
Magic of the Kingdom - 8 - Change on the Horizon


Josh Peterson has just scored the job of a lifetime - or at least the best job he can hope for without leaning on his parents for references - as a janitor at The Magic Kingdom, but when fate intervenes and he finds himself alone with the costume of his favorite Pixie Hollow character, his life takes a whole new turn.

Secondhand Life - Part 18

It didn't take Mikey too long to find what we needed. And thank God it was San Francisco, so we could actually find an outfit sized for my long frame. I think it took us less time to find the costume than to actually get me into it. Were corsets originally invented for the Spanish Inquisition? I imagined this must be how sausage meat feels being crammed into a casing.

Magic of the Kingdom - 7 - It's a Party!


Josh Peterson has just scored the job of a lifetime - or at least the best job he can hope for without leaning on his parents for references - as a janitor at The Magic Kingdom, but when fate intervenes and he finds himself alone with the costume of his favorite Pixie Hollow character, his life takes a whole new turn.

Magical Girl Policy- Chapter 7

Eli bounced up and down in the passenger seat while Cory navigated the dirt road as quickly as he could with his car lights off. "You sure you can drive safely on this dirt road in the dark?"

Cory responded with a tone far more confident than his words. "Almost sure. I mean, I’ve seen it before."

Eli groaned and steadied Cory’s laptop as he swayed side-to-side. "I really don’t know if I would have committed to this part of the plan if I had known that.'

A New Start in Life part 12

A New Start in Life Part 12
The Girls.jpg

This is a gentle coming-of-age story about a college-aged boy becoming the girl he knows he truly is.
With the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna as they teach him all about life as a girl.
Please note this is a gentle, sentimental tale and although there is some sexual content it is inferred,
NOT graphic and tagged where it occurs. Some mild sexual descriptions in this episode.


Magic of the Kingdom - 5 - More Friends from Pixie Hollow


Josh Peterson has just scored the job of a lifetime - or at least the best job he can hope for without leaning on his parents for references - as a janitor at The Magic Kingdom, but when fate intervenes and he finds himself alone with the costume of his favorite Pixie Hollow character, his life takes a whole new turn.

Kingston Academy Shorts #2: Ruby's Valentine

Kingston Academy Shorts
#2: Ruby's Valentine

By Melanie E.

Rudy/Ruby has been having a heck of a time with the Princess program. It all seemed like such a great opportunity to indulge, but it turns out it's a lot of work! Add in a mysterious valentine, and what's a boy/girl to do?

Secondhand Life - Part 16

I thought finally back to Monterey and a chance to lounge around for a dozen days before setting off for yet another hemisphere.... but apparently a starlet's work is never done.

“Change of plans!” Dennis beamed, putting away his phone as we walked to the Jet Ranger for the hop to Monterey.

“You're not the boss of me!” I yelled at him as I stopped dead in my tracks and folded my arms in a petulant pose.

James and Diane

Diane and James



They say that tall people have a competitive edge. I can't confirm that, but I do know that short men, such as myself, are at a disadvantage unexplainable by grades or accomplishments. In my last year of law school I got as many interviews as anyone else in the upper 10% of my class, but however smoothly they went, no job offers materialized. Thus, I graduated with no job and no prospect for one.

A New Start in Life part 11

A New Start in Life Part 11
The Girls.jpg

This is a gentle coming of age story tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna the girls teach him all about life as a girl.

Please note this is a gentle tale sentimental with some sexual content but where there is it any it is inferred sex NOT graphic sex and will be tagged as such.

There are descriptions of self-arousal in this chapter.


Magic of the Kingdom - 4 - More Surprises


Josh Peterson has just scored the job of a lifetime - or at least the best job he can hope for without leaning on his parents for references - as a janitor at The Magic Kingdom, but when fate intervenes and he finds himself alone with the costume of his favorite Pixie Hollow character, his life takes a whole new turn.

Secondhand Life - Part 15

We arrived in L.A. and dropped off Dr Dale. Matt headed back to school and I thought Dennis, Mikey and I were headed back to Monterey. However, Dennis informed me that I had a meeting with Dez, Katherine's agent Lorne Cullen and some studio execs before heading home.

A New Start in Life part 10

A New Start in Life Part 10

The Girls.jpg

This is a gentle coming of age story tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna the girls teach him all about life as a girl.

Please note this is a gentle tale sentimental with some sexual content but where there is it any it is inferred sex NOT graphic sex and will be tagged as such.


Magic of the Kingdom - 3 - My Name is Sarah


Josh Peterson has just scored the job of a lifetime - or at least the best job he can hope for without leaning on his parents for references - as a janitor at The Magic Kingdom, but when fate intervenes and he finds himself alone with the costume of his favorite Pixie Hollow character, his life takes a whole new turn.

Secondhand Life - Part 14

The European tour was nearly finished, but after I filled Dennis in on Matt's discovery, he collaborated with me to feign a severe case of what seemed to be norovirus, and Katherine – and her entourage – were excused from the last 10 days of the press tour, to take the gulfstream back home and recuperate. ...also sparing the rest of the company from coming in contact with this possibly highly contagious digestive scourge.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 9 - Epilogue

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 9 of 9 - Epilogue

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: So, what happened? I guess we can be thankful for a very resourceful Aunt Caitriona and modern medicine. Things certainly could have ended up worse. Once the authorities were straightened out. Everything returned to a semblance of normal. The two families will be joined, just not in the way Giovani and Sean thought they would. Now, to clean up this mess.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. The answer is at the end.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 8

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 8 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: They arrive at St. George and everything seems to be going quite well; at least it does for the first couple of days.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Secondhand Life - Part 13

“Well, now you've had the Uncle Kevin experience” I laughed to Dennis as we walked back to our hotel.

“Did it live up to your expectations?” Mikey asked playfully.

Dennis just shook his head. “If I didn't experience it for myself, I'd swear you two were exaggerating” he laughed.

“Trust me. No one could make up uncle Kevin.” I chuckled

“Only God!” Mikey said.

“...or maybe the other guy?” Dennis raised one eyebrow. All three of us broke into guffaws.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 7

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 7 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Two people couldn’t be more in love. With Ashley’s help they form a plan and put it into effect. Ashley and Mike are finally alone together. Need we ask? Caitriona realizes they are only putting off the inevitable.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

A New Start in Life part 9

A New Start in Life 9
The Girls.jpg

This is a gentle coming of age story tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna the girls teach him all about life as a girl.

Please note this is a gentle tale sentimental with some sexual content but where there is it any it is inferred sex NOT graphic sex and will be tagged as such.


Mike and Ashley, Chapter 5

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 5 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Ashley moves on in the world of medicine. She’s learning about real life. Her father is suddenly in serious financial trouble. The impact on her life is something she never could have expected.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Magic of the Kingdom - 2 - Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!


Josh Peterson has just scored the job of a lifetime - or at least the best job he can hope for without leaning on his parents for references - as a janitor at The Magic Kingdom, but when fate intervenes and he finds himself alone with the costume of his favorite Pixie Hollow character, his life takes a whole new turn.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 4

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 4 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: College is tough, especially in the medical fields. Physically, she’s doing great. She’s adjusting very well. The years pass quickly, and before she knows it she’s graduating. After four years, she sees Mike. It’s not the best of situations. Ashley gets her GCS.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Secondhand Life - Part 12

As much as I was becoming obsessed with the woman whose life I was living, I became immersed in the nearly fulltime job of being the public face of Katherine Keller.

One of the highlights of our European tour was a hastily improvised performance after a chance meeting with a principal of the Vienna Light Orchestra, a group of serious classical musicians who do 'popular music' in an orchestral tradition to introduce general audiences to the experience of classical music.

A New Start in Life part 8

A New Start in Life 8
The Girls.jpg

This is a gentle coming of age story tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna, the girls teach him all about life as a girl.

Please note this is a gentle tale sentimental, with some sexual content but where there is it any it is inferred sex NOT graphic sex and will be tagged as such.


Mike and Ashley, Chapter 3

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 3 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Ashley and her aunt run into some people we’ve met before. They find the perfect place to live.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Secondhand Life - Part 11

Rado Mitruczek was one of the 'old guard' of modern art in the former Eastern Bloc going back to the 1950s when he emigrated to Czechoslovakia before the 'Prague Spring'. His battles with authority over freedom of expression were the stuff of legend.

And it was mostly legend.

Rado's wrangles with censors were mostly theater... both the artist and the bureaucrats got a lot of mileage and cachet within their respective communities of supporters over the 'culture wars'.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 2

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 2 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Ashley (Aishling) comes out to her father. He does not seem to be too disturbed; however, he insists that her transition has to be done the right way. They know Ashley’s mother will not be very accepting or helpful. Sean Finlayson finds an appropriate mother substitute for her.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

A New Start in Life part 7

A New Start in Life 7
The Girls.jpg

This is a gentle coming of age story tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna, the girls teach him all about life as a girl.

Please note this is a gentle tale sentimental, with some sexual content but where there is it any it is inferred sex NOT graphic sex and will be tagged as such.


Secondhand Life - Part 10

We had to curtail our fox and hound games for the European leg of the press tour. The studio spared no expense. We flew private across Europe as if we were some diplomatic entourage or a ceremonial royal family of some sort... and in a way we were. Right or wrong, in the minds of a lot of the general public, celebrity is the new royalty, only without any deference. Everyone was waiting for us to trip-up.

Our merry band of travelers, reassembled for this leg, was quite impressed at the chartered plane, though I knew it was in large part to spare me from airport scanners.

Secondhand Life - Part 9

It didn't take a private detective to find Matt Cutler. Want to find a guy on the UCLA track team? ….Hang out at the UCLA track.

I was dressed down in sweats and a hoodie with logo and school colors, courtesy of the campus shop. I looked like any other student ...maybe a little too student like with all the branded apparel. Still, no one seemed to notice.

Luna 1: Drafted - 7

In this chapter, Luna and the Praetorians begin a pre-match tactical campaign of terror against the Good O'l Boy'z. Along the way, the Praetorians get kitted out with their costumes, Luna learns more about her succubus heritage and receives a detailed lecture on the theory of magic.

Secondhand Life - Part 8

Monterrey was relaxing. I started making a habit of running on the beach and into town. It wasn't too long before people stopped treating me like a sasquatch sighting and actually started waving and saying hello as I'd run by.

A New Start in Life part 6

A New Start in Life Part 6
The Girls.jpg

This is a gentle coming of age story tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna, the girls teach him all about life as a girl.

Please note this is a gentle tale sentimental, with some sexual content but where there is it any it is inferred sex NOT graphic sex and will be tagged as such.

Apologies for the length of time between posting this but that four letter word interfered (Work) and I had problems accessing my cloud storage but things seem to be fine now.


Luna 1: Drafted - 6

This chapter is called Revelations for a reason. Luna learns more about the creation of the succubi and their role prior to the Sundering, she also finds out she has a relative on campus. In addition, along with several misadventures, she finally gets her powers properly tested, which produces even more surprises.

A New Start in Life part 5

A New Start in Life Part 5

The Girls.jpg

This is a gentle coming of age story tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna, the girls teach him all about life as a girl.

Please note this is a gentle tale sentimental, with some sexual content but where there is it any it is inferred sex NOT graphic sex and will be tagged as such.


Five Hertz of Separation (chapters 56-61 of 61)

Alexia and Queen Tammy finally meet in a winner take all battle for the future of their world but Dupree has a back up plan should his witch fail. Thanks to all readers who have stuck with me through the entire story. I hope you found it worth your time. Listed Themes and Elements apply to entire story, Rating to this submission (mostly for violence).

Luna 1: Drafted - 2

Finally arriving at Whateley Academy, Luna realises that maybe she has forgotten something very important. Even worse, Headmistress Carson is determined that steps will be taken to redirect the energies of anyone deemed to have 'Kimba potential'.

Five Hertz of Separation (chapters 51-55 of 61)

Alexia and Johnathyn make their way to Glory where Alexia reveals her return to the world. She joins the Queen's Guard as they fight to restore order to the land. Alexia feels compelled to take a more active role, leading to fearsome success on the part of the Guard and a horrific response from First Minister Dupree. Listed Themes and Elements apply to entire story, Rating to this posting (mostly violence but also sex).

For Friends and Family Part 29

For Friends and Family 29 – I Do (Eventually)
Nicky and Amy.jpg

For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman.

Five Hertz of Separation (chapters 46-50 of 61)

After saying their goodbyes, Alexia and family return to New Amsterdam and discover the situation to be much worse than expected. She takes extreme measures to try and correct the problems. Listed Themes and Elements apply to entire story, Rating to this posting (primarily for violence)

For Friends and Family Part 28

For Friends and Family 28 – Family Time
Nicky and Amy.jpg

For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman.


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