Finally got around to a new Keyboard!
Hopefully when I resume Gaby on Thursday I can go a bit quicker - it's a cheap but durable Microsoft bit of kit - wonder how long it'll last! Anyone want a KB with no letters?
Anyhow there are now 4 Trixiebell Heartswoon 'chapters' completed. The way is open for more but for now it concludes here.
Should be back to normal posting from tomorrow.
Yay a new key board
A suggestion, which worked for me, if you have the problem of the letters wearing off on the keyboard Give the face of each key, so as to cover the letter, number or other symbol, a coat of clear nail varnish. My cheapo keyboard is still as good as new and all the letters clearly legible after 4 or 5 years of quite intensive use. I did revarnish them a few months back.
That keyboard
Looks almost exactly like the one I have at home, well except your's is clean...LOL
At work I'm still using a ten plus year old Logitek keyboard that came with a computer I received. Every couple of years I'm given a new computer that comes with a new mouse and keyboard, the new mouse and keyboard get shoved on a shelf above my desk, got something like 5 of them in the original box never been opened :) Yeah there are some keys that you can no longer read the letters on the old thing and I've been tempted to grab some nail polish remover and get rid of all the letters on the keys just for grins, but I probably won't replace it until it actually stops working.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
You can buy blank keyboards too
Not cheap. daskeyboard for example.
No M and F labels!