I Just got a new job that is to start on the 27th of this month. While was on my to a backup interview just in case something changed in the status of a job then my car died on the way. I am trying to get it towed to a repair place and have it fixed which looks like it was an alternator issue.
I am hoping my sister can help get it towed for me and pay for the repairs until I get a paycheck then buy a another car because this one is in reposession status.
My new job pays well over 60,000 a year but I need the car to last until I get the first check then get another car.
What a day!!!
Jennifer Boyle
Jenna, where in Fl what kind
Jenna, where in Fl what kind of car is it?
Wow a job
good luck on your job the car issue is just a small hick up to test you HUGS & GOOD LUCK RICHIE2