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Looking for Story About Char Pretending to be Famous Friend's GF


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I'm looking for a story where the main character pretends to be famous/successful friend's girlfriend, and accompanies him to an awards night. Eventually the main character develops feelings for the guy and is distraught to find him one night with a prostitute.

I've tried various keywords but since I couldn't remember the title, I'm having a hard time.


The Angry Mermaid 97 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 97


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Drustina Briefly kidnaps the Bishop Brendon and his two theological supporters but she avoids using actual force or sword to cenvey her message that Queen Marag should be reinstated to her throne.

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This story is 32 words long.

Interesting video on gender identity

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Found an interesting documentary on gender identity and those who cross or blur the lines between the genders:

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Tabloid TV: Sex Change for Success

Sex Change For Success
By Czolgolz
[email protected]

NEW YORK - Forget Adkins, Pilates, or even American Idol. The new road to success for today's young man is to become a woman!

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This story is 33 words long.

Gifts for Julie

Gifts for Julie

By Katherine Day

(Facing a holiday season alone, Jason finds comfort in becomng Julie and rekindles an earlier romance with Randy. Will the relationship survive the Christmas season? This is a sequel to a recent short story, ‘Julie’s Odyssey’.)

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This story is 43 words long.

Thai Pie -- Part 4

Kanya gets her first real taste of being a girl.

Thai Pie

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This story is 10 words long.

Yet another bl**dy birthday!

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As I fly towards my dotage at the speed of light, I seem to have gathered another anniversary of my emergence on this planet. All it seems to bring these days is another ache or pain somewhere new which seems an awful price to pay for a few birthday cards. Such is life (or my one appears to be).

Then again, I'm living the dream and have been for a very long time, so perhaps I shouldn't complain.

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2214


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2214
by Angharad

Copyright © 2013 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 14 words long.

Its not just us the Daily Wail hates

Given how many of us here from the UK have an issue with the misogynist prating of the likes of Richard Littlejohn you might enjoy taking a test to see how much the Daily Mail hates YOU personally

(And the test doesn't even mention TG)


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Is being a girl a conscious choice?

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Had a long conversation with my brother and sister-in-law last night, and I am mulling over what my sister-in-law thinks of my transition.

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Thai Pie -- Part 3

Danny officially becomes Kanya to protect Dao.

Thai Pie

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This story is 7 words long.

3 (wise) Christmas Stories on Kindle

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Now that we are in December I can announce that I have three Christmas stories available at Amazon for the Kindle - with a fourth coming feature Andrew Bryant from Unreachable.

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2213


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2213
by Angharad

Copyright © 2013 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 14 words long.

Working on Athena's Wisdom

One of the things I'm wondering about is if I'm making Archie a little too broken here in the beginning. I mean, yes part of writing fiction is torturing your characters for fun and profit. That said, I wonder if I'm being too hard on Archie too soon.

Things aren't going to get better anytime soon. Archie's story has some miles to go before it's done.

Just wondering...

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The Angry Mermaid 96 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 96


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On her way to contact the Celtic peoples of Corgheig in Munster, Drustina encounters a graphic example of monotheist misogyny disenfranchising women. Marag's castle is on the little island at the south western end of Lough Mahon.

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This story is 37 words long.

What do you write on?


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I have been wondering while writing my current story, what do people here use to write? I usually write on dreamweaver, i like the way it formats the htm, but the lack of an auto save can be a pain when it crashes (nearly lost an entire chapter from that). I have looked at word, but it seems to really mess up html, or at least over complicate it. I also seem to have a problem with conflicting spell checkers when it comes to us vs English spelling (color / colour etc.)


Thai Pie -- Part 2

Danny starts school and learns more about Dao being a kathoey. Will it influence his relationship with her?

Thai Pie

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This story is 18 words long.

And now, for the bad news.


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The bad news is that I am mourning the death of a very important member of my computer, affectionately referred to as "the beast." He was an old laptop, 7 years aged, or 700 in computer years, and his presence will be missed.

What this means though, is that since I am basically borrowing pc's for the foreseeable future, updates will be spotty.

On a possibly related note, I've noticed many of the more experienced authors on here are also on kindle. How hard is that to achieve, really? I've been working on a little gem of a story for a bit over a's nearing completion and I'm kind of hoping it'll pay for a new beast.

It sucks being poor.

This is some scary stuff for anyone to deal with

A story that my son emailed me about that is just now coming to light.

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Daily Mail: Humans are chimp/pig hybrids!

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The Daily Fail has scored yet another notch in the "WTF?" category with this article:

'Humans evolved after a female chimpanzee mated with a pig': Extraordinary claim made by American geneticist

  • Dr Eugene McCarthy points to features that distinguish us from primates
  • He says that the only animals which also have these features are pigs
  • Controversial hypothesis has been met by significant opposition

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A very real transgender story

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As most of you know, I am not TG in any respect, although I do seem to write a lot on the subject. I probably don't write as much, or as often as I should and my experience of TG matters comes from being on the outside, not the inside - which could be termed as a disadvantage.

My experience just got a little deeper recently however, and I would like to share that experience with you all with a little account here that I have just posted.

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‘The Other Side of the Wire’ is now on Kindle and

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The fourth work of fiction set in the Second World War depicts life in Nazi Germany from 1935 on. It was inspired by the life of Solomon Perel, a Jewish-German boy who at age ten escaped Nazi persecution in 1935 with his family by fleeing to Lodz, Poland. When captured by the Germans, he managed to conceal his identity from the Nazis and become a member of the Hitler Youth in the process. It was adeptly depicted in ‘Europa, Europa,’ a movie based on the book ‘I Was Hitler Youth Salomon’ an autobiography Perel wrote in 1991.

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Tis The Season - For Shopping!

A Holiday thought, Consider the following, "No one will even notice!"

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A Pirate tale


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A Pirate tale

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This story is 3 words long.

What do our stories say about us

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Ever since I sat down and decided that I was going to give being a published author a try, I have been very conscientious about the choices that I make and what I put down on paper. I know I am only a self published author using technology to my advantage, but certain questions should be raised.

What is transgender literature saying about the community as a whole?

Are you happy with the message?

How do you feel about terms like Sissy, Tranny, Shemale, Ladyboi, Slut, Bimbo?

Do you think the majority of stories accurately represent your struggles?

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Thai Pie -- Part 1

Young Danny moves to Thailand with his mother after his father's death.
He meets a cute young girl that has a group of guys that is bullying her.
Danny decides to defend her...

Thai Pie

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This story is 33 words long.

Church One and Church Two

"Wouldn't everybody want to go to the FIRST one?" I asked.

"I dunno," Dad replied in a joking tone. "When you're number two, you try harder."

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This story is 26 words long.

Somewhere Else Entirely -95-


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After an overnight stop the caravan resumes the journey south. Most have remembered passing through Holville and do not look forward to doing so again, but there are surprises in store for all when they arrive, including Merizel!

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

95 - The Road South

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This story is 48 words long.

Book 7 - Of Chance and Destiny


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Garia's future seems to be more strange than she could possibly have imagined. As she prepares for the events of Spring Dawning she discovers that she is an important player in a much larger drama.

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This story is 35 words long.

Three Wise Men & Maggie - Chapter 1

Three Wise Men & Maggie

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Joe Bates and Sapphire's Place

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Just a shot in the dark, here, I decided to reread "The Joe Bates Saga" ay Sapphire's Place, after many years. I've gotten up to chapter 10 so far, except that the links for chapters 7 and 9 were broken. I don't know who, if anyone is responsible for the site, so I though that I would mention iy here. Does anyone know who I should contact?



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Fantasy Novel by a friend - Road of Leaves

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This book is written by a friend of mine from a local writer's group. It's a fantasy novel, no TG, but it is well-written and presents a very original idea. I helped with the editing. :

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2212


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2212
by Angharad

Copyright © 2013 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 14 words long.

An Unexpected Pastime — Chapter 2

When he suddenly finds the house to himself, Sam is unable to resist repeating his experience.

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This story is 16 words long.

An Unexpected Pastime — Chapter 1


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A boy's trip to the beach becomes unsettling when an important item is forgotten.

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This story is 14 words long.

A question about the Christmas contest

I have a question about the Christmas contest. I know its supposed to be about 3 wise men, but would 3 wise women be acceptable?

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