
National paint your nails day! Super Bowl Sunday, February 5

Here's a win-win betting opportunity. For Super Bowl Sunday, February 5 make a bet with someone or only with your self. If the Atlanta Falcons win paint your nails Falcon red. If New England wins paint them Patriot blue! Either way you win. It's a great reason/excuse to indulge yourself. And of course the 'loser' would have to leave it on for at least a week or more. This would be perfect for toe nails if you need to be a bit discreet. And because it's winter no one is gonna see your toes until spring anyway. And if they do say something you can say you lost a bet.



Something about this block of days on the calendar. Saturday, Jan. 28th, is the 31st anniversary of the mid-air destruction of the Space Shuttle Challenger in 1986. Extra attention was being paid to this flight as it was the inaugural flight of the Teacher In Space Program. A series of interactive lessons broadcast from the shuttle by teacher/payload specialist Christa McAuliffe meant that schools across the country were watching the take-off.


Saftey, always remember to take precautions.

It is with members of the Site mentioning the Apollo 1 Accident that reminds me of how important the little things we do for safety in our daily live can be.

The Simple step of Putting on your Seat belt every time you get in a moving Vehicle is the big one to me.

I have been in 3 major car accidents in my life 2 behind the wheel my self.

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Apollo 1

Tomorrow, Jan. 27, is the 50th anniversary of the launch pad fire that killed the Apollo 1 crew, Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee. What was supposed to be a routine systems test became a funeral pyre when a flash fire fueled by the pure oxygen inside the Apollo roared through the capsule interior. Subsequent investigations revealed significant design flaws and faulty procedures. This resulted in a complete redesign of the Apollo capsule and revamped rules and regulations.


Delayed Departure

Is the title of this weeks Gaby Chapter.

In other news, the final parts of Book 18 should be complete in time for a weekend release of, at the very least the last 10 chapter segment and if I get my act together - maybe even the full 40 chapter book! So prepare your credit cards, dust off your Kindles and be ready for Sunday!

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Isues with this websites ad's

I realize the ad on this site bring in Money that the site needs.

HOWEVER they do not need to have the images that they do. I understands some do not have an issue with this, but I do and will be keeping my Ad blocker turned on until they change.

I am Trans* myself, but I do not care for the images in the ads for several reasons.

Rebeca Lynn
2Wolf Design


Questions about submitting stories

Okay, I've submitted a few stories, but I have some questions that remain unanswered:

First, I work over my stories quite a few times, but after I cannot be sure that they don't have errors. So, how do I find an editor?

Second, I submitted a multipart story to Fictionmania. I was thinking about re-submitting it here. I have noted that some stories appear both on Big Closet and on Fictionmania. Is there any protocol about submitting a story on both sites? Is it considered "bad form?"

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Old West era story

I have trying to find a story that I read some time ago. The story starts out in either New York or Boston and the main character is a young man who sees an add for mail order brides and decided to try to trick the company with the help of a brothel of ladies who disguise him. On the train to his destination he meets an old lady and an orphan boy and is slowly changing into a girl but doesn't seem to realize she is female until she meets her husband and saves the boy from a hard life with the family who are only wanting him to do the work on the farm.


like love tabs

I sometimes do not know if I should push the like or love tab on a blog. usually it is easy, but when the blog says something bad is happening to them it is hard to decide if I should push the tab. I want to push the tab to show that I like hearing from them and that I support them but if the blog says that they are having health problems then pushing the like or love tab feels like I am glad they have problems which is not what I want to convey at all.


looking for old story

I am looking for a serial story. It revolves around a teenage male whom is the assistant director in a small community theater. As AD he knew all the parts of the show. when the leading lady gets sick he is asked to cross dress and fill in on opening night. This involves wearing her costumes and breast forms. the forms and adhesive were purchased and after much complaining they were glued to his chest. The show was a success, and afterwards when the breast forms are going to be removed the costumer discovered they had been sent permanent adhesive instead of temporary.

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It's Wednesday

and its Gaby time!

fresh from a breezy (there's a 40-50kph north westerly blowing) Yorkshire there's new Gaby, Sobering Thoughts finds the Apollinaris party in Hiroshima.

That's today, on Sunday you can expect part three of the latest book to be available through the usual channels - more excitement and angst than you can shake a stick at!

That's it for now


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Lawsuit Coming up

I am going to need a programmer to take apart a web site for all the data it contains. Unless of course they don't really have my novel and are only a scam site. I didn't sign in to see if the novel is really there. If they are pulling stories off of BCTS I'm betting a lot of other authors have stolen stories too.


It occurred to me

As I was writing some Gaby yesterday (6 new chapters in 4 days writing!) that a lot of readers, especially newer arrivals here may be unaware of something important.

What I hear you ask? Well back in the distant past the Gaby series had a few very active fans, several of which went as far as writing fan fiction, the bulk of which can be found on the GMS (Gaby Mini Site) pages of

So a couple of things - firstly, would people be interested in reading some of those tales here at BC? Secondly, have any of the authors got any issues with them being posted here?

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40 yr drouth in TG care in Okla

It has been a long time since I have read about any TG care in Oklahoma. Don't get me wrong, there have been meetings and support groups which seemed to wax and wain. The first TG Care opened in the Baptist Medical Clinic in the late sixties. They lasted approximately three years before they were shut down by outside influence. in the void, I've meet doctors who will see TG for an astronomically high price each visit ($300/visit). They want to see the patient once a month.


An obligation......

After dinner this evening, I sat with my oldest son and watched the end of the movie Platoon. One of the final lines of the movie that Charlie Sheen gives through a voice over as he is medivac'd out has always stuck with me. "Those of us that did make it have an obligation to rebuild - to try and find some goodness out of what we survived."

That could be applied to most of us in one way or another. We are all survivors in our own way, and we all have an obligation to make the world better - not just for ourselves, but for our children and for those who will follow after us.

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Name change

Due to several members of my spouse's family creeping around the internet and trying to find things to use against me, including anything I have posted on this website, I asked for my posts to be un-published. I have also changed my name in order to hopefully put a firebreak in any trail they have been following.

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Read it and Weep

It reads just like an autobiography. Is it fiction, or was it Real Life™? All I know is, it is my story—the one I would write for myself, if only I could. Since I never had even the ghost of a prayer of creating such a life for real, it has to remain my wish fulfillment story. More than any other story I have ever heard or seen, so far, that is what it is. My wish-fulfillment story. All I can do is read it…and weep…

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.....And this week

we get more of the girls adventures in Nippon.

In Shindo we get a lot more racing and a hatch is plotted for later in the week.

Like all royalty, I'm feeling a bit under the weather this week, a trip to Nottingham intended to lift spirits didn't do much other than get me out of the house and writing is stalled as I can't concentrate for more than a couple of minutes. Oh well, it'll all come out in the wash.

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A New Year

The holidays are winding down and things went pretty well. On the material side of things I got (or bought) everything I needed or wanted. In particular some cute gold hoop earrings made me smile. Awaiting an in-store delivery on Wednesday - a blue Elbow Sleeve Sweater Dress. I hope it's a keeper! Did Santa bring you any special things? Happy New Year everyone! Stay safe.


Words to encourage

This is my first time blog here and first time in English other than comment so please forgive if I am incorrect word in places.
I do not have talent to write stories as do many here, so I am thankful for all who give of their spirit to share words to read.
ALL who wrote the stories I am thankful for who pour themselves into their work, who give enjoyment to others are special people who earn much good karma by giving joy and thought to the readers.

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Combefoozled Finals

Recently I have been catching up on some Whateley Tales I have missed reading, and I keep reading references to Combat Finals and as a result I noticed that I may have missed a story somewhere as more than one refers to the damage Elaine Ethel "Doc" Nalley (Loophole) causes in hers.

Is this actually covered in a story or just an internal Whateley 'This Happened'?

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Best kept secret in the business world

It has been twenty years or more since I was researching transgender or transsexual employment. So don't ask me for names. Computer crashes have wiped most of my years of research. I know, back up, back up, back up. Problem is, even the people we trust our computer repairs to manage to dice our drives. You aren't interested in that though as you already know all the computer horror stories. Probably lived through a few of them on your own.


Konichi Wa

As the year draws to a close the temperature here is plummeting! What at first glance looked like a good layer of snow this morning was actually a heavy frost that has persisted all day - even in the city centre!

Things are a bit behind this week but the latest chapter of Gaby 14 can be found here today.

Looking forward to 2017 - I think!

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So many stories

not enough data storage in the old grey matter.

Protagonist, Male some kind of LEO, age regression, teen, MtF (unwanted), mutation some kind of cat (more lion/tiger than domestic if memory is right)

Some nefarious agency flubs paperwork and declares unstable.

old friend breaks protagonist out, then helps clear up p/w snafu.

people kidnapped, may be 13/18 y/olds, not sure

near end big fight with bad guy/girl in warehouse/disused factory.

Kidnapees hidden in warehouse/disused factory.

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Spelling Checkers o__0

Of all the satiric poems that point out the limitations of spell check software (and volunteer editors, for that matter), this one is the best I’ve seen. Sum tang two reed four yore con sit ration bee four righting Amy sing to pub lash.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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New Experience -Trifle

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. I also would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. We had a very different Christmas this year. Instead of spending it at home; we went to my in laws. I'm not complaining. I love my in laws. As much as I love my own parents. My only grumble about living in the UK is that I miss the snow. Hey I'm a Boston girl we're experts on snow lol. The kids had a great time especially as they were on the floor in sleeping bags. Well the older ones were the baby was in his mobile crib aka Moses basket.

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