
Hunger Pangs Part 6 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 6 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.

Lorone Chapter 2

Lorone is an old and battle hardened warrior and general, known far and wide as Sir Lorone 'The Immortal'. After the fall of his army, must get home to inform the king and people of the success of his army and what it cost them, while also having to deal with changes to himself.

Lorone (Intro)

Lorone is an old and battle hardened warrior and general, known far and wide as Sir Lorone 'The Immortal'. After the fall of his army, must get home to inform the king and people of the success of his army and what it cost them, while also having to deal with changes to himself.

Lorone Chapter 1

Lorone is an old and battle hardened warrior and general, known far and wide as Sir Lorone 'The Immortal'. After the fall of his army, must get home to inform the king and people of the success of his army and what it cost them, while also having to deal with changes to himself.

Eastside Stories - Rebecca

"Ah Becky Smith. How lovely you look always so prettily dressed while in class"

I have a bit of a crush on Becky Smith. While her sisters are cute they are either too young or too old to be in my class. Becky is in my regular classes in Southside Middle School. In just one week I will be able to gaze upon her beauty once again.

Hunger Pangs Part 4 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 4 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.

Hunger Pangs Part 3 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 3 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.

Ithycca- Chapter 12: ½ Full

A long time ago, the Earth blessed four spirits, making them gods. The gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, oversee their realms, creating sentient creatures to help cultivate their lands. These beings constantly war over each other, eventually driving the servants of Water, the Merfolk, to extinction. Millennia later Kyle Weathers receives a gift from an old but mysterious lady while working in Haiti. This gift will change his life forever.

by AoifeM

Ithycca- Chapter 11: If Tears were Liquor...

A long time ago, the Earth blessed four spirits, making them gods. The gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, oversee their realms, creating sentient creatures to help cultivate their lands. These beings constantly war over each other, eventually driving the servants of Water, the Merfolk, to extinction. Millennia later Kyle Weathers receives a gift from an old but mysterious lady while working in Haiti. This gift will change his life forever.

by AoifeM

What a good boy...Chapter 4

What a good boy…Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Uhm oh boy wow.

Gwen talked to me.

And kind of nice she didn’t treat me like a freak.

But she’s pretty…well better than pretty she’s stunning and popular and a jockettes. But honestly I don’t really know the jockettes that much so I can’t actually say if they’re assholes like the guys that are in some of the teams here at school.

But…honestly should my spider-senses be tingling?


Names John Owenhimmer Johnathon Ernie Owenhimmer.

What not impressed? Oh good phew I though you would assume that .. well never mind. Anyways I am to my shame a crossdresser. Not a transvestite and certainly not a transexual.

How did I start? Now there is a good question. I was like maybe 8 when I put my dirty clothes in the clothes hamper at home. For some reason I got a small shock when I put them in. I touched something soft and smooth. Curiosity got the better of me and I pulled out mom's satin blouse. It started from there, just that one thing.

The Changing Woman: A Wyld Universe Story- Part 6

In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.

Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?

The Changing Woman
A Wyld Universe Story
by AoifeM

The Changing Woman: A Wyld Universe Story- Part 5

In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.

Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?

The Changing Woman
A Wyld Universe Story
by AoifeM

Like Mother Like Sister 01

Like Mother Like Sister is a continuation of the original, "Like Mother Like Son". In the original story, Darren Peterman is a popular, athletic, heterosexual, 16 year old boy who has grown up having a "thang" for his mother. Its a stand alone story, but why not read "Like Mother Like Son" first.

The Changing Woman: A Wyld Universe Story- Part 4

In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.

Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?

The Changing Woman
A Wyld Universe Story
by AoifeM

Somewhere Else Entirely -52-

Finally, the procession of carriages and wagons takes the royal party north to visit Duke Gilbanar. It is Garia's first real chance to see some of the country of Palarand and she has many new experiences as they travel. A tricky river crossing is negotiated... and a waiting Gilbanar gets a surprise when he greets Keren, Garia and Merizel!

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

52 - Across the Sirrel

The Changing Woman: A Wyld Universe Story- Part 3

In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.

Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?

The Changing Woman
A Wyld Universe Story
by AoifeM

My Super Secret Life-25.

My Super Secret Life-25.

Chapter 25


I’ve been with a lot of girls, I have that kind of stuff used to be like easy for me and then it happened I started to change. And I became something that a lot of people hate and that they fear.

A mutant.

And right about the same time I met Shane or Kai…this short little hottie but at the same time this amazing martial artist and this really, really incredible person.

the cross-world sword part 1 edited

My name is John phoenix im 23 and right out of college and had few friends. Then I got a job working at an archaeological dig site in ancient sparta. I was there several months, working in a area deep with in the castle surveying the last spot in my area.

I found a hidden switch behind an old statue that looked like ares god of war. So out of wonder I reached in to the statue and hit the switch that's when I heard a hiss like an ancient sealed room was opening.

Somewhere Else Entirely -51-

Garia's last major confrontation looms... and she heads out with the King to try and knock some sense into the Society of Questors. Of course, Garia has an idea, but can she quell the mob long enough for her plan to be heard?

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

51 - Cauldron

Walking through Hell...Chapter 1.

Walking through Hell…Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I can still taste the blood.
More than coppery because of how I died.
Left them.

I left my heart behind.

Day’s become night now…it just did and there’s another moon that the one that’s in the world, there’s the moon shining down on me like the true moon the one that we feel when we’d sing and we’d pray.

The Mercy Seat -1-

Author's note-the song is not mine and I make no money from it.

It all began when they took me from my home
And put me on Death Row,
A crime for which I am totally innocent, you know.

Not Death Row anymore, but Swap Row, but many prisoners prefer to call it
by the old name, as the result is the same. When you go to the swap chair
, also known colloquially as the "mercy seat" you may not be fried as in
the electric chairs of old, but you'll still die. A total identity death
with all your memories changed to that of your victim and your very body

Somewhere Else Entirely -50-

The noon parade means changes for many of those taking part. A tricky disciplinary situation is resolved... or is it? At a banquet that evening Garia comes face-to-face with some of Robanar's nobles... and gives as good as she gets.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

50 - Oaths and Consequences

Somewhere Else Entirely -49-

The day has finally arrived when Garia is deemed old enough to be considered an adult. That means a formal ceremony, following a similar one for Prince Keren. Does anybody really think that it will all go smoothly? This is a significant moment for Garia as it means she is now head of her own noble house. There are changes for her staff, too.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

49 - Coming of Age

Minion Eighteen - Chapter 2

I woke up about twelve hours later, and felt immensely better. There was a care package on the stand next to the bed. It had a note from Ichor on it.

'A little something to help you out. Even if you don't join us, keep it. I feel I owe you for not being able to help you more. - Captain Ichor.'

Minion Eighteen - Chapter 1

Dave Indigo was the son of Francis Indigo, better known as Doctor Infenso. His father was the most dangerous and cruel villain to ever blight the earth, Dave has a liberal arts degree. He is known simply as: Minion Eighteen

Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE story (Part Three)

This story is part of a trilogy, the first portion is more like a horror story, and the 2nd and 3rd portions have the TG in them.

ancient_mirror.jpg"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling


Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE
By Anon Allsop

Part Three


After being away from home for several weeks, young Ian returned and faced Micah’s parents, divulging all of what had happened to their son. They were quite upset, but with additional information they redoubled their efforts to find Micah.

Embarrassment for his own involvement in Micah's disappearance, Ian packed his backpack and set off to find his friend. His searching led him far and wide, but the boy found no clue as to where his friend had gone. Sadly, he returned home after being gone for several weeks only to find that Micah's parents had moved away during his absence.

Ian graduated high school, moved after the sudden death of his parents and began living with his Grandmother. He started college in the town where he was living, up to that point, there had been no contact with his former friend...but all that was to change on a warm and sunny day at a nearby college campus.


Ian had been studying the young girl for several minutes as she sat in the grass reading a college book “This seat taken?”

Somewhere Else Entirely -48-

Knowing that time is short before they all depart for the north, Garia arranges an afternoon demonstration of electrical matters to the King. Also invited are several of the Questors, about who she knows little except for her brushes with Morlan and the enthusiasm of Gerdas.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

48 - Spark of Invention


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