Must be doing something right

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Had an interesting moment at work last night. I was talking to a co-worker about the trans thing, and she told me that the first time I mentioned it, she couldn't believe it - I was far too feminine to have ever been a boy ...

Must be doing something right, no?


That's got to be a great

elrodw's picture

That's got to be a great feeling! Good for you!

Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein

Big smile

That's even better than, "Why would a pretty girl like you ever want to be a boy?" :-)

I suspect that what's happening is that you are allowing what is deep within your soul to peek out, then finally shine. Most of us, male or female, trans or cis, put up a shield and hide some or all of who we are from the world. When we stop doing that, good things happen.

You go Girl

Things like that makes me all squishy and warm inside GOT TO LOVE IT.



With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


doing something right?

doing something right? sounds to me all you are doing is being yourself...Keep it up