Karin Bishop's Port trilogy?

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I started rereading Port of Departure and noted that Brian Taylor studied orchestration and arranging with a retired movie orchestra conductor. Looks like plans are afoot! We can hope so.


Did you read "Port of Arrival

Did you read "Port of Arrival" yet ? I don't wan't to give the ending away to anyone just starting the book.


we can only hope for a trilogy

sugar_britches63's picture

I certainly hope for a trilogy as there are a couple of late issues that might get resolved that happened late in Arrival. Please Ms. Bishop tell us there will be a third book.


opinor ergo sum

Charlotte Van Goethem

I do hope so

From the On the Road series it is clear that Ms Bishop is more than capable to spin an extended tale. The thing I have enjoyed about her more recent works is the greater sense of discovery that accompanies the arc of her narrative. Her characters grow without losing their integrity, and so are a source of inspiration.

Port of Arrival

I just started it and on chapter 75 and so far I think her best story yet very enjoyable!


waif's picture

If you are a fan of her work and have read the books....POST A REVIEW !!!!!!

Writers on Amazon live and die by review.

Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.

Port of Arrival

Have just finished reading it. As with everything Karen writes, it is very high quality writing. Agree that it calls for, at least, the third part, which becomes apparent without spoiling it for anyone else.

Karin Bishop's Work

waif's picture

I loved PoA and have no doubt that there is more to come.

I am also a huge fan of her work and she is not only an excellent author but is also an amazingly down to earth human being. She has been so kind and giving of her time and advice to me that I am her dedicated fangirl for life.

I have read all of her books (many multiple times) on KindleUnlimited and have purchased many of them despite being able to read them free with KU. I am thrilled that she has kept all of her works available for KU subscribers, and her body of work alone makes my subscription worthwhile.

To anyone who has not discovered her amazing books, I give her the highest recommendation.


Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.