings in my life.

For those of you who even care to read these blogs then watch and read as I explain what has happened over the last month and why I haven't been around as much as I'd like to be.

To start I guess I should mention a few things. First I was diagnosed with Parkinson's about a month ago. Secondly i'm mute(not deaf there is a difference) which means I can't talk. I lost my means of talking at 12 years old. This has been eating me up for a while and it drove me to the brink of suicide. It took a fellow BC'er talking me out of it to come to my senses.

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Anne's status update

Hi, I haven't posted something about myself in a while. The reason being that how I saw myself has changed dramatically.
I have realised that I am indeed fully transgender. I have come out to my wife and we are not a happy family right now.

I have been depressed lately to the point of not wanting to live anymore, which, I found out, is in my case quite a large step away from actually commiting suicide. But scary non the less.


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Thought processes can be

set off by the strangest things, let me set the scene
Suffering from a migraine [I do not get the auditory component of migraine that causes nausea, which is why it probably took the medical types took so long to diagnose my suffering with Migraines], I was sat in a darkened room listening to music, most of the time it is just there but like with a lot of things something catches you in that place between you the conscious and subconscious, and a lyric begins to roll around in what I [laughingly] call a mind.

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A Heads Up for Gaby Fans

Well the good news is that i've had a good days writing, 3 chapters in the time it took me for one yesterday!

So that means that there will definitely be a new volume of Gabyness on Sunday, part 3 of the 17th Gaby book. I will of course post links on the day in question when for the more patient there will be a new part of book 12+1.

I'll be cracking on with the final arc tomorrow, it should, in theory, be ready by mid November!

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Don't take life too seriously

These stories we read on BC are fiction. Once upon a time if anyone put "Barbie Lee" into ANY search engine, they would be reading about me or something I wrote. Mattel also took note and sent their Legal Beagles after me with the insinuation "Barbie" was theirs and theirs alone to use. I was to immediately stop using my name, pay them an ungodly amount of funds, and turn over my domain name to them.


You don't realise

how much you rely on your computer until something goes wrong.

Today i've spent best part of 10 hours writing a single Gaby chapter - a task that generally takes less than half that time. The reason? The files I needed to check for continuity were on my dead computer so I had to go a very roundabout way to access copies. A two minute job became half an hour and then had to be repeated - grrr, so annoying!

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Someone complete the unfinished story?

Hi everyone!
I read a story "Mrs. Cavendish" on Fictionmania by Paula hanson a long time ago. Its still in my favourite list. The story tempo is really good. The boy gets into gradual feminization process due to his long hair working for a woman. But the problem is the story is incomplete and i think the author has no intenstion to complete it. There are many talented writers right here on this platform. Can someone have a look and complete it? Please? Pretty please?
I would also appreciate some suggestions for stories like that. thanking you in anticipation...

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Failure Printing

I hope this is the right forum. I'm suddenly having a printing problem. In the middle of random paragraphs there is suddenly a blank line & obviously missing content. Usually they are small enough that I can follow or reason the story line. I'm wondering if this is my problem or something has happened to the transmission. Looking for a solution. Another Brian



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