I Bump Back Part-2

I Bump Back
Part Two


Misty Curtis' punishment is almost at an end
and her life might finally go back to normal,

that is if Fate doesn't interfere.

Author's Note: Ok so yeah its been a little while and I apologize for that. I wrote a blog which nicely explains what happened to me. Suffice to say I really do apologize for my two month absence. With that out of the way now, its time to get back into the head of a one Misty Curtis---enjoy. I'd like to thank djkauf for the excellent editing.~Enemyoffun.


To say I was freaked would be like saying a Dalmatian had spots. Here I was about to have my life handed back to me and in one split second everything was gone. The strangest thing was I wasn’t sure if I was really happy or pissed off about it. Sure I loved being a guy, I loved looking at girls and having them look at me, I loved being tall, I loved my car; I loved being the big man on campus. Hell, I definitely loved peeing standing up but there was a lot I hated about me, too. I don’t think I needed to go into all of that again, suffice to say there would be a lot of people in this town that would truly rejoice if Mike Curtis never came back even if they didn’t remember him at the moment. I couldn’t help but wonder how many people there would be that would miss Misty?
It was all for naught now, though.

My one way to turn back, my only way to turn back was currently lying face first in her own blood in front of me. I sighed heavily, bending slowly to take a closer look. To say it was my first body would be a lie. This was Ravencrest after all. Ok, this particular motel wasn’t Ravencrest but I grew up in a town where this was pretty common. I didn’t bother to look at the blood; I’d seen enough of that lately. No my eyes went straight to the arrow protruding from her back. No not an arrow, a bolt. It was smaller than an arrow, thicker too. It was black in color and the tip was made to shred flesh. I’d seen something similar---very recently.

Cursing, I jumped to my feet.

They were close, too close. I thought they’d gotten the hint but apparently they were more determined now than ever. I just never thought they’d actively involve themselves in this mess. Sure they were bound and determined to get their hands on me but to actually stop my change back…it was starting to get out of hand. I tried to force the stray thoughts from my head. If they really wanted me then they would have poured right in here after me. As it was, it appeared they were only after her for the night. It was enough to keep me on my guard though.

I didn’t waste any time. I buttoned up my pants and found my shirt on the bed. Snatching it up, I pulled it over my head before making my way quickly out the door. I never looked back as I ran for my car. The mess would no doubt shock the maid when she found it but that was hardly my problem. Alexis was an Unseen, she was a monster. I’m not saying she got what she deserved but there was a certain bit of satisfaction watching that bitch die. Hey, she was the one who initially ruined my life. Sure, it was a hundred times better now, but I’d be a fool if I didn’t say I didn’t want her dead. I just never thought it was actually going to happen.

Fate, it seemed, had other plans for me.

Not that I believed in that crap.

I believed in what I could see and hear. Hey several months ago, I would have said that some of things I saw were total bullshit even when I saw them. Life has a way of changing. Especially waking up after one of the craziest fucking nights of my life.

The Morning After

I groaned as I opened my eyes, my head pounding, my body aching. It felt like I’d been hit by a truck and as far as I know I could have been. Pushing myself up off the floor, I cursed. That fucking bitch spiked my drink. I cursed, my body felt heavier than it did before. I’d been in a situation like this before, ok so no girl had ever drugged me but I’d been smashed before and it was hard to string two coherent thoughts together. One time after this really awesome game, me and some of the guys went out and got so drunk we couldn’t remember the day before at all. When I woke up from that morning, I puked forever and it took nearly the whole day to get rid of my headache.

Strangely, I didn’t feel like puking. Maybe I’d already done enough of it last night or something. Instead, I stretched, feeling that weight again. I looked down but everything was a little blurry. Whatever that bitch gave me; it was really fucking up my vision right now. I looked around at my surroundings. I could clearly see a dresser against one wall and a cheap looking bed. There were tacky prints on the wall and a large window with outdated curtains. It didn’t take a genius to figure out I was in some cheesy motel room. Hell, I’d been in several of these before. I bring a lot of girls to places like this when the back of my car just doesn’t cut it. In fact there was this tiny little hotel just outside of town, I’d been there so many times that manager actually had a room reserved for me.

Good times.

Some of my vision started to clear and I saw other things in the room. There was articles of clothing scattered all across the floor. I saw a purse, a pair of heels, a denim skirt and a pair of jeans. I touched my legs, realizing I wasn’t wearing any pants. I couldn’t smile like that. So I might have been drugged but at least I got lucky tonight. I couldn’t help but smile at that. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was a good lay. It pissed me off that I couldn’t remember. Alexis was so smoking hot there’s just no way, someone like her would have been anything but good. I smiled again. That’s when I heard the faint sound of rushing water.

I turned around, looking for the source. There was a slight bit of steam coming out from under the bathroom door. Holy shit she actually stayed. That was a first for me. Usually I’d bed them, get up early and bail before they ever knew I was there. Of course, with how much I apparently had to drink I guess that wasn’t an option this time. Then again, last night I’d been duped. Here I was thinking I was predator and I definitely turned out to be the prey. Fucking bitch, no one does that to Mike Curtis. Angered rising, I stormed to the bathroom door. I stopped momentarily to look at the halter top on the floor nearby before I yanked the bathroom door open.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” I demanded.

The bathroom in this particular motel didn’t have curtains; it had those glass sliding door things. I could just make out the silhouette of a person through the glass and as I did, I realized there was something totally wrong. The person behind the class was big, too big to be Alexis. It was a large shape, tall with broad shoulders and the way it moved was definitely not that of the seductress who drugged me last night. The glass door slid open and my vision finally cleared to reveal a body that definitely wasn’t Alexis. It was a guy, a college frat boy looking type of guy. A well muscled one to be exact, the type of guy you might see modeling underwear or something. What the fuck was this poser doing in my hotel room? I was about to voice my eternal question when he spoke.

“Hey babe, you ok?”

Babe? His words took a moment to sink in before I looked down. There were two large breasts hanging off my chest. Large naked breasts. What the fuck? A part of me was freaking out, screaming inside but another part of me---the larger part of me inside---was totally calm about this. How could I be calm, I had fucking breasts. I reached further down, feeling silk between my legs and nothing more. Looking past my giant globes, I saw panties and a very flat crotch. Other things seemed to click too. The fact that my hands were smaller and I had manicured pink nails and the long hair that now tickled my neck. My freak out factor should have been sailing through the roof by now and yet I was so calm. Why was I so fucking calm?

“Misty, you ok?”

Misty? Who the fuck was Misty?

The guy stepped out of the shower, shutting off the water as did so. I got a full look at him this time. At least six foot something; all chiseled and well, let’s just say that there was no way I could ever compete with a guy like him. He grabbed a nearby towel and wrapped it around his waist. Then he started walking toward me, I backed up but he kept coming. I didn’t want this guy anywhere near me and yet the jerk couldn’t get a fucking hint. He kept coming and I kept stepping backwards. It got to the point where I had nowhere to go as my butt hit the sink. He stood before me, a few inches taller. Shit, so I was shorter now. Then he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into a tight embrace, kissing me long and hard.

I tried pushing away, tried forcing him off me but he was too damn strong. Fuck, I hated this. Why the hell wasn’t I resisting more? Why wasn’t I grossed out either? What the fuck was going on here? I was a guy last night and now I’m some fucking chick. This didn’t make any sense, it shouldn’t be possible and yet here was the truth of it. When the kiss ended and he finally pulled away, he was smiling.

“I love that you taste like cherries.”

I smiled weakly. He smacked my butt, then stepped back.

“We gotta get going soon; I have class in an hour. So you do your business here, I’ll get dressed then we can head back to town.”

All I could do was nod like some dumb idiot.

He smiled, running his fingers through my hair. “You’re so beautiful” Then he turned and left the bathroom.

My heart skipped a beat at his words before my mind caught with everything. What the fuck is going on here? I was screaming inside my head and yet I wasn’t pissed off on the outside. That bitch, that bitch did something to me. I’d heard the stories about fucking Ravencrest, heard all those strange tales of things that didn’t make sense and didn’t quite fit. It was all supposed to be bullshit. I mean sure the town was a little fucked up but the shit that happened to me, there was no way this shit could be real, no way. Except that, it was and it made no fucking sense whatsoever. Guys just didn’t turn into girls overnight, it wasn’t fucking possible.

I looked down at my new boobs. Yet here I was, a dude turned chick. I spun around quickly, wanting to splash some water in my face. When I did so, I caught sight of the new me. It was hard not to, after all I was right in front of the mirror. I wiped away the condensation to get a better look and the face staring back at me startled me to say the least. Gone were the sharp features and dark hair of my father and in their place was a face I thought I’d never see again: Mom’s. Ok so not quite like her but very close. I had her fair skin, her blue eyes and her blonde hair. Most of it was marred by way too much smudged makeup but it was her nonetheless. Holy shit, I look like Mom. I saw a tear roll down my cheek, not even realizing I’d been crying. The only pictures I had of mom were in my head because the pain of her death had caused Dad to destroy the rest. Now here she was, more or less, staring back at me.

I reached up and touched the face in the mirror. The reflection mirrored my movement and the moment was gone. She wasn’t Mom though, she was me. Shit this is so fucked up.

“Misty, you done in there yet?” The voice of the Adonis shouted from the other room.

“Almost” I shouted back then gasped, touching my throat.

That was my voice now, fuck I sounded like a girl.

Fuck, I was a girl.

I stared at that girl for a few more minutes before Mother Nature started pressing on my bladder. Shit I cursed, realizing I had to pee. Ok, Curtis you can do this. I looked at the toilet and closed my eyes as I lifted the lid. I did it like pulling off a band-aid. Real quick like. Let me tell you after standing all my life to pee, sitting and peeing like a chick was definitely an experience. I found myself instinctively wiping afterwards before flushing. I thought about showering but I didn’t want to spend any more time here then I had to so instead I left the bathroom. Mr. Adonis was sitting on the bed, already dressed. He was in the processing of putting on his left shoe.

“C’mon” he said, having gathered my things and put them on the corner of the bed. “I have Bio Chem. in like 40 minutes now.”

I nodded quickly and went to my clothes. Well what little I had that is. A skirt and a top, no bra. It looks like I was a bit of tease in this new reality. Well that’s just fucking great. I managed to dress without too much of a problem; hey, I’d taken off plenty of halter-tops and skirts in my day. I just never in my wildest dreams thought I’d be wearing them. I felt a bit trashy too now that both were on me. My “date” didn’t seem to mind though, he was smiling real big. I smiled back as best I could without vomiting. Though his smile made me feel funny inside and not a good kind of funny either. It was a giddy, nauseating feeling, one that I was going to ignore forever if I could.

“So is this a date?” I asked softly, not really wanted to hear my voice fully yet.

He scoffed. “We don’t date remember?”

I nodded. So I was that kind of girl. This is fucking great. It was one thing to be a man whore but to be a…well….that. I cursed inwardly. Was this someone’s sick fucking joke.

“I keep asking though and you just keep denying, thanks for rubbing it in by the way.”

“Sorry” I said, meekly.

He gave me a strange look. “You ok?”

I nodded. “Fine, just a little hung over.”

He laughed. “I never thought I’d hear Misty Curtis admitting to being drunk.”

He finished putting on his shoes then handed me mine. I looked at the heels and gulped. There was at least three inches to them. They were stilettos as well. Whoever thought it was funny to give me stilettos so going to fucking pay. I sat on the bed though and slowly put them on. I took a deep breath then slowly stood up. I half expected to end up on my ass but I didn’t. I cursed, so I could walk in these fucking things. That was just great too. I dressed like a whore and apparently I could move like one too now. I wonder what other little secrets this new world of mine was going to throw at me.

“Here” he said, holding out the purse to me.

It was a little red clutch, I took it and smiled weakly again.

“You sure you’re ok,” he asked, shaking his head. “I mean it’s like you’re a whole new person this morning.”

I nodded. “Just hung over.”

“Let’s go then” he said, gently touching my shoulder.

I shied away from his touch, which caused him to give me another strange look. He pulled his arm away slowly and pointed toward the door. I nodded and the two of us left the room. He locked the door behind us, told me to wait a second while he paid for the night and returned the key. While he walked off, I scanned the parking lot for my Camaro. Sadly it was nowhere in sight. I cursed. So this world stole my body and my fucking car. Oh, that bitch was really going to pay for this. Whoever that bitch even was. I shook it off. Now was not the time to think about that. I needed to figure out this new reality first, a reality where I was a girl and things were completely different.

I absently reached into my purse and rummaged inside. I could feel things like makeup, a pack of cigs---yuck---, a lighter, a tampon---double yuck---then I found my little wallet. I pulled it out and went straight for my driver’s license. Thank god, I still had one and Thank God even more when I saw the name: Melanie Curtis, Age 16, Sex F. Ok so the female thing was a total fucking nightmare but at least my name wasn’t Misty. God I would hate going around with a bimbo name like that for the rest of whatever hell I was now living in.

“All done” said Mr. Adonis as he came back over. “C’mon let’s get you home before your Dad kicks my ass.”

Home. Dad. Oh, Shit this was going to be fun.

Present Again

My cell rang; it didn’t take a genius to figure out who it was. Taking one hand off the wheel, I pulled it from my bag and clicked it on.

“Hey Dad” I said, trying to make this whole thing sound better than it was.

“Don’t “Hey Dad” me young lady” he said, his voice a tad above angry. “You have any idea what time it is?”

I looked at the clock on the dash. It was only ten thirty, what the hell was he getting so worked up about. Ok so maybe I said I was going to be home an hour or so before but there were circumstances beyond my control at work. It’s not like I planned on still being me---well this me. I was hoping to be back to my old self, the one that had no curfew and a father who didn’t give a fuck what time he stayed out. Ok that bit I was going to miss. I liked this Dad. I liked the way we actually had a relationship now. I liked that he didn’t drink and didn’t scream at me all the time. It was kind of nice knowing that he gave a damn instead of whatever it was he did before.

“Sorry Dad, there was an accident.”

“An accident? You ok?”

I know it was a quick lie but it was the only thing I could think of. Sure being the Sheriff all Dad had to do was check and then I’d be in deep shit. I’m just not sure how well it would go over if I said “Gee, Dad, I was in some motel with this crazy chick who wanted to have sex with me and make me male again” Then of course there was the whole her getting shot in the back with a crossbow. Yeah that would have gone over real well.

“I wasn’t in the accident Dad” I said, digging myself into the lie more. I sighed. “It doesn’t matter; I’m on my way now.”

“I’m sending Gerard out to get you.”

I groaned. Gerard was one of Dad’s two deputies. He was a little overweight and a bit pervy but other than that, he was a decent enough guy. Why not Stephanie, at least with her I could pretend to care. I used to have a crush on her when I was Mike and why not, she was kind of hot. It helped that she was straight out of school and dripped sex appeal.

“Dad I’m fine.”

“I want him to follow you home. Pull over and wait on the side of road, Gerard will be there in less than ten.”

I didn’t need to tell Dad where I was, he had a GPS built into my car. It was a paranoid I know but I was also his pretty blonde sixteen-year-old daughter. Hell, if it were me, I’d do the same.

“Wait you’re worried about my safety and you want me to pull over on a dark road in the middle of nowhere?”

When Dad spoke, again there was agitation in his voice. “Just do it for me please?”

Now I was worried. “What’s wrong?”

Dad paused. “Your uncle is in town.”

Shit. Uncle Reginald was my Mom’s brother. When I was Mike, he was barely around. He lived in Europe and traveled a lot. Apparently, now that I was gender flipped, he was always coming to town to visit. Apparently we were close now. I reminded him of his baby sister and he wanted to make sure I was well taken care of. Not that Dad could not do that but Uncle Reg was loaded. He was always giving me presents and things like that. The last time I saw him was only a few months ago actually, shortly after my “change”. He showed up unannounced to talk to me. Suffice to say it didn’t go the way he planned. Thinking about it made my skin crawl so I decided not to. When it was all said and done, Dad told him to leave and never come back.

Apparently, my uncle didn’t listen very well.

“Does he still want me to go with him?”

I couldn’t see it but I know Dad was running his fingers through what was left of his thinning hair. He did that whenever he was stressed. “I don’t know. I have Steph sitting on his motel keeping an eye on him. The slime on that guy makes sewers look clean.”

I couldn’t help but laugh a little.

Dad and I talked for a few minutes more before I made him hang up. I needed to concentrate on the road after all. I drove a little ways more before pulling over. It was the spot that Gerard was supposed to meet me. I was just outside the town limits now. Dad was concerned that driving through Ravencrest at night was a very bad thing. It made no sense to me. I’d done it hundreds of times as Mike but as Misty, he feared for my life. Go figure. The irony of it was that most of the things that lurked in the shadows weren’t after girls. As Mike, I was more of a target to them then Misty. Sure, I could never tell Dad that. He didn’t really know what was going on in his town but I think he had some ideas that there were some really bad shit out there.

Sure, there was bad shit like that all over the world but in our little town, it was multiplied by a thousand.

Sitting in the car like this with nothing to do was frustrating. I grabbed my purse, needed to do something with my hands. I opened it up, looking for something to preoccupy myself. I quit smoking a long time ago. It was strange really. When I found those cigarettes, I never actually ever had a craving for one. Sure I smoked one or two of them but it was never something I needed to keep doing. They were one of the first things to go. Second came the wardrobe then it was trying to piece together some kind of existence again. It’s funny because now I had everything where I wanted it and it was time for Misty to go away.

Sighing, I grabbed my phone again. I opened up my inbox and checked my texts. There were a few new ones. One from Maggie, asking me if I wanted to hang with her tomorrow night. The other two were from Mark. I kind of fluttered a bit at just seeing his name. It was strange really. Who would have thought that I might actually be interested in a guy and someone like him to boot. Every time he held me, it was like I melted into him and just fit. It was the stupidest thing in the world but I couldn’t help it. Here I had been hoping that some part of my sexually might remain but sadly that wasn’t the case. Sure, I still liked girls a lot but there was something about Mark that made me want to forget about changing back.

It didn’t help that he was the first one there. He was the first one to see the real me and not the fake that Alexis thought she created.

I groaned and cursed, tossing the phone onto the passenger seat. What did it matter now? It was all supposed to be gone. I was supposed to be back to me. I’m not supposed to be this girl. I’m not supposed to feel vulnerable and all gushy over some guy. I’m---I mean I was---Mike Curtis. I’m the guy that gets to do the laying not the one who gets laid. Whoever killed that bitch tonight was really fucking up the whole universe. When and if I ever found them I was going to lay the serious smack down on their collective asses.

I ran my hands through my hair, cursing. I was supposed to have my life together but I felt like I was more of wreck now than ever. Things weren’t supposed to turn out this way. I was punished, I was supposed to live out that punishment then go back to normal. That’s what the letter said…


I wasn’t sure what I was expecting when we pulled up to the house. I guess I wasn’t expecting everything to look exactly the same. Hell, it wasn’t even a different color. We still had the same yellow siding, the same white shutters and broken fence. The driveway still needed to be shoveled; the old maple beside the house still had my tire swing. Everything was right where it was supposed to be. Ok so not everything. My car was gone. In its place was some disgusting little Prius. Whoever thought it was funny to replace my Camaro with that piece of shit was going to get a piece of my mind. It was the biggest fucking insult in the world.

“Here we go,” said Mr. Adonis, shutting off the car. “Safe and sound.”

I smiled. “Thanks.”

He nodded. “You think we can…I mean you want to do this again real soon?”

I shrugged. “Do I usually do something like this again?”

He frowned. “I’ll see you in a few weeks then.”

We left it at that. It was kind of freaky. It was like I was getting dropped off on a date by myself. Ok so this guy wasn’t exactly like me but he was pretty damn close. He drove a muscle car, he was built like a brick house and he had this air about him that told me he was definitely the big man on campus. I’m not sure but I was pretty certain I wasn’t the only gir…only…well, you know.

I didn’t waste any time getting out of the car. I didn’t even look back when he drove away. There was no point. I was too freaked out by the whole thing. I’m not sure what the hell was going on. Maybe I was in some horrible nightmare or the fucking twilight zone. The whole car ride home I kept pinching myself, trying to wake myself up but to no avail. As far as I could tell this was as real as real could be. Hell even my big boobs were real, believe it or not. Ok so they were C cups but they were already too big for me. Thinking about them made my brain ache so I decided to just push forward and hope that this nightmare would end soon.

I pulled out my key and unlocked the door. It was early morning so hopefully Dad would be at the office…

“Young lady!”

Or not.

Dad came around the corner, dressed in his uniform. The look of fury on his face was not unfamiliar. I’d seen it several times before. What was unfamiliar was Dad. Gone was the overweight, severely bald drunk. In his place was a balding man, still very slim and trim like he was before Mom died and very sober. If I were to guess, I’d say this man had never had a drink in his life. What the hell was up with that?

“Hey Dad” I said, waiting for the beating that I knew might come.

“Where the hell have you been?”

“Out” I said, without thinking.

“That is not an answer Melanie,” he said, strolling over to me, frowning. “I see you’re dressing like that still. I thought I told you not to dress like such a slut?” Before I could say anything, he pulled me into a hug, sighing heavily.

“You had me really worried, sweetie.”

Shit. Who the hell was this guy and what did he do with my father?

Dad held me for a while before he finally let me, shaking his head.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do with you Mel. I’ve tried, God knows I’ve tried. Groundings don’t work and taking away your car is futile. You gotta work with me here, honey; I can’t keep coming home at night to find your bed empty. This isn’t a safe town, you know, especially at night. It’s really dangerous out there.”

I nodded. I’d heard this all before. The crazy, dangerous Ravencrest. It was a load of crap as far as I was concerned. There was nothing crazy or dangerous about this place. It was the most dull place on the planet as far as I was concerned. Sure, there was some zaniness to it but there was that in every town. Dad was just overreacting which is really strange because the only emotion he ever showed me before was anger. This whole, overbearing, actually concerned for me father was kind of creeping me out a bit.

I pushed away from his embrace. “I’m good Dad. I’m sorry about before and I’ll try not to let it happen again.”

He gave me a strange look. “You ok, Mel?”

I nodded. “Just had too much to drink.”

He frowned. “At least tell me he had protection?”

Wow seriously. Way not the conversation I want to have with my father. Hell, not a conversation I wanted to have with anyone. This was all way too fucking messed up. Thankfully, Dad didn’t press the matter and had to leave for work. I watched him go before making my way up the stairs to my room. The door was shut so I took a deep breath and slowly opened it. Ok so I wasn’t as shocked as I thought I was going to be. Sure, it was different but it was strangely similar too. The wall color was now an off purple and the bed spread was done to match but everything looked remotely the same. It was still the same bed, the same dresser. My closet was still in the same place too. Gone was my entertainment system, flatscreen and free weights though. In their place were a vanity and a dollhouse that looked like it had seen better days. I slowly walked into the room, looking at the posters on the walls and smelling a faint flower fragrance in the air. That was definitely going to have to go. I took a sad deep breath as I dropped onto my bed.

So this is how a girl me likes to live. I guess I can survive it until I figure things out. I sat on the edge of the bed for a moment before deciding to check out the vanity. It was covered with makeup and crap. I looked in the mirror, the constant reminder of my new life staring back at me. I stared a long time until something dawned on me: no pictures. I’d been in a lot of girls’ rooms and I always saw pictures all over the place. You know, them with family and friends but there were none to be found here. Did that mean that girl me had no friends? Great I was either a total loser or a real bitch…or….I looked down at myself and groaned. Clearly, girls didn’t want to hang out with this me because of the way I dressed.

So I think I’m the School Slut now too.

Thank you so fucking much, universe.

I turned to walk away from the vanity when I noticed an envelope sitting there. I was certain it wasn’t there a moment but who knows. The first thing I noticed was the name on it, which caused my heart to stop. It didn’t say Melanie or Misty, it said Mike. Meaning that someone in this fucked up new reality knew who I was still.

My heart skipped a beat as I picked it up and slowly opened it.

Side of the Road

Where the fuck was Gerard?

I looked at the clock on my cell; it was nearly quarter after eleven. I thought the little perv was supposed to be here by now. I cursed, rolling down the window. I stuck my head out, hoping to see if I could at least see him coming. It was strange really but sometimes in Ravencrest, headlights didn’t. It wasn’t something that happened all the time; it was just something that occurred randomly. Like the freaking time thing or how it sometimes felt like forever when you were only going a few blocks. Lots of people in town said it was just your mind playing tricks on you. I thought so too until I started to notice things, strange things. All of it started to happen after my “change” too. It was like the whole world around me was suddenly opened up.

I’m not really sure how else to explain it.

It didn’t really matter now anyway. What mattered now was trying to figure out where the hell Gerard was. Dad was going to kill him making me wait out here this long. I thought about calling Dad, telling him his dutiful deputy fucked up but that wouldn’t solve anything. Dad would just get worried and Gerard would probably be fired. I didn’t want anyone to lose their job over this. Hell, I didn’t even want any of this. I could have been home by now. It was just Dad’s stupid paranoia. Now the shit was starting to rub off on me.

I cursed, looking at my cell again.

That’s it, I’m calling it in.

I started to dial when I saw the lights. I sighed and shut off my phone. It only occurred to me a moment later that the lights were actually coming from a different direction. What the hell is this now? The car was coming up real slow until it was almost behind mine. It was a blue sedan; I didn’t really know the make or model. I watched it stop then saw a tall bald man get out. He was pretty normal looking if a bit underdressed for the weather. He was wearing a light black coat and nothing more. When he got closer, I found myself instinctively making fists. Something about him told me to run even though I knew for a fact that there was nothing monstrous about him.

“You Ok, Miss?” he asked, bending so his face was in front of my window.

That’s when I saw it, the white collar. I let out a slight sigh and unclenched my fists. This guy was a priest. There was nothing sinister and evil about them. Though I couldn’t quite shake this feeling that something was off.

“I’m good; I’m waiting for my Dad’s deputy.”

He nodded. “Your father is the sheriff?” I nodded. He was quiet for a moment then spoke again. “You sure you’re not in any trouble. I can drive you into town, I’m going there myself.”

That piqued my interests. Sure, there was a church in town but it rarely had any outside clergy visiting. “You here to see Father Dan?”

He laughed and nodded. “We’re old friends actually. He wanted me to come in and help him with some upcoming charity work.”

I smiled and nodded. “He sure likes his charities.”

“My name is Father Mitchell,” he said, holding out his hand for me to shake.

I was about to do so but something told me not to.

I smiled instead. “I’m sure Gerard will be along any minute now”

He smiled and nodded. “I’ll wait with you until he comes.”

“That’s ok, I’m good.”

“No I insist,” he said cordially. “What kind of man of the cloth would I be if I left a young girl such as yourself alone this late at night? I mean you never know what kinds of things lurk in the dark.”

I was about to say something to counter that when I heard the sirens. I saw the lights a moment later and suddenly Gerard’s ranger was there. I’m not sure where the hell he’d been but boy was I glad to see him. He pulled up real slow; the headlight’s bathing both our cars. Father Mitchell shielded his eyes from them. A moment later, Gerard got out of the front seat. He instinctively put his hand to his hip, most likely keeping it close to his gun.

“Everything ok, Misty?”

I stuck my head out of the window. “I’m good; the Father here was just keeping me company until you arrived.”

Gerard nodded. “Thank you, Father, but I’ve got things from here.”

Father Mitchell smiled. “I’ll be on my way then, it was nice talking to you, Misty.”

He headed back to his car. I found myself relaxing as soon as I saw him get in and pull away. It was funny but I never even realized I tensed up until he was gone. The car headed straight for town, I watched until it was out of sight. Gerard watched too, never taking his hand off his hip the whole time.

“Wow” he said as the car disappeared. “I never thought I’d be creeped out by a priest before.”

I nodded. “Me too.”

I had a right to be creeped out too. I’m not sure who he was but there was no way he was here to see Father Dan. For one thing, Father Dan didn’t do charities of any kind and for another, Father Dan didn’t exist. I called his bluff. I’m not sure if he caught on but he seemed like the kind of guy who made it his habit of knowing things. Well now, he knew I was on to him, whatever it was he was up too that is. I couldn’t help but feel that this wasn’t going to be my last run in with Father Mitchell.

I turned to Gerard, giving him a look. “And where the hell were you?”

“Someone called in a prowler,” he said sheepishly. “Which was bogus. I got there and whoever it was, he was long gone. Waste of my time if you ask me.”

Waste of time indeed.

I’m not sure what the hell was going on but why did I have this funny feeling it had something to do with Uncle Reg coming back into town.
To Be Continued...

Author's Note: As I’m sure all of you know, comments are life blood to an author. I’m not begging or demanding, but I certainly would appreciate anything you have to say (or ask). It doesn’t have to be long and involved, just give me your reaction to the story.

Thanks in advance...~Enemyoffun.

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