I Bump Back Part-3

I Bump Back
Part Three


Misty Curtis' punishment is almost at an end
and her life might finally go back to normal,

that is if Fate doesn't interfere.

Author's Note:Here's Ch.3. I understand that a few of you thought my flashbacks a bit confusing but I'm sad to say that they're not going on anywhere anytime soon. They're important to this story. Writer's try new things all the time to break up the monotony of writing the same every single time they write. However this isn't the first time I've written this way and it won't be the last. I'd like to thank djkauf for the excellent editing.~Enemyoffun.


March 19th

I couldn’t get the other day’s encounter out of my head. It wasn’t just the whole screwy “not turning back” thing either. Sure that was in my mind as well but foremost in my thoughts was Father Mitchell aka “The Fake Priest”. I say fake priest because I did a little research into the matter after I got home. Ok, in the morning, and after a stern talking from my father but I digress. It turns out he didn’t exist, at least not as far as any church knew. I made a few phone calls. Ok, so actually Father Marcus made a few calls. He’s the actual priest of Ravencrest. We don’t have a huge parish in town and the church is kind of small but Father Marcus was able to make the proper calls. One of his professors at the seminary he went to had a direct line to the Vatican.

Father Mitchell was not a member of any parish within several hundred miles of Ravencrest or New York for that matter. Father Marcus’ friend said he’d do more digging into the matter but it was clear that whoever he was, he wasn’t here in town on church business. I knew there was something off about him the moment I talked to him. He had this vibe that sent chills down my spine. Whoever the slime was, Gerard had a sketch artist working on his face now. If he was in Ravencrest to cause problems then he was in for it for sure.

Not that there was anyone stupid enough to cause problems in this town.

Sure Dad and his deputies were on top of things, of course, but they weren’t the real power behind taking care of things.

I sighed, trying not to think about it. I was told to leave it alone and that’s exactly what I was going to do. There were things in this town---things all over the world----and most people didn’t even know were there. They were the Unseen things, the things that hid in the shadows and the nightmares of children. Sure a lot of them were dangerous but it was clear that most of them just wanted to be left alone. Ravencrest was apparently home to a lot of these things. When I first learned the truth about it, it scared the fuck out of me. I thought it was pretty fucking crazy too.

There are things that bump in the night…

The ringing of my phone interrupted my thoughts. I pushed myself up from my bed, sighing heavily. Without even looking, I snatched the cell from my bedside table and clicked it on.

“Hey babe.”

Hearing Mark’s voice made my heart skip a beat. It was so good to hear him talk. It was really strange to think that I would even think of a guy the way I do now but I couldn’t help it. When he held me in those big strong arms of his, I melted. Out of all the things about turning back into Mike, he was the biggest thing I was going to miss.

“I miss you,” I said, choking up a bit.

Mark was only a part time student at RU. He came and went like the wind, his words, not mine. His family lived about fifty miles away. He was only in town for three days a week before he went back home to work. His parents owned a small printing business there and he spent all the time not in school there. He was going to school to be a writer. It’s funny really; I never was really into the brainy ones as Mike but I knew it impressed the hell out of me. Of course, as Mike I wasn’t into guys at all. I was all about the dumb sluts who could put out for me. Sure I pined for the smart ones---girls like Dana---but I always knew they were way out of my league. Apparently Mark was as well. Or he was before.

It was weird really. I had my memories of course but there were also memories of the Misty me too. I knew for instance that “she” liked Mark a lot but felt she wasn’t good enough for him. She also felt the only way to have a real relationship with him was to fuck him then push him away. It was the way she handled things apparently. I’m not really sure why though. It was like a piece of her was missing. There had to be something there but whatever it was, I didn’t have access to that little bit of “her” psyche.

“How did the meet go?”

I smiled. “We won of course.”

I quickly filled him in on the events of the other day. Of course, I left out the encounter with both Alexis and Father Mitchell. Mark and I had no secrets of course but there were just some things I was sure not even he could handle.

“You ok, babe?” he asked after I was done. “You sound a little distant.”

“A lot on my mind.”


“It’s stupid.”

“Mel, we’ve been officially dating for what two months now. We promised we’d tell each other everything remember?”

“Its just stuff….my uncle…school….the usual.”

“Your uncle” There was an edge in his voice when he spoke. “He’s not back is he?”

“Dad says he came back into town the other night. He’s got Stephanie watching him though. So there’s no need for you to worry. Trust me, I promise I won’t go anywhere near him.”

“You better not, the last time…”

“I know, I know.”

The last time had been a disaster. It was small on my list of things to worry about though. Uncle Reg was practically harmless. Sure, he creeped me out the first time but after Dad ran him off everything was fine. Him I could handle, it was everything else. Though it wasn’t bothering me when I was awake, every time I closed my eyes I couldn’t help but see Alexis’s face. Well actually the look on her face when that crossbow bolt went through the window and killed her. She looked surprised. I mean she was this Thing, this Thing powerful enough to change my gender and alter reality and then she was gone. It was the scariest thing I’d ever seen. There had been so much blood too.

Last night and the night before I barely slept. When I did, there was the dreams. The horrible nightmares of living it over and over. The craziest thing was that in my dreams I was the one who fired the crossbow that killed her. The scariest part though was that I was happy she was dead. Sure she was the bitch that did this to me in the first place---changed me into a girl and ruined my life but she was also the one who saved it. It was strange really. Back then---after the change----I was so scared and confused, I hated everyone and everything. I lashed out. I wanted to die in fact. I was convinced my life was over and no one could help me.

Things changed of course but not before I was lost.


I felt like I was trapped in that Alice Cooper song. I was in a twisted nightmare and I sure as hell wasn’t enjoying it.

I’d been this “Misty” for a few days now and it was the worst few days of my life. As it turns out, I was right about my new life. Misty was indeed the school slut, a slut that every guy seemed to want to bang or supposedly had. Everyone hated me too. The girls thought I was a tramp and the guys thought I was an easy lay. It didn’t help that my wardrobe reflected that. There wasn’t a single piece of clothing that I owned that could even be considered normal. Don’t even get me started on my friends or rather former friends. In this reality, I was, of course, never on the football team and all of my friends were now assholes to me. What’s worse, all of my former conquests were bitches too.

So I was a friendless slut that everyone hated.

What’s worse was all the staring.

Here I was sitting in Math class and doing everything, I possibly could not to get noticed. It was kind of hard considering the halter top and jean skirt I was compelled to wear this morning. That’s right, compelled. It turns out that I couldn’t keep myself from wearing this shit. It was horrible. The last few nights I’d literally cried myself to sleep. I couldn’t remember the last time I cried and here I was doing it nonstop now. Fucking female hormones. I was being punished though. At least that’s what the fucking note said. After finding it on my vanity, I tore open the envelope and found a simple written card inside. There was a short message: “Your punishment begins now. You have four months, see ya soon sweetie.” That was it, no other clue as to who or what was going on. I had a pretty good feeling that it was that bitch from the bar but I couldn’t be certain. Hell I couldn’t even figure out what the fuck was happening to me.

My thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of my cell, signaling a text. I quickly reached into my purse---groan. I pulled out the pink razor phone---gag me. I checked the text and wanted to gag ever more: HEY BABE. WE STILL ON FOR TONIGHT-J. Who the hell was J and why was he asking me if we were still on? Ok I’m pretty sure I knew the answer to the second question even if it made me want to hurl. There was no way in hell I was going to hook up with anybody. It was bad enough I woke up in that motel room with Mr. Rock Hard Abs.

I ignored the text. Unfortunately, another one buzzed a few seconds later.


Who the fuck was this prick.

I was about to stick the phone back into my purse when it buzzed a third time. I didn’t even bother to look at it though.

“Miss Curtis, are we interrupting you?”

The reality may have shifted but regardless of that, Miss Dawkins was still an old hag.

“No ma’am.”

I shoved my phone in my purse, shutting it off as I did so.

The rest of the class was pretty uneventful. I kept getting the feeling that I was being watched though. It was like several eyes were burning into the back of head. I couldn’t help but feel that there was something else too, something unnatural. I glanced around a bit to see but there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. Try as I might though, I couldn’t shake the feeling. Thankfully though as soon as the bell rang to end class, I rushed out into the hall with the rest of my “peers”. As soon as I was in the hallway, the feeling went away.

I started toward my locker, keeping my head down as I did. I was halfway there when I got that strange feeling again. It was this overwhelming sense that something didn’t feel right or someone didn’t feel right. I raised my head slightly, looking at the faces as I passed them. Everyone looked normal but there were a few people that seemed to make me feel something. It was this slight twinge in the pit of stomach, almost like a cramp. I tried to push the feeling away and was successful until I passed by a group of girls by their lockers. I looked directly at them and cringed.

It was that bitch Tracy Locke and her psychotic freak of a friend.

Malice still dressed like one of those Goth freaks. Believe it or not, things might have been different now but no matter what reality, she was still a bitch. I was about to make a snide comment when I noticed something. It was subtle and very quick but I saw it nevertheless. For a split second, Tracy’s face seemed to change before my eyes. First, I saw the face of her loser brother Trevor---my former punching bag---then I saw something else, something feral. Her eyes flashed yellow and her face morphed into that of a dog. It happened so quick that I thought I was seeing things. I blinked a few times but whatever it was, it was gone.

Freak. Beast. Sissy.

What the hell was that?

I continued to stare at them, wondering if whatever it was I saw might come back but it didn’t. Thankfully, neither of them noticed me so I moved back into the crowd and made my way toward my locker. I was a few feet away when I noticed I had a visitor. Jason and I were friends as long as I could remember. His family---the Wrights---lived down the street from me. Our mothers used to car pool with one another. I had a lot of friends as Mike but Jason was probably the closest one I had, I guess you could call that a best friend. Growing up the two of us were inseparable, sadly things were a bit different. Sure, he was the quarterback on the team and sure we still hung out on a regular basis but our friendship was not like it used to be.

Thankfully, it looked like we might have some kind of relationship in this reality too.

I smiled as I approached my locker.

“Hey Jay” I said, hoping we were that informal.

He smiled. “You have a minute, Mist?”

I nodded. He smiled and started walking, so I obediently followed. We didn’t walk far though. He stopped in front of the janitor’s closet, knocking on the door before he opened it. I felt something in the pit of my stomach, something I didn’t like. Before I could act on that something though, he grabbed my arm and pushed me inside. Shit. I banged into the back wall, my head hitting the racks of shit there. It hurt. Jason shut the door behind him, locking it as he did so.

“You ignored me” he said, an edge to his voice.

Ignored him? Shit, the texts. So “J” was Jason. I should have known. Of course, this new life wouldn’t give me any friends. The note said I was being punished so this was just another twisted part of it. Just great.

“I was in class.”

He snorted. “That’s never stopped you before.”

“Sorry, it’s my time of the month” I said, lying quickly.

Girls use that excuse with me a lot. It was their attempt to get out of sex. Of course, it never really worked on me.

Jason smirked. I guess it didn’t work on him either.

“You make me so hot and bothered,” he said, closing the distance between us rather quickly.

I tried to move but he put both of his arms on either side of me, blocking my escape. As the quarterback, he was strong. I mean I was pretty strong too or at least I was but Jason had arms that were like pistons. There was no way I was going to get out of this unless I did something drastic. I just wasn’t sure I wanted to do something that might cause further harm to myself.

“I mean you dress like that and you strut around like that,” he said, his face inches from mine, running his hand through my hair. “You make me want to do unthinkable things.”

“Maybe before but not anymore.”

The edge returned to his voice. “What the hell do you mean by that?”

His hand snapped from my hair to my shoulder. He gave it a hard squeeze, shooting pain through my entire left side.

“Jason you’re hurting me.”

“Saying those things hurt me too babe. We’re good together. Sure I can’t bring you home to Mom and dad but let’s face it; you and I are going to be nothing more than casual fuck buddies. It just hurts me when you think you can break it off when you want to.”

Shit. So this reality’s Jason was the complete opposite. Jay was always a decent guy, sure he was a little possessive with things but I never thought he was like this with girls too?

“I’m not into it anymore.”

He laughed. “We both know that’s a lie.”

He started to unbutton his pants with his free hand. Was this son of a bitch actually going to try to do me here? I shook my head, not on my watch. Misty Curtis might have been some kind of easy whore but, news flash, I wasn’t her. Whoever she might have been---whoever she was in the past----I wasn’t her. I was Mike Curtis and no one and I mean no one fucked with me.

I started to struggle but his hand was still holding tightly to me.

He laughed. “It’s almost like you don’t want this, bitch.”

“News flash asshole, I don’t.”

What I did next I wasn’t proud of because it broke the unwritten rules of guyhood but right now I wasn’t a guy. So kneeing him in the nuts seemed like the right thing to do. It worked real well too. Jason groaned as his eyes practically popped out of his head. I didn’t just knee him; I put everything I had behind the kneeing so he really got it. I’m sure it didn’t help that his pants were around his ankles and the only thing protecting his boys were his boxers. He doubled over in pain regardless, letting me go and giving me a chance to flee. I took the opportunity by pushing his ass into the far wall and making a break for the door. I fumbled with the lock before pulling open the door and rushing into the hall. As soon as I got out into the hallway, I burst into tears.

I’m not sure how I ended up in the bathroom but that’s where I found myself a moment later. I went into one of the stalls, hoping that no one would find me there. I think I sat there the whole period crying which blew my mind. I’m Mike Curtis, I wasn’t some sissy. I wasn’t some freak like Trevor Locke. Trevor, where the hell was that little twerp anyway. I knew I twigged on it before. How he disappeared and that bitch of a sister showed up. She actually rejected me too. A girl like that turning down me? A girl…girl?...wait where did she come from anyway. For that matter, where did that Cindy Harper come from too?

I saw her on the field the other day, practicing with the girls. She was so hot and cute; she made me stiff in all the right places. But she just came out of nowhere too. She just popped up like Tracy, arriving just as her cousin Craig seemed to disappear. Cindy and Tracy, Craig and Trevor. Oh God, was it that? It was crazy but it was also the only thing. Were they like me? It was weird how two guys just disappeared and two girls who happened to be related just showed up days afterwards. How in the hell did no one else not notice?

Locke really was a freak. He was a freak who was now somehow a girl.

A girl like me.

What the fuck was going on in this town?

I heard the bell ring in the distance. I missed a whole class. Big fucking deal. It wasn’t the first time and it wasn’t the last. Besides if things were still slightly the same then I had that class with that stupid motherfucker Jason. I started to cry again, crap why the fuck was I crying so damn much.

I heard the bathroom door open a second later. Why the fuck didn’t I lock that?

Someone came into the room. I heard them walk toward one of the stalls then stop; I saw their feet outside of my stall. Then they knocked gently on my door.

“Go away” I sobbed, not realizing I’d been crying that much.

“I can’t do that,” said a voice and the door opened.

Great, Tracy fucking Locke. Just what I needed.

“Its you” I snapped. “What the fuck do you want?”

There was a pause before she spoke and as soon as the words came out of her mouth; my whole world seemed to crash around me.

“You ok, Mike?”

Mike, did she just call me Mike. Did someone else know who I was? How was that even possible? I felt that feeling again, that tingling in my gut. Then I saw her face change. First, I saw Trevor then I saw the beast again, the dog hidden beneath her skin.

What the fuck was going on?

Our conversation spread out from there a bit. Of course, I was freaked that she knew who I was and of course, she denied it. I couldn’t help but think there was more to it than that. I jumped to a few conclusions, calling Malice a witch and blaming her for everything. Hey, I was angry. Besides who’s to say she wasn’t involved with this somehow. I lost it even more when she suggested I go to the nurse’s office, making it sound like I was crazy. I wasn’t crazy. I know what was happening here. I was a guy and now I’m a girl and somehow magic was involved. Yes magic, it was the only explanation.

Anger got the better of me as I pushed past her and out into the hall.

I heard the bell for the next class ring but I didn’t feel much like going. I started down the hall, toward the nearest exit. Maybe if I got home and figured things out, lied down or something. As I headed for the door, I couldn’t help but pass a few other kids. Though most were normal, one of them gave me a bad feeling again. She was that singing girl, the one that came here over the summer. When I brushed past her, I could swear I saw she had gills or something. What the fuck was going on here? My head started to pound and I suddenly felt very faint.

Shit, don’t tell me I’m going to be one of those losers who passes out in the hall.

I shook my head and turned around, trying to make it to the nurses after all. After a few feet though, my feet felt like lead then the whole world seemed to fall out from under me. I vaguely remember hearing someone scream then everything went black.


“A priest, are you sure?”

I nodded and Maggie looked confused.

It was strange what a few precious months did to a person. Before I never even would have considered someone like Maggie Wilkes as friend material but she was cool in her own weird way. Our friendship had blossomed quite a bit since Kelly left too. She was the one who got us together of course. You could almost say she was the catalyst that set both our lives on the right track. I told her that every day when we video chatted on Skype. It was cool to know that though my life was hell, Kelly refused to accept what others thought of me and befriended me regardless. Maggie had been the same way. Of course, that led other people into friending me as well. Sure Mike was a popular guy but that was because I knew how to catch a ball well. As Misty, I had friends because they wanted to hang out with me, not because I was good at something. Sure, I was still an athlete---both volleyball and track, but it was more than that. I was different person now and I was damn certain Kelly had something to do with that.

“Why would a priest come into this town, I mean sure we’re a little weird but we’re not worthy of having more than one.”

“But he’s not a priest.”

She nodded and looked even more confused.

Maggie and I were a few of the Norms in town that were in the “know”. We tried not to talk about it but every once and a while something just didn’t feel right to keep it bottle up inside. The priest thing for instance. Of course, I didn’t tell her about the whole Alexis thing. The only ones who knew who I really was before were the Unseen and they liked to talk about those things even less than I liked thinking about them.

“Did you tell your Dad, I mean did you tell him how you found out the guy wasn’t a priest?”

I shook my head. Sure Dad was a lot cooler now but he made it pretty clear that he wanted me to concentrate on being a teenager and leave the adult stuff to the adults. I’m sure Gerard told him about Father Mitchell but there was more important things around here than investigating strange priests who came wandering into town. I thought about contacting one of Them, using the emergency number they gave me but I wasn’t ready for that. Besides, They gave me the willies. Sure they were supposed to be the good guys but there was something about Them that rubbed me the wrong way.
I was pretty certain it was nothing too.

Ok, that was a lie but it was a lie that made me feel better.

“Maybe I’m just being paranoid.”

Maggie bit her lip. “You want me to ask Tracy to….”

“No” I snapped and then quickly apologized. “Sorry, I just don’t want her help.”

Maggie frowned. “You two need to get over whatever it is that happened. Tracy is a cool person. She’d see that you were too if you gave her a chance.”

Sure and the fact that I was the bully that terrorized her for years. Yeah not happening any time soon. Sure, I felt a great deal of remorse over it now but there weren’t enough sorries to make up for all the shit I did to her. No, Tracy Locke and I never were going to be friends and I was ok with that. Besides, I don’t think I could actually be friends with one of Them anyway. Anytime I got too close, I started to feel sick and I hated when that happened.

“I’ll figure it out on my own.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“Beats the hell out of me.”

We changed subjects after that. Maggie had really become a different person since hanging with me. Well ok, Kelly probably had a great deal to do with that as well. It was strange how much she had an effect on both of us. Before Maggie was kind of shy and barely spoke; now she was very outgoing and extremely popular. She slipped in and out of all the clichés like she was a born politician. I’d changed quite a bit too but it was more subtle I think. I’m not sure what overall effect Kelly might have left other than the fact that she showed me just because I was different didn’t mean I couldn’t try to change myself. That’s why I agreed to join the volleyball and why I eventually accepted Mark’s date invitation. Just because I was being punished, it didn’t me I should be punishing myself too.
After talking about clothes and boys for the next twenty minutes, the bell ending lunch finally rang. I took our trays to the trash. On my way there, I saw a few more of Them. Thankfully my “Freak Sense” started tingling and I was able to avoid looking at them directly. It was worse when I looked in their faces. I’m not sure what the hell was wrong with me but whatever it was, it allowed me to see what was hidden. It was a really creepy.

The two girls I passed looked at me strangely. I smiled and dumped our crap.

As I turned to follow the flood of students out of the cafeteria, I could sight of a figure at the end of the hall. At first, I thought he was Bernie, the janitor but as I pushed further out of the cafeteria, I realized I knew exactly who it was. It was Father Mitchell. He was at the end of the hall, just standing there like he belonged there. I looked to the other students to see if they noticed but if they did, no one seemed to react. The two of us stared at one another for the longest time, sizing each other up, waiting for the other to make the first move.

I broke the stalemate and started pushing toward him.

I got a lot of rude comments as I practically shoved people out of the way to get to him. When I got closer, I saw a smirk spread across his smug face before he headed toward one of the exits. I made a rush to follow. I was almost at the door when one of the teachers stopped me.

“Miss Curtis, where the hell do you think you’re going?”

It was Mr. Spencer, one of the physics teachers.

“I saw some creepy looking dude at the end of the hall, he was staring at me. At the other girls too.”

The look on Spencer’s face was priceless. Teachers didn’t take too kindly to hearing that there were strange men on the school grounds, especially ones staring at their female students. Spencer urged me to go to class and told me he’d take care of it. I smiled and nodded, turning and heading back the other way. I peered over my shoulder as Spencer rushed toward the exit. What bothered me about it was Mitchell. He was right outside Spencer’s classroom. He was practically ten feet from the door and yet Spencer never saw him there?

Who the hell was this guy anyway and what the hell did he want in my town.
To Be Continued...

Author's Note: As I’m sure all of you know, comments are life blood to an author. I’m not begging or demanding, but I certainly would appreciate anything you have to say (or ask). It doesn’t have to be long and involved, just give me your reaction to the story.

Thanks in advance...~Enemyoffun.

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