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This is a story set in the 1800’s about a family that has lost every family member except the youngest son and his twin sister. Then his sister dies of smallpox and he manages to persuade his mother to let him become his deceased sister. I realise that the language of the time is difficult to read (and difficult to write) so I have done an amalgam of vernacular (probably not grammatically correct.)
I know this story has a slow build up but I want the build the character the story starts moving in a few chapters time but I would appreciate your comments to ensure that I'm on the right track.
When we got home I was sent to change out of my dress and don a more suitable gown for indoors.
In my bedroom I selected a Grecian style muslin dress in a dark green – as I could now wear colours other than black I was determined to do so. Anna my maid then fastened me into my dress and while I was down stairs with mama she put away the dress I had just taken off.
My ladies maid was called Anna she was came from near a village where Grenford Hall was.
She was a chubby friendly girl open and honest and this was her first job as a ladies maid and I could tell she was so happy.
In reality this was my first ladies maid so we were both learning together which I believe cemented our closeness.
It was not the done thing for a girl of my breeding to be friends with someone of lower class but a close working friendship was allowed – just don’t ask me what the difference was.
When I arrived in the drawing room mama had also changed into a black silk gown of the Empire style Miss M was already there and mama was telling her about my singing I was so proud. It had already been 3 months of my new life and I was so very comfortable.
I picked up my embroidery and sat quietly concentrating on my stitches but also listening intently to the gossip and scandal mother was imparting to Miss M.
The days passed oh so slowly as I simply was so excited about this coming Saturday my lessons continued and at my pleading with mama I also started taking lessons in the Harp which was a beautiful instrument to look at and to listen to but it was difficult to learn.
My days were now so very full and I absorbed all this new knowledge like a sponge becoming more and more lady like as the days progressed and I was still worrying about what to wear on Saturday and wondering what my new friends would be wearing.
I was being picked up at lunchtime on Saturday the day would last until well into the evening so as we could see all the famous Vauxhall Tea gardens had to offer.
Saturday dawned a bright but cold day with frost but at least it was fine.
With mama’ s help I had a dress in mind
My dress was made from heavy silk fabric in a shade of bottle green it fell to just below my knees and had a soft crinoline to give it shape.
The bodice was fitted with a high waist which meant that I would be suitably corseted the shoulders ended in a puffball and the silk sleeves reached to my wrists.
Starting at the shoulders and continuing over the bust line were a design of flowers in the same green silk as my dress these joined at my waist and continued to the hem of my dress.
My broderie anglaise frilled pantaloons peeped out from beneath the hem of my dress as was the fashion and my knitted stockings completed my outfit.
Being winter my footwear consisted of black soft leather ankle boots that buttoned up the side and had a small 1” heel.
I had a cloak to match my dress and a bonnet this covered my bun but allowed my ringlets to frame my face.
My matching hand muff was lined with fur and was exceedingly warm and hung from my neck on a silken cord.
Mama gave me a small black velvet reticule that contained some of mama’s visiting cards (should I need them) a kerchief and a vinaigrette that was filled with sweet smelling perfume to mask any nasty street smells.
She inspected me from top to toe and announced that I was ready for my trip out.
There was a knock on our door and when the butler opened it there stood the Tiger of Lady Beaufort.
Mama took a final look at me and said; “Now Charlotte enjoy yourself but remember you are a young lady of breeding and should behave so.”
“Yes mama I will remember” I said somewhat chastely but inside I was bubbling with excitement.
Carefully I walked to the coach and was handed in by the Tiger who as is usual put a warming stone under my feet while Clarissa shared her blanket with me then we were off.
Us three girls were sat across from Lady Ffinch and Lady Beaufort both of whom were smiling indulgently at our girlish chatter we commented on everything we saw from the street performers to the mob of people that made London the greatest city in the world.
Some of the areas we passed through really stank of sewage as night waste was simply thrown into the street to be picked up by the night waste wagon this was taken outside the city to fertilise the crops. I understood why mama had placed the vinaigrette in my reticule.
As our carriage turned into Vauxhall Walk we could glimpse the gardens and our chatter went up in volume. Lady Beaufort chided us saying, “Girls remember that you are young ladies please behave as such!”
This calmed us down a bit. The coach made it’s was down Vauxhall Walk and pulled up at the entrance to the gardens.
We were handed out of the carriage and the groom paid the fee to allow us to enter the gardens. As we entered we ordered supper, which was served from 5pm in winter and 9pm in summer.
Supper was served in the supper boxes that surrounded the grove each one had a different style of painting. You were allocated a painting to your party. We being a party of Ladies of quality were given the Three Graces box.
We started promenading around the gardens us young girls scampering ahead of our chaperones – but not too far ahead drinking in the sights sounds and scents of the pleasure garden.
There were scented gardens even in winter! Beautiful fountains wonderful building and then there were the people. Oh the people all promenading like we were as it was fashionable to be seen here.
Us three girls drank in the fashionable attire of the ladies and discussed in detail the differing styles.
Occasionally our chaperones would stop to talk to people we girls were introduced then we stood demurely by the Ladies ignoring the winks and come on looks of the young men of fashion.
Even though I now thought of myself as a girl and acted as a girl it was not until I received looks of interest from young men that I realised exactly what was special about being female!
We retired to our box about 4pm shortly after a whistle sounded for lamp-lighters to hurry to their allotted stations around the Grove; at a second whistle, they would light cotton-wool fuses which had been set up during the day to guide the flame from one oil-lamp to another; in this way, thousands of lamps could be lit in an instant!
The Ohh’s and Ahh’s of the assembled crowds was truly heart felt to us girls seeing this for the first time it was like a miracle.
Then we ate the meal consisted thinly-carved cold meats and salads, pastries and cakes, as well as wines, beers, ciders and punch, all served by well-trained and speedy waiters. As we ate we listened to the entertainers There was a Mrs Maria Theresa Bland who was a sweet-voiced but dumpy little ballad singer.
Another entertainer was a Mr Charles Dignum a pleasing tenor.
All too soon it was time to go home Lady Beaufort got a messenger to send for her carriage and once again we were handed into the dark interior.
Us three girls were in awe at what we had just experienced and the excitement could be seen on our faces in the dim light radiated from the outside lights of the carriage.
I was taken home first and after thanking Lady Beaufort and Lady Ffinch profusely I was escorted to the door by the Tiger bubbling with excitement at the splendid day I had just experienced.
Mama was in the drawing room with Miss M as I bounded in. “Charlotte a young lady is always light on her feet.
Now please go and remove your cape and bonnet then return in the manner befitting a young lady.”
Totally chastised I demurely answered, “Yes Mama sorry mama.” Retiring to the hall to remove my cloak bonnet and muff Anna appeared from somewhere as said, “Shall I take these to your room Miss?”
I smiled appreciatively at her and nodded adding, “I should not be too long before I come upstairs Anna” she bobbed a curtsy and went upstairs with my outer clothes.
I composed myself and with my hands clasped demurely in front of me I re-entered the drawing room.
Mama looked at me saying, “Far better Charlotte you really must remember that a young lady is always demure – no matter how excited she gets.”
“Yes mama sorry mama” I answered then mother looked kindly at me saying, “Now tell me about your day my love – I assume that this was why you forgot yourself.”
My excitement resurfaced as I recounted the day and all that I had seen every so often either mama or Miss M would tell me not to babble speak clearly. But eventually my story was told.
As the excitement left me I gave an almighty yawn. Mama sighed saying, “Off to bed with you young lady you have had enough excitement for one day.”
I stood and gave mama a kiss thanking her for letting me go to the gardens. Then saying goodnight to Miss M I went upstairs to where Anna waited.
I apologised for being later than I said I would be and as soon as she had unfastened my dress and hung it in the wardrobe I dismissed her bidding her goodnight.
Anna bobbed a curtsy to me wishing me goodnight then she left me to finish getting ready for bed.
This was unusual to undress yourself as the ladies maid usually attended to her mistresses needs but with my special circumstances I never let Anna see me fully naked.
The next morning Anna awoke me asking which dress I wanted laying out I decided on a deep purple dress that dropped just below my knees. She laid out my dress and underclothes and left until I rang for her.
Getting out of bed I washed and clad myself in my chemise, pantaloons and stockings then I rang for Anna to come and fasten my corset and dress for me then she tied my shoes around my ankles and pulled my hair into a bun fastening it with tortoise shell combs with my ringlets to either side of my face.
“Thank you Anna” I told her kindly remembering what mama always told me that a lady of quality should not speak down to those who cannot answer back.
Mama also said that politeness cost nothing only a brute is rude – this was to shape my outlook on life.
And so my new life continued I diligently learned all about being a lady how to act towards others. Weekly we either went to tea with Lady Beaufort and Ffinch.
Of course Clarissa and Annabelle were there now w knew each other we were left alone to embroider or read and simply talk.
As I thought; the first time we went for tea I was on display and on trial luckily it was deemed that I was suitable to be friends with Clarissa and Annabelle, which I was really happy about.
As mama was in mourning the Ladies took me to different places to the theatre again to the pleasure garden and to see the Royal Family when they were attending the theatre. As the King George III passed we deeply curtsied it was such a thrill to actually see him.
The year 1802 came in quietly for us my education and training carried on, I was now 10 years old and happy in my new life I was in effect becoming the perfect young lady of quality.
Mama was a very progressive lady, as she made sure that I was educated in music, art, and literature like the young ladies on the continent were.
By the end of 1802 I was a well-behaved young lady.
Mama taught me the language of the fan emphasizing that I must only use this as I got older. But knowing that it would help me when we went to Balls to see how society worked.
As a lady had to be very circumspect and unable to strike up a conversation with men this language of the fan came into fashion but a Lady should ensure that only the object of her desire read the signals.
Fan fast--I am independent
Fan slow--I am engaged
Fan with right hand in front of face--Come on
Fan with left hand in front of face--Leave me
Fan open and shut--Kiss me
Fan open wide--Love
Fan half open--Friendship
Fan shut--Hate
Fan swinging--Can you see me home?
As you can see a lady had to be very careful when using the fan as the wrong signals could easily be sent.
Also I was taught the meaning of different gems and gemstones as this would come in useful should a suitor send me gifts. I think mama expected me to have suitors but she certainly did not expect me to marry – I well I could still dream even though I knew I would never wed I certainly hoped that I would.
Amethyst - Peace of mind..
Bloodstone - I mourn your absence..
Diamond - Maintains concord between husband and wife,
Emerald - Success in love an emblem of chastity.
Ruby - A cheerful mind preservative of health.
Sapphire - Chastity Prevents impure thoughts.
Topaz - Fidelity. Calms the passions.
Turquoise - Success and happiness.
Garnet - Fidelity in every engagement.
Onyx - Reciprocal love.
Opal - Pure thoughts.
Pearl - Purity and innocence.
The things I had to learn as a woman were exceeding strange and varied but I absorbed everything, as a good daughter should.
Historic Note: - Needle work: their mother or governess usually trained Young ladies of the Regency period in some sort of craft or needlework.
Indeed, they often possessed fancy workboxes or bags into which went the needles, threads, and the other implements for “Genteel Females” to use.
It was amazing all it could hold. It was the receptacle for the much-worked-on sampler, a labor on which many young girls practiced cross stitch and other kinds of stitches. Some samplers were worked in wool thread. Many of the samplers were worked in colorful silk threads. Most had the alphabet with a motto or verse, initials and date of embroidery on them. These samplers were most often a way for a girl to show she had learned her stitches.
The Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens (also known as Spring Gardens) were opened by the Tyers family in 1661 and reached the height of their popularity in the early 1800s, with 20,000 visiting on one night in 1826. Their winning formula combined music, illuminated fountains, fireworks and light refreshments in an Eden-like atmosphere. The gardens originally combined genteel areas (where orchestras played and visitors promenaded in their finery) and 'dark walks' where couples could enjoy each other's company in some privacy - if not in comfort. This combination took some policing, and the Tyers employed their own policemen, probably the first organised police force in London.
There is no modern equivalent of Vauxhall Gardens, and public attitudes and appetites have altered so fundamentally since the 18th century that it would be impossible to recreate it as anything except a historical curiosity today.
Aspects of Vauxhall reappear in arts festivals, musical events and holiday resorts today, but these are isolated features, which can convey nothing of the magic of an evening's outing there in the 1750’s to the 1850’s
The closest equivalent in modern times is the partnership of Architect Mark Fisher and engineer Jonathan Park, in their extraordinary collaborations with Roger Waters and Gerald Scarfe for the astonishing rock concerts of the Pink Floyd's The Wall tours (World Tour 1980-81, and its revival in Berlin, 1990)
In their combination of avant-garde design, first-rate contemporary music, dramatic atmosphere and illuminations, and pure escapism, they replicate something of the thrill of the Vauxhall evening and of the sensory dream-world that Vauxhall represented.
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A labour of love?
Your research into London at the turn of the 19th century suggests an affinity with some aspect of your life Christina however I notice that my adopted stone, amber, was not on your list of the time. I wonder if it was too common for refined tastes?
ps to make you feel jealous, yes I did see Pink Floyd
Rhona McCloud
Wonderful details.
I am not from London so I don't know much but I was still fascinated by the details of the 'old days' you manage to potrait here. Thank you and keep it going. :)
The Blue Sapphire is my birth
The Blue Sapphire is my birth stone. I have one on a necklace given to me when I was 4 months old, along with a ring. I was recently surprised to go into a gem shop in Idaho and see all the various colors of Sapphires now available. Some earth real and others man made. I can remember being taught the language of the fan by one of my Great grandmothers who learned it as a young girl herself from her mother.
Research is Fascinating
Hi Janice Lynn as I do the research for this story I find it fascinating what used to be thought essential and the way of life only 200 years ago and some of the lessons - you for instance learning from your Great Grandmother was still known what 70 years ago????