Mature Subjects (pg15)

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 6: Volume 2: Chapter 04

Pedro, Matthew, Fabiola, Matt, and Leigharch, get some downtime. And the used it to visit a sci-fi convention, so Matt and Leigharch can learn more about their realities. With some interesting events learned, and opinions formed.

Also, things finally start to converge, while a gang of multiverse biker hit the town of De La Plata Podrido. And with them, is a very interesting man whom has taken his old job of exploration of new civilizations, with even greater boldness, than before.

And they are not the only ones to come to town.

With the visitors being just as much surprised, as those whom they meet.

In addition, Pedro, Matthew, and their team come full circle. With revelations reveals. Including, who has been chasing them through the multiverse.

All in this chapter, titled, Bikers, Babes, And Hoverbikes.

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 14

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 14
By Katherine Day
(Ms. Julie Pearson begins her first year of teaching, finding comfort in her classes as well as in growing closeness to other female teachers. Meanwhile, a new drama enters her life. Eric edited this novel -- a sequel to two short stories published in 2013, “Julie’s Odyssey” and “Gifts for Julie.”) (Copyright 2014)

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 6: Volume 2: Chapter 03

Revy opens a magical box she should not have, and Jack is now back. With the being an opportunity for old friends to get to talk to each other.

Meanwhile, Annie reconnects with her old friend.

Later on, one of Chang and Lee's worst nightmares walk through the front doors of Daiyu Palace Casino.

The Master of Gambits, and his family, have finally hit the scene.

And while this is going on, those at the Devil's Hotel are about to have a close encounter of the party kind.

The Enhanced: TRI - 32

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By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction

Lady in Waiting Part 7

Lady in Waiting Part 7

lady in waiting 2.jpg

By Christina H

This is a story set in the 1800’s about a family that has lost every family member except the youngest son and his twin sister. Then his sister dies of smallpox and he manages to persuade his mother to let him become his deceased sister.

The Enhanced: TRI - 31

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By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction

Nora and the Nomads, part 2 of 4

She was obviously acutely embarrassed by her nakedness, though none of the dream-people standing around her were taking any obvious notice of it. Nora took pity on her and said, pitching her voice to carry over the music: “Talrasia, have you noticed that you’re dreaming?” Then she turned her eyes respectfully away.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 6: Volume 2: Chapter 02

Two groups of two individuals have come to De La Plata Podrido for very different reasons. But, both pairs actions will ripple out, and have a profound effect the lives of De La Plata Podrido. Especially, the lives of two women whom each prefer the blades to the pistols.

Also, things are moving along at the Last Resort Diner.

Later, Inara finds out that Jayne has been keeping secrets from everyone. And what she finds out, is surprising, to say the least.

All in Book Six, Volume Two, Chapter Two, “Pirates and Robbers.”

The Enhanced: TRI - 30

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 6: Volume 2: Chapter 01

We have reached Chapter ONE HUNDRED of Badasses Of the Multiverse!

Chang, River, and Lee, have called off their hunt for Pedro and Matthew, to returned to the casino in De La Plata Podrido, and resume their lives.

Meanwhile, Hernan and Roberta put their plan in motion to inform Hernan's family of the truth of what is going on.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 6: Volume 2


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Other Keywords: 

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 6: “The Mexican, The Lawyer, And The Mechanic.”

Volume 2: “The Villains.”

When the heroes are away, the villains come out to play.

Ill tidings are on the horizon for those of De La Plata Podrido, Mexico.

Though, that does not mean that some people cannot have fun in the meantime.

New players to this insane game start to show up. Some have come to stay, some are just passing by. All of them will take actions that will ripple out to effect the very course of countless lives.

The Enhanced: TRI - 29

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 6: Volume 1: Chapter 08

The final chapter of Book Six, Volume One.

Pedro and Matthew find themselves in a reality they never thought would exist, let alone visit.

For they find themselves in the Laguna Negra reality, in the city of Santo Domingo, of the Dominican Republic.

Now, with Matt and Leigharch, these four men must navigate this strange, yet familiar reality.

And they are not the only ones to come this reality.

With the locals taking notice of these newcomers.

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 13

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 13

By Katherine Day

(Ms. Julie Pearson becomes news as she prepares for her first year of teaching after her transition. Her femininity captivates many an eye. Edited by Eric. A sequel to two short stories published in 2013, “Julie’s Odyssey” and “Gifts for Julie.”) (Copyright 2014)

Caught in the Act – 16 It's All Jessie

Caught in the Act – 16
It's All Jessie

By Jessica C

Jeff supposedly home sick was dressing in his sister’s clothes and makeup; he didn’t expect to be caught… His sister came home unexpectedly and discovering him began the blossoming of Jessie... Jeff wouldn't accept Jessie was really him; others had trouble accepting Jeff and Jessie co-exist… Mom and Dr. Hunt support Jeff in coming out as Jessie... Jessie is now getting to go to school as Jessie…

Nikki, part 16

“Happy birthday!” Everybody in the packed ballroom yells at the top of their lungs. I can’t help but giggle at some of the bizarre costumes being worn by some of the party attendees, myself included- there are very few places you could get away with wearing a skin-tight green thong leotard, a pair of brown booty shorts and combat boots, but a videogame-themed birthday party is one of those occasions.

“Hey Miss Croft,” Sarah giggles as she gives me a tight cuddle. “Want to go and ‘raid’ me a drink?” I smile as Sarah adjusts her own tight white top and loose over shirt.

The Enhanced: TRI - 28

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction

A personal history of mutation side story; the two R's.

Well. Good news and bad news. The good news is, this little bit is coming out mainly to explain some of the wheels behind the next chapter of summer mutation, which is about half done. The bad news is, both of these little blurbs were originally meant to be part of chapters expressing the points of view of the characters involved, from the beginning of the tale.

But I have too many irons in the fire as is, so you get a synopsis of sorts. This is mainly so that I can keep writing those other things I'm writing. Perhaps far into the future I'll take another look at such things.but for now we all just have to make do.

Hope you enjoy it.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 6: Volume 1: Chapter 07

Unfortunately, Pedro, Matthew, and Matt, find themselves in a bind, in the next place they go too.

Though, luckily, they find some help.

But, this help is in the form of a lunatic. A real speed demon, in more ways than one. And the only things crazier than this lunatic, is where the lunatic requests to go, and those they meet, at their next destination.

And this lunatic is clearly gambling that he has, Another Nine Lives.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 6: Volume 1: Chapter 06

In De La Plata Podrido, Revy is still contemplating if she wanted to agree to the deal with the mysterious woman she met.

Also, Hernan and Roberta talk about how to handle the situation they have found themselves in, in a manner, in which, Hernan's family will take the news of the trouble about them, in a positive manner.

Meanwhile Pedro and Matthew decided to go out for a cup of coffee. They forget what reality they wanted to go two. With the two of them landing into more trouble than they realize. With someone accidentally hitching a ride with them.

For these people, it is just Shades of Crazy.

Lady in Waiting Part 6

Lady in Waiting Part 6

Lady in Waiting part 1.jpg

By Christina H

This is a story set in the 1800’s about a family that has lost every family member except the youngest son and his twin sister. Then his sister dies of smallpox and he manages to persuade his mother to let him become his deceased sister.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 6: Volume 1: Chapter 05

Several things are happening in De La Plata Podrido.

Melanie introduces some of her friends to one of the more interesting people living in De La Plata Podrido.

Those of the Last Resort Diner are hiring. And who they hire may be as interesting at those that already work at that diner.

And Hernan is still coming to terms with his connection to Roberta.

Meanwhile, Pedro and Matthew accident jump to a reality, place, and time, they should not have. And they have attracted the attention of unsavory, that can follow them across the multiverse.

But, not before they attend one of craziest Mardi Gras parties of their lives.

With Matthew finally have some closure on the life he left on Mars.

Nora and the Nomads, part 1 of 4

Nora had been terrified, in those first few days after the Divergence when everyone’s thoughts were leaking indiscriminately into everyone else’s, that everyone would treat her like a pariah once they knew about her.

The Amazons : The life of Princess Izabella Jamison before her transformation and after part 1

before now I was a 15yr old male a out caster until I was found by a cheerleader I then became a popular boy then I was converted into a Amazon cheerleader my self the year is 2232 the world is rule by Amazon women on the Planet Amazonia Earth part of Amazonian Empire

Part 1 Life as Brendon Patterson

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 6: Volume 1: Chapter 04

Pedro and Matthew are now getting into the groove of jumping from one reality to another.

But, they are about to learn that navigating thought the multiverse is not as easy as they once thought it was.

And they are about to have one interesting day, and one wild night in Caracas, Venezuela.

In addition, they are not the only ones heading to the city, for that day and night. And all of those in question are doing so far various reasons.

With Pedro and Matthew learning a twisted lesson that one cannot run away from fate. No matter how far they go into the multiverse to do so.

And this chapter could be viewed as a prequel of sorts.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 6

Jessica took a deep breath as she tried to relax in the aeroplane’s plush, comfortable seats- though the discomfort her clothes were causing and the stares she was receiving from the other passengers weren’t making the task of relaxing any easier. Next to her, her Scottish lover was suffering from the same levels of discomfort as she fidgeted in her seat.

“Feel like everyone’s staring,” Paige whispered to Jessica as the aeroplane’s safety briefing continued in both English and French.

“Oh whatever, let them stare,” Jessica snorted. “There’s nothing any of them can do.”

Feminist's Punishment

I was just one of the guys. I mean, we all were doing it. But why me? Why only me?

It was the night of my school's annual back to school party. It was rather cold outside, but my friends and I wanted to go anyway.

The night started off normal enough. I swam for a little bit. I ate some food. Then, my friend John brought out the booze. We managed to sneak a few swigs before we say some of the staff eyeing us, so we tossed it away.

The Enhanced: TRI - 27

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By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction


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