It’s a flagship too like The Apollo but it really isn’t.
Long but with top and bottom sleek beveled armor and it looks sleek and then there’s the grand tower of the bridge and then there’s these huge arms/bridging sections that come off of it and extend out to these pods and each of these pods is like casing and FTL protections for smaller combat warships that it’s carrying.
Like sixteen of them in the two kilometer length ready to detach and disengage at will and that’s not even coming close to the hundred plus meter middle strip of the ship between the plate that is literally turrets and weapons and landing and fighter bays.
You know you’re really becoming part of the military culture when you see something like that and you smile.
I smiled because we were so close we could amplify to visual and see it in detail.
Heck I didn’t know what I was seeing with everything until I heard the watch commander talking about it with definite reverence.
The sound of someone who served on something like that.
I want to serve maybe on something like that.
*And Now…