
A Friend in Need Part 13

A Friend in Need
Part 13. Passion Awoken

March 2013

I must have drifted off to sleep as the sound of the alarm woke me, it was Monday and Clive had to go to work, Chloe was still asleep and that pig of a husband of mine had slept through the alarm, I considered waking him up by arousing his love shaft and having an early morning pleasure trip; but a little mewl from the cot forced me to change my mind, so I kissed him passionately and woke him up.
I slipped on my heavy satin dressing gown and picked my baby up to change and feed her while Clive showered and got ready for the day.

FTL-23...Faster Than Life.

FTL-23...Faster Than Life.

Chapter 23

There is a difference between writing a report and then writing a paper on something. The reports come with forms and they want clear answers to questions posted in the forms to prompt you with events and things that were happening.

But to write a paper on something well especially that’s not about a topic that you’re learning about in training or classes.

Fifteen hundred plus years of civilian cut and paste and reference and link to culture did not prepare me for actually trying to sit down and to try and go through all the stuff that I was thinking when I had the idea to use the drones the way that I was doing and to take all that chaos and emotion and to turn it into a tactical paper.

A Friend in Need Part 12

A Friend in Need
Part 12. Christina Life and Love

This part of the story, or saga as it is becoming concerns Christina and how she manages with her new life it starts after Tony and Christina part and carries on through until Christina meets her husband to be Clive.
Thank you for your kudos, which I really treasure.

Cami and the Cameo Appearance – 8

Cami and the Cameo Appearance – 8

By Jessica C

The summer of 1964 I make a cameo appearance as a girl cousin to help my sister...
Who knew that I'd like it and it was to be a one time event... My sister's friends
get into helping me with the makeover. And this boy Sal from Chicago,
takes a liking to me and I might need to be Cami one more time.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-19.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-19.


I have a lot to learn…and a lot to think about even now.

How much to learn and what to do about my relationship.

I get a coffee in a can from one of the vending machines and I head upstairs to my quarters and my office.

I think that I might just have to go home this weekend.

I might need to have a family talk.

*And Now…

Cami and the Cameo Appearance – 7

Cami and the Cameo Appearance – 7

By Jessica C

The summer of 1964 I make a cameo appearance as a girl cousin to help my sister...
Who knew that I'd like it and it was to be a one time event... My sister's friends
get into helping me with the makeover. And this boy Sal from Chicago,
takes a liking to me and I might need to be Cami one more time.

Kelly Girl - Post 1

"Wanna be my girlfriend?" asked Peter.
"Can't," said Kelly. "I'm a boy"

Synopsis: As Kelly is left at his mom's boyfriend's house, all he wants is to make it through the weekend unscathed. But when the man's children mistake him for a girl, Kelly has no clue how to convince them otherwise. It's a case of Miss-taken identity that takes on a hilarious life of its own.

A Friend in Need Part 11

A Friend in Need
Part 11. Christina the Parting

In this episode I am back to Christina's story, re-starting from after the attempted rape, through the parting. As far as Tony is concerned we will join him later.

Jack and Jill by Trudy – 22 – Almost There

Jack and Jill by Trudy
– 22 – Almost There

It began as something fun for Halloween and work... A misunderstanding caused Melvin to get caught in something bigger... No one expected Jill or Melanie to take on lives of their own.

A Friend in Need Part 10

A Friend in Need, Part 10.
Tony's Story, the Parting

If you have followed this story, this continues on after the attempted rape of the new Christina until Tony leave after the New Year, it is told from the recently changed Tony's male point of view, I am trying to show the differences in feeling and attitudes now that Tony is a man rather that the woman (s)he once was.

Cami and the Cameo Appearance – 6

Cami and the Cameo Appearance – 6
Mom's Home?

By Jessica C

Cami is a product of Hal helping his sister... One time he's to be a boy's fill-in date... Feelings blossom and circumstances keep snowballing... Mom's early return, catches Cami/Hal at a bad time.

A Friend in Need Part 9

A Friend in Need
Part 9. Tony's Story II

This continues with the story but from the man's point of view Tony (who used to be Christina) is coming to terms with the feelings a man has, especially where there is a beautiful woman but the feelings are at first confusing to him! As he used to be in the beautiful body he now lusts after.

Seasons of Bailey: Spring - Part 1

He's a girl. He's not a girl.
As April showers bring May flowers,
so too does Bailey begin to blossom.

Seasons of Bailey
by Taylor Ryan
Title image and story Copyright © 2010-2020 Taylor Ryan
All Rights Reserved.

A Friend in Need Part 8

A Friend in Need
Part 8. Tony's Story I

This is the story from Tony's point of view, it starts before the change when Tony was Christina, goes through the change when Tony and Christina become each other and carries on with Tony now fully a 6' male starting out on his new life. There is a lot of the content of the other stories but seen from the new Tony's point of view.

I will try to keep the different genders and changes to the protagonists as simple as I can,
If you have not read the rest of the episodes of this it may not make a lot of sense but may stand alone as a story

A Friend in Need Part 7

A Friend in Need
Part 7 Christina's Rise

Life goes on for Christina and Tony, the story covers the after effect of the attempted rape, and Christina's way of dealing with it, I felt that this should be an introspective episode, if I was wrong to go this deep; I apologise, and hope you will forgive me.

Dedicated to Christina, my dear friend who taught me how to be a woman and left me her name.

On Call - Part 1

On Call
Abigail Tudai

Synopsis: Brad feels trapped in his life as a corporate lawyer and yearns for something better out of life, like the handsome doctor next door. When his wife is called in to work overtime, he becomes his alter ego, Nurse Brandy, and is always ready for the doctor to make a house call.

A Friend in Need Part 6

A Friend in Need
Part 6 Life Goes On

This part of the story is again told from Christina's (used to be Tony) side of the story and it continues to follow Christina as she really begins her new life after the wonderful first day of femininity.
This part of the story does contain some sex and some violence, I have not gone into graphic detail, just enough for the storyline so please be advised.

The Ghost Project

flowers-in-tender-bloom.jpgThe Ghost Project
By Anon Allsop

I would like to thank JP for all of his hard work helping me with my story. It is greatly appreciated!

With a sensory score that was off the charts, Heath Carroll thought his ship had come in. Unfortunately for him, our government was the entity doing all of the testing.

Early on, he had been sought out for his uncanny ability to self-induce a trance and Astral Project himself across great distances. At first it was thrilling to be able to physically occupy one separate plane of space, then within mere moments he would appear in another. His recklessness, even after friends warned him, attracted the eye of a secret military faction within the government.

Cami and the Cameo Appearance - 2

Cami and the Cameo Appearance - 2

By Jessica C

The summer of 1964 I make a cameo appearance as a girl cousin to help my sister...
Who knew that I'd like it and it was to be a one time event... My sister's friends
get into helping me with the makeover. And this boy Sal from Chicago,
takes a liking to me and I might need to be Cami one more time.

A Friend in Need Part 5

A Friend in Need
Part 5 Christina's Story II

Continuing the story from Christina's (formally Tony) point of view, there is some sex in this but nothing extreme. Both of them are now getting used to their new bodies and living their new lives, each is convinced that they have the best new life.
Things progress between them. Your comments are always welcome.

Dedicated to Christina, who gave me her name and taught me how to be a woman

A Friend in Need Part 4

A Friend in Need Part 4

Christina's Story I

This is the story after the change of lives from Christina's (who used to be Tony) point of view there is some sexual content but the story mainly concentrates on the emotions and differences that Christina feels by being a woman. If you have not read the other parts of this story this may not make much sense.

Dedicated to Christina, who gave me her name and taught me how to be a woman

A Friend in Need Part 3

A Friend in Need
Part 3 New Lives

By Christina H

The two friends have now exchanged bodies, this is the morning after the exchange and explores how they cope with their very new lives
Starting the new lives, after the change, to try and avoid confusion I will refer to the protagonist's gender as their NEW gender. The change has been done, the two of them are starting to experience their new lives

Dedicated to Christina, who gave me her name and taught me how to be a woman

Over the Moon

Over the Moon

By Paul Calhoun


A cosplaying couple who met at an anime convention have been talking about doing a kigurumi for a long time. Andrew says he has a surprise and when he leaves and Sailor Moon walks in, Alyssa is ready to do whatever she wants.

For Friends and Family Part 4

For Friends and Family Part 4

Nichola Arrives
Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.

This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman, in this part surgery, which transformation him into Nichola is completed.

This is a prime example of leaving something part way through, I mixed up parts 3 and 4, so to maintain continuity I have swapped them around apologies to all - it's the blond in me coming out.

A New Start in Life part 2

The Girls.png

The story continues with Susanna getting more into her new life, for those of you who are concerned this may turn into an X rated story let me put your mind at rest, it will continue to be a gentle sentimental journey.

A New Start in Life part 1

A New Start in Life Part 1

This is a gentle tale about a young boy's search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna, the girls teach him all about life as a girl.

Please note this is a gentle tale sentimental, with little sexual content, but where there is it will be tagged as such.

The Family that Plays Together, part 02 of 10

I had breasts — well, they’d warned me I might be a girl of some kind. And it was hard to be sure in the dim light, but I thought my skin was darker than it was in my real body. But the really important thing was that below the waist, I wasn’t human at all.

Quantum Implicitum


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Quantum Implicitum

Andrew Trell of Earth, and Cavin Conn of Arsan are rare individuals. Both are the children of those seen as famous heroes on their worlds. Both due to their parentage and circumstances, have quantum templated powers but are unable to use them. Andrew, against his mother’s reluctance, is going to Arsan to discover his heritage. Cavin, familiar with his, wishes it was drastically different. Both will find themselves caught up in events that will mold them, and may even break them. Follow Andrew Trell and Cavin Conn as they discover their heritage, and find it within themselves to be heroes.

A Friend in Need Part 2

A Friend in Need Part 2

The Beginning

By Christina H
This is the continuation of the story where two friends find a way through magic to solve the problem that their lives are giving them.
It has some dates in it to add some context to the story (I hope) the TG and mild sex starts late in this chapter.

Dedicated to Christina, who gave me her name and taught me how to be a woman

For Friends and Family Part 2

For Friends and Family Part 2

Becoming Nichola

Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.

This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman, in this part the transformation into Nichola begins.

The Making of Heather

The making of Heather, The making of me

Brian had just gone through a messy divorce caused by his ex wife not understanding his cross dressing habit, calling him a pervert and gay, after the divorce his ex-wife spreads rumours about Brian, so he moves to another part of London and meets a group of girls who bring out the woman in him.

This is my first attempt at inserting pictures, please be gently with me

Jack and Jill by Trudy - 16 - Marti’s Time

Jack and Jill, by Trudy
– 16 – Marti’s Time

Dressing up as Jill while Trudy dresses Jack, led to it's own set of tricks and treats... Melvin becomes Melanie as events spiral with Melanie and her Aunt Marti... Marti is having her third daughter with the help of her new niece.


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