
UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 3


FROM BEFORE: Vin had been watching, along with everyone else in the bar. “Those girls are deadly. They handle those swords as good or better than any bounty hunters I’ve seen.” She looked over at Toni. “The chair by the Blonde disappeared when her sword touched it. It’s been a long time since I heard stories about the Sword of the Queen. I’m guessing I just saw the sword in action?”

A hint of a smile crossed Toni’s face. “It’s possible.”

Loads of action in chapter three. Brandy, Sherry, Tony and Meliss try to gather forces to help if war becomes inevitable, while fighting off slavers, pirates, and general scum. Strap in and settle back. UF-2 continues now!

Havens Salvation 9-2 Women in the Middle

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Any resemblances to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.
Copy Rite 2014 Michele WhiteWolf
Editorial salvation by djkauf
Creative Consultancy by Bailey Summers, and my two girls Anna and Crystal
Ms Mary Adelaide Wilkinson [ my mother who dragged me all over the back roads of Colorado bringing those historical souls back to life. ]
With out all of the efforts from the above this story would never seen the light of an audience.
Havens Salvation 9-2
Women in the Middle
Ann when James Met her.

Aliease's life review has left Betty very unsettled so she is taking Greta's advice and spending some quality time by herself, or so she thinks. More parts of the puzzle are discovered and both a new friend and teacher and a villein find there way into the fray to save Haven.

Proxy 2 Jeff Returns



Synopsis: The original story released in 2014 left the fate of Jeff unknown. In this version Jeff returns and meets Chad his understudy while sharing with his sister's that fateful night his father dragged him from their home. Meanwhile, Chad, hired to play the Wentworth's cross dressing little brother is laying in bed with the dominate who was training him wondering what's going to happen next.

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 2

UF2 Book 2 Chapter 2
By Barbie Lee
Edited by Catherine Linda Michel.

War is on the horizon and it's up to Brandy, Sherry, Toni, Meliss, the rest of the Pash, their allies and anyone else they can find to help prevent war, or win if all else fails. Can they do it? Can they convince enough races that war will be devastating to everyone? Only time, the author and I know for sure. you all will have to read to find out.

This chapter does contain some very violent scenes, hence the warning in the "Tags." It's necessary for the rest of the story.

FROM BEFORE: "As soon as I started to bring the sword up it shifted to this dimension. Now it was most certainly visible to everyone. As I brought it up I sliced through the middle of my neck with it. It was too late for them to react to stop me. Attuned to my molecular makeup, the sword would never hurt me but it collapsed molecular matter on everything else it touched. The sword never really passed through my body. The blade shifted back to another dimension where my body was. To those who were looking at me it seemed as if I had passed the blade through myself. The slave collar disappeared when the sword touched it.

“WHAT THU...” Len was staring at what he couldn’t believe. His slave was armed and no longer wearing a slave collar!"


For Friends and Family Part 9

For Friends and Family Part 9 – Coming of Age

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For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter She experiences love as a woman had hair extensions so her wig is consigned to the wardrobe and Amy attempts suicide!


Get A Life!~Chapter 15

I could have cried, I should have cried, but I wasn’t in the crying mood. I was in the red-hot temper mood. I didn’t lose it all that often, but my blood was the blood of the Scots and we don’t take prisoners…

Get A Life!

By Susan Brown


Take Three Girls Part 5

Take Three Girls

Take Three Girl- Part 5

By Christina H

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Take Three Girls. This is about 2 girls and one woman (myself) and their very different route to become the women they knew they should be. It was going to be called Take Two Girls, but an on line friend (she knows who she is) and the girls bullied me into the name change. Some poetic licence has been used to help the flow of the story but not very much.

In this chapter I carry on with Kate’s story her surprise birthday party and finally meeting her mother which was a very emotional experience.


For Friends and Family Part 8

For Friends and Family Part 8 – Boys and London

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For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter the new Nichola goes on her first date with the hunks they met at the hotel. These guys help them move to London and the girls prepare for a night of passion.

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 15

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 15

By Jessica C

It was nice to get back from vacation, to sleep in my own bed and to go shopping for school. Joy has officially announced, she’ll be attending Central City High School this semester. She will attend full-time at the University for the second semester before she officially enrolls at a university she has yet to choose. Once it was known she was looking to go to college full-time; prestigious schools were recruiting her like she was a star athlete. Not only Schools like MIT, Harvard and Yale and Stanford, but Oxford and other institutions around the world. I didn’t know really intelligent students were wanted so much. I know Joy’s a genius, but it doesn’t think of her that way.

Magical Girl Policy- Chapter 5

Robert laughed as he admired the picture of the blue-haired girl on Eli's phone. "You have to be kidding me? She's friends with your sister?"

Eli nodded with a wide grin. "Yeah, her and that Vivian chick are both friends with Kara."

Cory shook his head and snatched the phone from Robert's hand. "This doesn't bode well for us."

"This doesn't bode well for us? You have to be kidding me! I just found the girl I've been crushing on all summer."

"I know."

Magical Girl Policy- Chapter 4

Eli trudged up the hill, grimly examining his paycheck. It wasn't big enough. It was bigger than he expected thanks to the hazard pay he got for handling the monster attack "well" but not big enough. With the arcade closed the next month for repairs, he needed to make this paycheck stretch out for about six weeks until the next paycheck came in.

For Friends and Family Part 7

For Friends and Family Part 7 – Work and Boys

For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman.
In this chapter Nichola is now ready to face the world and goes on her first date with the hunks they met at the hotel

What is a beginning other than the start of a sequence of events pt 1

/Where you at/

Rolling his eyes in irritation at someone texting him while he was driving Bruce Bixby spared his phone one last glance while he waited for the light to turn green before turning into a parking lot to send his reply. /Wall-mart... you? And why?/

What is a beginning other than the start of a sequence of events Chapter 1

Magical Girl Policy- Chapter 3

Robert reached into his back pocket and pulled out a map of campus. He rubbed his eyes and studied the map. Despite not sleeping well, he couldn't help but smile. The early morning crowd of students, bustling about to classes made him feel energetic. No more high school drama and worrying about who is dating who and what people did in their spare time. He could just be one of twenty thousand students and no one would give him a second look. He was truly free.

Magical Girl Policy- Chapter 2

Cory shook his head. "You're incredible. I know I won't be playing video games for a little while."

Robert snorted as he sat at his desk. "I'm not playing. I just missed my guild's PvP night. I'm one of the better players. I can't just ditch without an explanation."

"Kind of missing my point."

Magical Girl Policy- Chapter 1

The air was heavy with... Robert wasn't exactly sure. But something definitely felt odd about the air that day. The smell of freshly cut grass tickled at Robert's nose, but that wasn't it. He bit on the inside of his lip, attempting to discern the sensation he felt. He was knocked out of his thinking by the sound of Cory panting up the hill. He chuckled "C'mon Cory. You can't be this out of shape. Eli's been making this walk every day the past few days. I can't imagine he's in any better shape than you are."

For Friends and Family Part 6

For Friends and Family Part 6 – Nichola Complete

For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter after getting his (her) teeth capped she now has the perfect smile also the hypnotic suggestions are working well. Meanwhile the real Nichola suffers another breakdown and Andy admits that he is enjoying his new life and also considers remaining a woman.

For Friends and Family Part 5

For Friends and Family Part 5 – Life as Nichola

Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman.
In this part surgery which transformation him into Nichola is completed and he leaves the clinic. Now he begins to learn his new life as a woman called Nichola.

I am back in sequence now after my horrific blunder


Bikini Beach: The Diving Team

Bikini Beach: The Diving Team

Natty's diving team is having a meet in the season-ending championships, but two of their divers are suddenly unavailable. Where can they find a substitute at the last minute so they don't lose their chance at winning the first-place trophy?

[email protected]

Staying in Character Part 1

Staying in Character Part 1

By Paul Calhoun

A trade with Dieter Schaumer.

An actress playing a queen being slowly turned into a legendary wolf has to wear her costume home for budgetary reasons. Her boyfriend isn't very happy and after he refuses to have sex with her she has an idea to show him what it's like.

For Friends and Family Part 3

For Friends and Family Part 3 – Nichola is Reborn

I have restarted this story, the reasons I suspended it was that I was posting three separate stories at once and I was getting confused so I decided to concentrate on a single story. If you have not read parts 1 to 3 I would advise you to do so then you will see how Andy had agreed to be changed into Nichola

The teachings of Little Miss Sunshine

It was a warm summery morning on the Gold Coast. The seagulls were squawking, a light offshore breeze blew and a building swell promised epic tubes in the afternoon. In the penthouse apartment she shared with her two elder sisters, Samaya and Nikita, Nik’s baby Elody and Nik’s handsome boyfriend, Marcus (they called him Marcus Aurelius because he was like a Roman general guarding them from the outside world), little Jane found herself alone. Samaya - they liked to call her Princess Samaya because she was so drop-dead gorgeous - was already out on the waves.

A Friend in Need Part 18

A Friend in Need
Part 18. Life is Beautiful.

These final 2 parts of my fantasy completes this tale, I must thank my very good friend Christina, who did exist and was exactly as described in the story, petit, feminine, gorgeously sexy, impulsive and very loving.

She was fully aware that I coveted her body, as she did mine, if we could exchange bodies we would have. We wrote this together her doing the male feelings me the female and correcting each other as we went along.

Orbital Velocity 1

Years before Iris Zahane was even born, Rianna Goode had her first sexual experience with her 14 year old sister, fellow trans girl Kamaria Goode, and the relationship continued for several years. This is Rianna's account of that experience.

"Orbital Velocity"
by = Sure-as-elle
A prequel series to "In Tandem Orbit"

A Friend in Need Part 17

A Friend in Need
Part 17. Preparations

I was surrounded by people, my family, Jane and Keith other friends, all congratulating us, CJ had his arm around my waist, I was still blubbering like an idiot, Jane, my mum and Kerry my daughter took me away from CJ to the ladies room to sort myself out, all grinning like Cheshire cats.

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 13

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 13

Ronnie caught shoplifting from a women's clothing store; becomes Janelle for the summer as punishment... A life transforming time that Janelle now embraces as being the person inside... Janelle is now helping Bobby to come in touch with Stephanie the girl he's always wanted to be.

The Prolific Scorer

The Prolific Scorer
By Anon Allsop

The old man sat on the park bench enjoying the warm spring air. He watched a young teenage boy dribbling a basket ball down the sidewalk toward him. His icy blue eyes, still watchful and alert even in old age. The boy was concentrating on the dribble, trying to bounce it between his legs but kept hitting himself in the bottom. The old man smiled.

Now working the ball behind his back, the boy was able to get it to bounce forward through his feet. He smiled and looked around to see if anyone witnessed his great feat. Only the old man was there smiling.

Get A Life!~Chapter 13

Get a life 13

Miss Templeton then handed me a letter.

‘I’ll leave you alone to read it and then I’ll come back in about ten minutes Ma’am.’

‘Thanks,’ I said distractedly, fingering the letter that was addressed to David McKerrell in spidery handwriting...

Get A Life!

By Susan Brown


A Friend in Need Part 16

A Friend in Need
Part 16. Conclusion – Well Nearly

This section is different from the others as part of it is written from both perspectives, as they are now together this seems the correct thing to do – I hope I managed to pull it off.

Entering A New Phase Of An Old Relationship

I had recently moved in with my Mother-In-Law (she is 70 and I am 50) due to financial pressures and, the wife had taken a job in another State. We got along very well, I would help her around the house, with cooking and cleaning. She thought it would be fun to teach me to sew and the lessons were going well.

A Friend in Need Part 15

A Friend in Need
Part 15. Squaring the Circle

March 2013

As I look at my beautiful daughter feeling the rush of love a mother has when gazing on the innocence of her baby.
Feeling also the intense love for my very gorgeous loving husband.
Remembering the confusion I felt as he recounted the story from when he left me in my gorgeous new nubile female body. (he was Tony, in my old body) To the present day, the confusion, the riot of feelings that flowed through me still lingers

July 2011

Before he started telling me how he had arrived at this point.
I jumped out of bed and put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the bedroom door. This story was one I wanted to hear in full; as I was still very confused with the way I felt about him.

I got back into bed saying "right, we should be left alone; now I want to hear everything! You hear me everything about the last seven months" I was looking at him staring into his eyes, he nodded and replied, "right everything and I promise that I'll be totally honest."
I snuggled back into him "right, now where were you" I prompted him.


I'm editing this to make the TG element stronger, and intend to add an indeterminate number of chapters following. My muse has directed that this story will take an astonishing change in direction.

Gwen Brown

A lonely, divorced and abandoned woman finally pays an escort to take her out. She feels that if she is careful, she can afford to do this once a month.

A Friend in Need Part 14

A Friend in Need
Part 14. Reaching for the Stars

March 2013

I fed my baby and said goodbye to my gorgeous husband, as he was going to London today. Picking up a cup of coffee and Chloe we went out onto the terrace overlooking the clear blue sea off the Cornish coast (where we now live) and thought more about when we first met


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