
Sisters Forever~1

It should be a happy day. That was what birthdays were about. I had just turned thirteen. I was now officially a teenager and it made me feel a lot older.

Yes, I should be looking forward to today, but I wasn’t. ...

Sisters Forever ~ Chapter 1

By Susan Brown

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-18.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-18.

Chapter 18


And he’s very, very married.

Man…getting used to this and being me and these super hero types is going to take a whole lot more getting used to.

I kind of get him out of my head and I’m trying to take note of the ride since I’ve never been in an aero-ambulance before and the EMT looks at me and it’s the guy that I met with the whole big thing that happened down town when I first helped out all the other AA’s.

“Hey you.” He says in quietly and nicely kinda of caring guy and gentle like…I know because I’ve used the same tones myself.

“Hey…….” Oh...oh man I can’t remember his name.

*And Now…

Vampyre 9.

Vampyre 9.

Chapter 9.


I rip the leg off a chair and slam it down and he screams as I stake his arrogant French ass through the shoulder and arm joint and into the floor.
I grab another one and full one Nightrage at him pull on all that death is willing to give me. “Where!? Where is Michel!?”
I hear Raine yelling at me telling me not to kill him and I turn to snarl at her and then back and swing the improved stake down and there’s a flash at his wrist as a handgun some small automatic is suddenly there.
He laughs that high pitched nasal almost giggle of his and all I see is muzzle flashes.
I feel the hits and I feel searing pain ripping through me….wood?...silver...?.....

*And Now…




He looks at Justin this time. “Bramblewood.”
“What’s that?”
Justin’s closing books and he’s grabbing new clothes. “It’s one of the major guild houses for those of the craft. This could be really bad if they turned on us.”
“Would they?”
“I wouldn’t have thought so. They’re closer to the druidic types.”
I’m stuffing down barely warmed burgers with liver puree smothered on them with some cheese and I’m over getting dressed and it’s no time to get all girly about being naked in from if them….yes they both looked even during this.
“Okay then mages or not we’re moving out…Tim…you and your lads with us?”
He’s staring at me and I can smell apprehension on him but anger too and his attraction all mixed together.
“Aye…these fuckers are so interested in demons then let’s give them hell.”
I slip my SWAT pants on and my feet into the combat boots using a cantrip to lace and tie them as I get a dark grey sweater on over my sports bra and just grab the leather jacket.
“You got an armory?”
“I grew up in Belfast what d’you think?”

*And Now…………

The Park Bench

So we sat there holding hands and eating our burgers with our free ones and it was nice. All the time though I was worried that it wouldn’t last though. You see, officially I’m a boy...

The Park Bench

By Susan Brown



  Then there were the times when I felt angry and frustrated at the least little thing. Was it normal for a boy, for regretfully I was one under my finery, to have such strange feelings?


By Susan Brown

I would like to thank Miss Jane Austen for the inspiration for this novella, which is based on a time prior to that which is described in Pride And Prejudice and involves a few of the characters in that great work.

My Super Secret Life-34.

My Super Secret Life-34.


Steve passes the rhino off to the police. “Lock him in a max cell. Titan you’re with me.”

“Right.” I walk with him but get a SWAT utility belt from one of the officers and two headsets and I pass one to Steve. He nods. We head to where the hole is and he moves the truck from the hole and we both drop down well it’s different he flies down and I jump but we do this combination of me grabbing his shoulder and him my arm and we don’t touch the ground or the sparking rails.

We’re looking for sign and I can…I can see this sort of trail of foot prints leading east.
“I think, I think I’m seeing heat…? Two on foot one’s another gorilla.”

“Okay, are you ready?”

“Yeah they killed a guy in cold blood. Let’s bring them down.”

*And Now…


Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 31
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.

Jack and Jill by Trudy - 15 - Looking At the Future

Jack and Jill, by Trudy
- 15 - Looking At the Future

Melvin agreed with Trudy to be Jill of Jack and Jill for Halloween... Caught up in the transformation and a problem; he finds himself being Melanie, learning from Aunt Marti... He's give to birth and cared for his pretend Sarai and Allyson, and has problems going back to Melvin.

MAU - Monster's Night

A trio of roommates who find an alien transformation device which allows you to change into anything you want and play with it. A ruthless criminal who wants to use the device for his own shady goals. Two government agents on a desperate race to stop the device's hapless users from making a mistake they'll regret for the rest of their lives. All of them want to gain control of the device, and all of them will be in for a night they'll never forget - they'll be in for Monster's Night.

Thanks @ ElrodW for checking the story beforehand and confirming that it's not violating any of the MAU universe's rules! :)

Masks Chapter 36

Masks Chapter 36

Chapter 36


Toni passes me some tissues and a bottle of nail polish remover. “Here this worked the best when it happened to my locker.”

She’s not shouting but she’s strongly saying it and she’s doing it in this whole tough proud thing even if she’s this short little Loli-girl.

I nod, I do the same as her and mentally shift my big girl panties in place and take the stuff and start wiping away the hate stuff like it’s nothing, like it means nothing.

I think this is the right thing to do.

*And Now…

Trust Machines - Attempt on the Record

Takes place in dkfenger's Trust Machines universe (universe can be found on deviantart). All over the globe, so called 'Venn Machines' are popping up. Those machines allow two people to enter two opposite booths and then transform each other into whatever they want for a predetermined timespan ranging from eight hours to three years. Every change is possible, including changes into the opposite gender, animals or even objects such as clothing.

This story is mainly object transformation (people into clothing), but there's also an important TG change. :)

The local college's cheerleading squad heads off to set a new record. Of course the record in question involves a Venn Machine...

Trust Machines - Over the Top

Takes place in dkfenger's Trust Machines universe (universe can be found on deviantart). All over the globes, so called 'Venn Machines' are popping up. Those machines allow two people to enter two opposite booths and then transform each other into whatever they want for a predetermined timespan ranging from eight hours to three years. Every change is possible, including changes into the opposite gender, animals or even objects such as clothing.

Many of my Trust Machines stories are animal, creature or object tf, but this one is mainly TG, therefore I decided to post it here as well.

Sean picks up a beautiful girl in a bar. He doesn't suspect that he's bound to fall victim to one of his buddy Josh's over the top jokes...


Weekend Fun

Imagine you live in a world where body switching technology exists. You have invited your best friend over for a typical guys weekend, spent by watching movies.

But when your best friend finally appears on your doorstep, he's not in his own body. And he, now she, suggests different fun for the weekend...

This is one of my tf-themed stories I posted on deviantart. Since it's TG-only, I thought it'll fit in here as well.

The Parchment Chapter 18

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 18

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.


Image Credits: Title Picture purchased and licensed for publishing from

123rf.com. The model in this image in no way supports nor conveys the issues and situations brought up within the story. The models use within this work is solely for the representation of looks of the main character of this particular story. ~Sephrena


It’s awhile…a long nervous while with too much water drank because on me and my stupid dry mouthed nerves and I look at Nat. “I gotta go pee, keep a look out for Alex please.”

“I will hog tie that boy if I have too.”

I do the have to pee run to the washrooms and do my business and I go to wash my hands and I actually get a hard shove from my blindside that send me stumbling.

“I told you that was her, I told you that was the little bitch that made me look bad at the Convention and on Facebook.”

I look and it’s Donna and three friends and they all look mad and bitchy and before I can say anything she slaps me in the mouth really hard and knocks me to the floor!

*And Now…

The Parchment Chapter 17

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 17

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

Whom God Destroys Part One

Whom God Destroys

An Erinyes Adventure


By E. E. Nalley


He said: "Thou petty people, let me pass.
     What canst thou do but bow to me and kneel?"
But sudden a dry land caught fire like grass,
     And answer hurtled but from shell and steel.

FTL-22...Faster Than Life.

FTL-22...Faster Than Life.

Chapter 22


Our launch alert goes off as our fighters take to the skies and while not very faithful after my past and home I cross myself, kiss two fingers and touch the bottom of my screens.

“Godspeed everyone.”

*And Now…

The Parchment Chapter 15

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 15

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

The Parchment Chapter 14

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 14

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

Masks Chapter 35

Masks Chapter 25

Chapter 35


I look in the mirror and he’s there and he’s just not…I take a breath and shift my weight and adjust my posture and stuff and yeah…It’s not me.
I take out a sheet of paper from my note pad in my drawer and some tape and I draw a 6 on it.
Six days…counting today six days before I’m taking of the mask and being done with all of it.
I head down stairs and I can smell breakfast bacon cooking and I see a pair of M.J.’s styling calf high boots at the door and I smile.
I actually really missed her yesterday.
And she’s here first thing and she’s not a morning person so she’s here for support.
I really love her for that.
Okay maybe today’s going to be alright….I cross my fingers and then head into the kitchen.

*And Now…

The Parchment Chapter 13

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 13

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

Havens Salvation Chapter 5 Pt 1 Morning has broken.


Havens Salvation 5

Morning has broken.

Any resemblances to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.
Copyright© 2014 Michele WhiteWolf

Previously in Havens Salvation

Betty is startled at how well her family fits in to the eclectic society of haven. She is delighted to find that one of the benefits of the protectors position is that her family gets a body guard in a wolf ware named James who was the previous protectors body guard.

Betty expecting a peaceful journey into the astral dimension is surprised to be deposited in an ancient past life battle to protect her families village from Roman tax collectors who were set to kill her parents and sister. Yanked out of that situation Betty is informed by the spirits of Ann and Maggie she was being tested to find if she could remember how to do the physical job of protecting Haven. This answered Betty is taken to the Ancient tower of Oaths where her taking the responsibility as the protector of haven is rejected by the Morrigan. They believe Betty not strong enough or women enough to do the job. The Morrigan allows for a test period until All Hallowed Eve its pass or fail. Fail she must quit her new home and move on.

FTL-21...Faster Than Life.

FTL-21... Faster Than Life.


My watch commander stops talking as the mines I’m passing more too and then we see them change…mechanical bug like legs slip out of the body and so does a head with a semi-human face only with a mouth like a shark would have and it pops out pincer like arms but with some kind of weapons instead of claws and there’s these beetle shell like bug casings that pop open to free up better thrusters.
There’s a burst of blue weapons fire and my drone goes white and I switch to others and I can see the mines all shifting and all changing and turning around and coming at our drones and we’re losing them fast.
My last drone the last thing I seen on the cameras was one of these shark-beetle things eating the camera…looked like it was coming to take a bite out of me.
I’m answered by our main bridge instead as the alert for battle stations goes off.

*And Now…

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 24

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Twelve-year-old Stephanie Brooks has just started at her new school, a high-tech liberal environment that her dad calls a "crunchy granola" kind of place. Their policy of acceptance is important to her, since up until six and a half weeks ago, Steven Brooks had been living as a boy, since he had a boy's body. But since then, she has been living as a girl, and believes that she might just have a girl's mind. It started out as a punishment, but it hasn't felt like that for a while. Stephanie has started making new friends at the Hutchinson School, but she still doesn't quite fit in yet. As we begin this chapter, it is Tuesday, February 5, 2008.



Chapter 20


I look at it and it’s her smartphone and she has music files on it. And I’m wearing sunglasses that are muting out a lot of the neon and the flashing screens everywhere too…I press play and I smile as music from the Lord of the rings starts to play…*Concerning Hobbits* from The Fellowship movie the music as you’re just seeing The Shire.
I exhale tension with the sounds of the music and she looks at me with this I love you Pi smile.
“You did this for me?”
“Yeah…and it’s all the fun and calm stuff nothing all aggro either.”
The time and the sheer fact that she took that time doing it for me and had all this ready for me and my moments it.
I am really close to crying.
She takes my free hand and laces her fingers into mine. “C’mon lady love I’ll teach you home to twirl.”

*And Now…



  ‘Well Georgiana Digby, you must forgive me for startling you. I was not expected back until much later today. I will, I have no doubt, see you again.’


By Susan Brown

I would like to thank Miss Jane Austen for the inspiration for this novella, which is based on a time prior to that which is described in Pride And Prejudice and involves a few of the characters in that great work.

The Parchment Chapter 12

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 12

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.


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