Mature Subjects (pg15)

The Enhanced: TRI - 23

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By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

The Enhanced: TRI - 22

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 2

Summary: Harry Potter is a wizard, which surprises him. But Harry Potter is also a Multiple, which surprises everyone.

Harry Potter belongs to J.K.Rowling. This is fan fiction.

The Many Faces of Adira Potter
By = Fayanora

There is at least one small part that is mostly lifted word for word from the canon books. I try not to do that if I can help it, though, and it's only a very small part.

Chapter Two: A Little Problem


Sisters 47

We didn’t see that much of either my uncle or his trout for the rest of her stay, which can be fairly blamed on some of us having to work for a living, but over the next few months it was noticeable that unless Hywel had that friend of Sar’s with him, he was mostly on his own at the pub. At least, that was what I heard from Dad via Mam.

A Raid and a Rescue, part 2 of 3

A couple of hours after Themia was captured, I felt the moon rise. I couldn’t see it in our windowless cell block, but that didn’t matter; I felt the possibilities of change through every part of my body.

Birthday Party

I’d been seeing this girl for a few months now, and everything was going well. We had fun; it was too early to be serious. She had come to pick a friend up at work one day and while waiting I’d shown her round the office and introduced her to my work mates. Things developed from there. She worked in IT and was a little nerdy, with a librarian kind of frumpy look mixed with a penchant for pastel colours. Lots of cardies, glasses on a chain, etc. Her looks would never have led you to believe that she was really mischievous, but mischief appears to have been her raison d’etre.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 2: Chapter 08

Lee has made it into a fortress, run by a man that make those after him think twice to come following Lee into.

A man whom Lee is doing everything in his power to stay on his good side.

At this point, Lee would think that his troubles would start to wane.

Unfortunately, Lee would be incorrect. And Lee problems merely doubled. For nor only a siege on one end of the fortress for Lee. But, also a siege, on the other end of the fortress, whom is after the man Lee is with. And once Lee realizes who is after the man, that those individuals would not think twice about killing Lee.

And to make matters worse, Lee means of escape is going to take time to prepare. With him taking the man with him.

So, if Lee want him, and the man helping him, to get out of this situation alive, and in one piece, Lee has to play a dangerous game, where he will have to shuffle the sieges against each other. In The Siege Shuffle.

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 9

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 9

By Katherine Day

(Julie begins living fulltime as a woman and must face the neighbors who have known her as a boy. Edited by Eric. A sequel to two short stories published in 2013, “Julie’s Odyssey” and “Gifts for Julie.”) (Copyright 2014)

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 2: Chapter 07

After Lee's daring escape from those after him, at the factory complex, Lee finds himself in a police station. With the police asking him questions, and they want Lee to give them answers.

Though, Lee knows he has to convince the police to let him go, as soon as possible, before those after him, catch up to him.

And Lee's idea of escape could land him in the funny farm.

Unfortunately, Lee has finally fallen into the sights of the two maids. This will cause an ensuing, running battle, that will lead Lee to the one man on Mars that could save him, or throw him to the wolves.

Meanwhile, Revy, Rock, and their friends, are having a few beers in a bar. As they have a casual conversation, about their lives, and their future plans. With a few surprises there, as well.

And from within his casino, Chang plots his next moves. With River by Chang's side.

A Raid and a Rescue, part 1 of 3

“Some kids have disappeared too,” Gerald said. “The news didn’t say, but I’ll bet a first-edition Monster Manual that they were playing ‘pretend.’ Same as we were, only without dice.”

Room in Hell chapter 21.

Alright, I was originally going to post a part in a Whateley Universe tale, but things happened. So that one is on the back-burner for now. Then I was all set to write this, and it grew far past my expectations. To the point where I decided to cliff hanger it, so sorry in advance. Anyway, enjoy it as finally, the plot thickens! Well, thickens more.

Copyright Nagrij, 2015.

The Enhanced: TRI - 21

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

Silver Wings


Silver Wings
By Licorice
and with the irreplaceable aid of Monica Rose

A Prince changed to learn a lesson, but maybe he is not the only one who has much to learn.

My first attempt at a TG story so be kind, and much thanks to Monica Rose for her endless patience and help.

Also apologies, I messed up my first attempt at posting it and made the summary the body. I cannot figure out how to delete it so I've contacted the admins, hopefully they can get rid of the evidence of my rather embarrassing blunder.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 2: Chapter 06

Lee has made it deep into the factory complex, as he plays his extreme game of cat and mouse, with those after him.

With him working towards a plan of escape, that only he knows.

Unfortunately, for Lee, and those after him. They are not the only hunters in the factory complex.

The Enhanced: TRI - 20

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

Kemeia Ascending - Part 3

kemi ascending.png

For once, all is well for the little healer, she escaped the palace and enjoyed a crisis free day. But soon, she is called again to the Palace, where she heals Captain Sechnall incompletely. Angry at what she thought was a violation of Selene's law, Marta forces Kemi's full story from her. Meanwhile, in the morgue that is deep in the Palace dungeon, something festers.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 2: Chapter 05

Lee has lead those after him, to a large factory complex.

While those after Lee regroup and head in to capture Lee. They expect Lee to be preparing to make his last stand.

What they do not realize is Lee is instead planning to play a game, the multiverse's most extreme form of hide and go seek.

It is a game of wits and violence, where those after Lee learn what Lee is capable of, when he is forced to stand and fight.

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 8

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 8

By Katherine Day

(Jason makes a life-changing decision, accepting that he must live forever as Julie. Boyfriend and career challenges loom. Edited by Eric. A sequel to two short stories published in 2013, “Julie’s Odyssey” and “Gifts for Julie.”)

(Copyright 2014)

The Enhanced: TRI - 19

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 2: Chapter 04

Lee would think that he might get at least on evening's peace. But, no. The girls crash the Deco.

Though, Lee still has a gig to do and that is what he is going to do. Fortunately, the way the lighting is on stage, and with his back turned to the audience, the girls don't realize he is the piano player, entertaining them that evening

The only trick is Lee figuring out how to get out the building and away from them, without the girls discovering he is there.

Then, Lee was walking into one of the strangest situations of his life. And Lee learns there are such beings as alien science fiction and fantasy fans.

Also, there other factors that Lee did not know to take account before. Both good and bad, that Lee will have to handle, one way or another.

For Lee is caught in the rat maze, and now he must workout how to escape before he is captured.

The Enhanced: TRI - 18

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 2: Chapter 03

Lee begins his escape into the multiverse, by jumping to another time, place, and reality.

Unfortunately, Lee quickly realizes his foes are onto him. With Lee trapped on a large passenger liner spaceship, with two very cunning adversaries.

And Lee is beginning to regret that he did not take the opportunity to learn Russian, during his experiences in the time loop.

Though, this does not mean that Lee is not going to have a little fun in the situation had has found himself.

Because what lunatic does not laugh in the face danger?

Meanwhile, Pedro has found the deepest, furthermost rock, he knows up, to hide under. Now, he hopes that he can stay hidden.

The Enhanced: TRI - 17

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

Kemeia Ascending - Part 2

kemi ascending.png

Ravela's agents have captured Kemi and taken her back to the place of her nightmares. Where the Queen orders her to heal the sleeping princess. Can Kemi succeed where all other healers have failed? And has Lunete been poisoned, or is something more sinister at work? Kemi better solve the riddle of the sleeping princess and soon, or she, Marta and all the healers will suffer the queen's cruel wrath.

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 1

Summary: Harry Potter is a wizard, which surprises him. But Harry Potter is also a Multiple, which surprises everyone.

Harry Potter belongs to J.K.Rowling. This is fan fiction.

The Many Faces of Adira Potter

By = Fayanora


Chapter One: Feeling Sic


Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 2: Chapter 02

While those River care for, engage in a cat and mouse game, across the multiverse, she is not allowed to follow them.

With nothing better to do, River reflects on her journey, on how she reached this point in her life.

From when she learned of the writer, to where she finds herself at.

The Enhanced: TRI - 16

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

The Enhanced: TRI - 15

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

Kemeia Ascending - Part 1

kemi ascending.png

Intrigue and deception swirl in the Kingdom of Wildevale. Queen Ravela rules, and the tales of her madness and cruelty multiply by the day. Her sister, the victim of a magically enhanced poison, lies in a coma, wasting away a little more each day; kept alive only by Ravela's magic. Ambassadors from the nearby kingdoms of Arcum and Parasia have arrived, bearing in hand treaties of peace. Or so they say.

Meanwhile, hidden in the teaming city of Marossa, a bitter young woman takes halting steps along the Healer's Path. A woman who is far more than she seems, and could become far greater than any can imagine.

The Courtship of Max Robinson - Chapter 1

Max, an unmotivated college drop out, applies for a Job, but is offered another opportunity. His mother sees it as a way to take advantage of his homemaking talents. In the end he makes his dad proud -- or does he?

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 2: Chapter 01

Just after Lee was revealed to be the writer, Lee was able escape into the multiverse. With all the hard work and planning done by Rock, Revy, and their crew, coming completely undone.

Now, these women must all each have a plate, from a buffet of crow, as they come to terms with their momentary defeat. While they review the information, and plan their next moves, in capturing their elusive foe.

All the while, River will get her chance to present Lee's defense, to their proverbial jury of the damned.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 2


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”

Volume 2: “Total Badass.”

Lee's cover as the writer has finally been revealed to his pursuers.

Though, Lee has finally been able steal reality device, with him escaping into the multiverse.

And none to soon, as the small army of badasses after him were literally feet from capturing him.

And while the cancer Lee has is numbering his days, he is not out for the count.

For Lee has already began his plan to permanently lose those after him, in the multiverse.

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 7

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 7

By Katherine Day

(Julie begins to fall in love and learns that with the joy comes heartache. Meanwhile, she finds it vital to hide her true womanhood. Edited by the sharp eye of Eric. A sequel to two short stories published in 2013, “Julie’s Odyssey” and “Gifts for Julie.”) (Copyright 2014)

Who's hunting who? Chapter 7.

Alright; this wasn't the one I had in mind to post right now. Here there be dragons was supposed to be next, but I'm waiting to hear back from two authors who own two characters I wrote a vignette for. I know it's a fanfic, but it just doesn't seem right to me to appropriate someone else's character without permission going forward; so instead, we have this one.

Got to admit, I love Sasha, he's so much fun to write.

The Enhanced: TRI - 14

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

Laura, part 9

“Happy birthday dear teenager…” Mum yells in my ear, startling me into awakeness as the sun streams through my bedroom window. “Happy birthday to you!”

“Mum!” I tiredly moan into my pillow. “What time is it?”

“8am,” mum says. “Which means that you’ve only been thirteen for 8 hours and already you’re acting like a stereotypical teenaged girl!” I chuckle as mum whips the covers off of my nightie-covered body and dumps a LOT of presents besides my hairless legs.

The Enhanced: TRI - 13

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter


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